As expected, Lin Yuan's plan to complete the world mission quickly encountered an unexpected problem.

Faced with his earth-shattering proposal, Heita rejected it without hesitation.

As for the reason for the rejection, it was also very simple.

"I suspect your brain has been corrupted by breeding."

"Give me the thing in your hand. Considering our partnership, I can help you seal it for free."

"I think you may have some misunderstandings."

Lin Yuan silently put away the purple gem in his hand:"Actually, I am very sober now, there is no problem at all"

"Mentally ill people say they are not sick"

"How can this be the same! I am a double-agent, how can you compare me with a mental patient!"

"To be honest, I was also surprised."

Heita crossed his arms and said,"You obviously have such a strong power, how could you be so easily affected by the remains of the Star God?"

"Is this your problem or the debris's?"

"The answer is no problem at all."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and replied truthfully.

"Actually, I just had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way to start breeding without any side effects."

"What do you mean?"

"Have sex with me!"

Lin Yuan raised a thumbs up:"As long as you are willing to give me a chance, I will definitely give you a miracle!"

"I understand. You wait here for a while."

Heita walked to a chair not far away and sat down:"I'll go make some preparations, and I'll solve your problem of being eroded by breeding when I come back."

Lin Yuan:"?"

I think you don't understand at all.

Looking at the puppet with its head tilted and directly in standby mode,

Lin Yuan stared at the sky in a daze.

He could understand that Heita would have misunderstandings, but the problem was that this matter could not be explained clearly. He couldn't tell Heita about the chat group that Aha didn't even know about.

By then, the misunderstanding might not be resolved, but Heita might think that his condition had worsened.

"It seems that the Black Tower is not working. I have to think about whether there are other envoys who can take action."

Lin Yuan touched his chin thoughtfully, and a gentle figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ruan Mei.

As one of the intellectual envoys, the other party naturally meets the mission requirements.

In fact, Lin Yuan came to the space station to find the Black Tower this time. On the one hand, he wanted the Black Tower to help build a power bank and upgrade the Zanpakuto. On the other hand, he actually wanted to ask the other party about Ruan Mei's whereabouts.

With the help of the ability of the Zanpakuto, Lin Yuan developed the Penguin Law, which can analyze other people's data to build templates.

However, as a barbarian, Lin Yuan's knowledge is limited. After building the template, he stopped the progress and could not complete further optimization.

As a master in the field of life, Ruan Mei is obviously able to help Lin Yuan, optimize and integrate different templates to achieve greater results.

But just like the Black Tower a few days ago, Ruan Mei is now in an area where communication cannot be reached.

All the messages Lin Yuan sent to her showed that they failed to be sent.

If you want to know Ruan Mei's whereabouts, you still have to rely on the Black Tower.

"It seems that we can only wait for Black Tower to come back."

When Lin Yuan made the decision in his mind, his eyes fell on the Black Tower puppet not far away.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's amazing wisdom was activated again.

He suddenly remembered something.

Black Tower seemed to have mentioned that his puppets were made of special materials, and his genes were added inside.

In this case, can this puppet be regarded as a part of Black Tower to a certain extent?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan's speed pass heart, which had just cooled down, was stirring again.

As the saying goes, the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!

At this moment, the Black Tower Fiji Cup in front of him is also reminding him.

As long as you muster up courage, all difficulties will no longer be difficulties!


After one system. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The world mission"Praise for High Morality" has been completed. Please click to receive the reward. 】


Listening to the prompt sound in his ears, Lin Yuan silently pulled up his pants with a satisfied smile on his face.

He said that there was no problem with his plan.

But soon, Lin Yuan noticed something was wrong.[]

""The praise of noble morality?"

Looking at the task box that appeared in front of him, Lin Yuan, who had just smiled, was stunned.

Wait, is there something wrong with the name of this task?

【World Quest: Praise of High Morals】

【Mission requirements: Everyone has their own bottom line. When you break through it again and again and reach the endless abyss, you will sit on the throne of noble morality.】

【Mission Reward: Unlock Joyful Destiny, Unlock Ability: A Dream of Life. 】


After reading the introduction of this world mission that was totally out of his plan, Lin Yuan couldn't help but take a deep breath....It seems pretty good?

Not bad.

Although I didn't unlock the breeding destiny, I unlocked a new destiny....Just as Lin Yuan was satisfied with this unexpected gain and was about to receive the mission reward, a cold voice suddenly sounded under Lin Yuan's feet.

".What have you done to this body of mine?"


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes slowly moved downwards following the voice.

The next second, a pair of beautiful purple eyes that had opened at some point appeared in his sight.

"that...I want to say that this was an accident. I slipped and fell on you while walking. Do you believe it?"

"You've already started talking nonsense. It seems that the influence of the Star God's debris on you is greater than I thought."

Feeling the strangeness coming from his body, Heita regretted for the first time why he made the puppet so lifelike.

Taking a deep breath, Heita raised his palm and summoned a two-meter-high huge mechanical hammer out of thin air, aiming it at Lin Yuan's head.

"I was indeed careless this time and underestimated the impact of [breeding] on you. Now, please take a nap."

""Wait a minute!"

Lin Yuan raised his hand to hold the hammer:"Although you may not believe it, (Nono Zhao) I really unlocked a new destiny."


Heita paused with the hammer in her hand.

In fact, she wasn't being sarcastic.

She really thought that Lin Yuan had a problem with his brain and was affected by the remains of the Star God.

But what if......If the other party is not lying, then this matter is a bit too outrageous.

"I really don't understand why you can unlock the fate of reproduction by touching my puppet body."

"This kind of absurd thing, no matter how you look at it, is more in line with the definition of a happy destiny."

"Hey! This is not a coincidence!"

Lin Yuan silently accepted the reward, raised his hand and summoned a dreamy pink glow.

"In fact, what I unlocked is really a happy destiny"


The black tower silently poured all the imaginary energy into the mechanical hammer.


The deafening roar echoed throughout the space station that day.......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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