"What is this?"

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged in space, studying the amber with purple gem in his hand in confusion.

He found this thing when he blew up the swarm of insects.

Compared with the swarm of insects in the sky, this piece of amber was not very eye-catching, but Lin Yuan still noticed it after the battle.

The reason was simple. This piece of amber was the only thing left after his large-scale volley just now.

Lin Yuan took it and studied it for a while.

Simply injecting imaginary energy, injecting the power of abundance, injecting the power of pioneering, injecting the power of memory, injecting the spiritual pressure...

After trying all the methods he could, Lin Yuan came to the conclusion that he couldn't activate this thing.

Apart from being extremely hard and being able to be used as a brick to hit people, it basically had no other uses.

Of course, this didn't mean that Lin Yuan had no way to deal with it.

"193" He really couldn't figure this thing out, but he could find a plug-in to help.

With a thought in mind, Lin Yuan opened the chat group and tried to upload this piece of amber to the mall.

【Appraisal passed. Would you like to upload"The Body of the Amber King, the Star God of Preservation" and"The Body of the Breeding Star God Taizi Yulos"?"】


Did he hear some incredible reply?

After uploading the two items to the mall, Lin Yuan looked at the purple gem sealed by amber in his hand again.

After the chat group's prompt, he had guessed the origin of the purple gem.

Not surprisingly, this thing should be one of the results of the Amber King's hammering of Taiziyuros when the locust plague was rampant.


"Breeding Star God Corpse...Besides using it to increase the efficiency of explosive troop movements, is there any other use for this thing?"



Where did the noise come from?

Lin Yuan, who hadn't noticed anyone approaching, paused and looked behind him subconsciously.

The next second, a figure dressed in black, holding a bunch of floating masks in his arms, appeared in his sight.

Damn it, Aha!

"Hehe hahaha ~ Hello ~ Akivelli's successor, you seem to know me"

"You are the legendary and famous God of Joy. Isn't it normal for me to know you?"

"It’s abnormal~ Very, very abnormal~"

Ahha’s laughter continued to come from all directions:"You are indeed a special existence, no wonder you can leave the Tree of Existence freely!"

"Ah, you even know about this?"

Lin Yuan's expression suddenly became subtle.

"Of course I know, after all, you are the second person who has been involved in the development of the world on a large scale since the fall of Akivali."

Aha's laughter became louder and louder, and even made Lin Yuan's head ache.

"I have always been paying attention to you, Lin Yuan"

"I saw you leave the Tree of Existence, I saw you resonate with the destiny of pioneering, I saw you build the world channel...I'm watching everything!"

"Lin Yuan, you are really amazing! You have done something that even the Star God cannot do. You have surpassed the Star God! Hehehahaha~!"

"I understand the truth, can you stop laughing?"

"No problem, no problem, I'll listen to you."

Ah Ha's laughter disappeared in the next moment.

"I didn't expect you to be so cooperative."

Lin Yuan rubbed his ears.

Although one of his biggest secrets was exposed, he was not nervous at all when he thought that it was Aha who knew about it.

Maybe it was because the other party was Aha.

"Okay, let’s get down to business first."

"Since you have been spying on me secretly for so long, and now you suddenly jump out, you must have something to do, right?"

"No, no, I just think it's interesting."

Ah Ha couldn't help laughing again:"Look, when you heard my voice just now, your heart almost stopped."

"Haha~ The Envoy of the Order of Abundance was frightened to the point of cardiac arrest. Just thinking about it is so interesting! I recorded your expression!"

Don't record some weird black history. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

I wonder why you jumped out at such a good time. It seems that you did it on purpose.

Lin Yuan silently made a note in his notebook.

Wait! You will suffer in the future!

"How are you? Are you scared?"

Aha asked again.[]

"It's impossible to say that I wasn't scared, but are you really just trying to scare me and nothing else?"

"No, it's just to scare you..........."

"All right."

After all, it's Aha, so it's normal

"By the way, besides you and Fu Li, are there any other star gods who know that I can leave the Tree of Existence?"

"I don’t know~ I don’t know at all~"

Ah Ha shrugged:"Aha is not omniscient and omnipotent. He also has a lot of things to do every day."

"It's more interesting to have some fun than to pay attention to those stubborn guys."

"So you spy on me every day, right?"

"I don't spy on you every day, but today I just happened to see you doing something interesting, so I watched you for a while alone."

As he spoke, Ah Ha suddenly came in front of Lin Yuan, and a tentacle emerged from the dark shadows and poked the amber in his hand.

"Lin Yuan Lin Yuan, do you want to give it a try?"

"After successively bearing the power of the destiny of abundance, the destiny of pioneering, and the destiny of memory, the fourth destiny, the destiny of reproduction, is opened!"

"As long as you can digest this thing, Aha can guarantee that you can gain power beyond your imagination!"

"I received your suggestion. Is there anything else?"

"Eh? Why don't you try it now?"

"This amber stone is a good thing. I don't want to break it yet."

"This is easy, let Aha do it!"

The tentacles that spread out from Aha seemed to have no obstacles and went straight into the amber stone and took out the purple gem.

"Here you go, try eating it!"

"....2.9..I suddenly don’t want to eat anymore"

"Huh? Why this time?"

Because I think you have bad intentions.

"Because I still need to make some preparations"

"That's a pity."

"Since you are not going to try to open the fourth destiny, then Ah Ha will go find other fun. See you next time~"

The dark figure disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed.

Looking at the space that had returned to calm again, Lin Yuan was in a daze for a few seconds, and then his eyes fell on the purple gem in his hand.

To be honest, he was really going to use the power of abundance to absorb the remains of the star god.

However, after listening to the persuasion of Ah Ha, he suddenly didn't dare to do so.

"Go back to Black Tower for advice."......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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