Lily Luka:"Huh? What's going on in the mall today?"

After punching in the card and collecting points as usual, Lily skillfully opened the chat group mall to see if there were any new goods.

But soon, she found something wrong.

Lily Luka:"The skull of the Order of Plenty, the thigh bone of the Order of Plenty, the heart of the Order of Plenty...?!"

Marin:"Is it true? The mall has these things?"

Lily Luka:"Lily, of course there is no need to lie to you."

Kugisaki Nobara:"I saw it too." Kuchiki Rukia

:"What's the situation? Did Master Lin Yuan upload the parts to the mall after he disassembled himself?"

Lin Yuan:"Ahem, there was a small accident, so I uploaded the parts that fell off my body." Lin Yuan

:"If you break an arm or a leg in the future, you can consider replacing it. The effect is still good."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Accident?"

Lily Luka:"What kind of accident was it that could cause Master Lin Yuan to be injured to this extent?"

Lin Yuan:"I can only say that those who understand will understand, and I can't say much about those who don't understand. This matter involves too many things."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Although it sounds a bit confusing, Master Lin Yuan probably means that we should not ask any more questions, right?"

Lin Yuan:"Don't ask if you know. I have other things to deal with. I'll slip away first."

Temporarily closing the chat group, Lin Yuan looked around.

The steel floor was dented and broken, and bright red blood covered every corner of the room.

In this slaughterhouse that looked like it had been through a lot of slaughter, a girl with long, smooth brown hair and a gorgeous black and purple dress stood not far away, holding a hammer and watching him calmly.

"How do you say it? Have you calmed down?"

"I was just thinking about how to make him feel uncomfortable when facing a shameless guy who can't be killed no matter how hard you hit him."

"I'm still angry....How about this? I'll take out my heart and give it to you for research."

"I'm not Ruan Mei, this trick won't work on me"

"That's right, there are so many materials on the ground."

Lin Yuan took out the body parts of Taizi Yuros and said,"Then I'll give this to you as an apology."

"Although it is a little different from what I expected, it can be regarded as a successful start of a new life."

"In return for your help, you can use this thing however you want, and don't give it back to me."


Heita didn't say anything, but silently took the purple gem.

After looking at it for a while, she couldn't suppress her doubts and asked again.

"Your (bjaf) happy destiny, was it really not started before?"


"What about the energy you generated when you annihilated the insect swarm?"

The total amount of energy in Lin Yuan's body is not right.

Black Tower knew this long after he annihilated the insect swarm.

Even with the dual identities of the Order of Fertility and the Order of Development, it still cannot explain the outrageous total amount of energy.

But if you add the identity of the Order of Joy, everything can be explained.

"What you did today makes it hard for me not to think that you had unlocked the power of a happy destiny earlier."

"But I don't understand why you used the power to unlock the joyful destiny as an excuse to give me this Star God wreckage."

"Could it be that the remains of the Star God are not as important to you as a momentary pleasure?"

Having said this, Heita seemed to have thought of something and shook his head.

"It seems I lost my composure too."

"For people who are on a path of happiness, it is reasonable to do such nonsensical things."

"No wonder you can become the Joy Envoy. If I were more perceptive, I would have noticed this......."

"Ahem~ I think you need to stop imagining right now.

Seeing that Heita had come up with a complete set of logical explanations for this matter in just a few words, Lin Yuan finally couldn't help but interrupt him.

"In order to save my image in your heart, I am going to tell you a secret"

"What secret?"

"Actually, my third destiny is the destiny of memory, and I am also a memory envoy."


Heita nodded calmly:"In other words, you actually have the identities of the commander of the four major destinies." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It seems that when you annihilated the Zerg swarm before, you still held back in order to reduce the impact of the energy tide."

"Is it possible that I am the newly unlocked Happy Destiny, not the Happy Order?"

"Then I would rather believe that you can create an identical piece of Star God debris in the next second."

In fact, I can really do it.

Lin Yuan showed a subtle look on his face.[]

Long before Lin Yuan got the body of Taizi Yuros, he had already uploaded it to the mall for backup.

This is why he would not hesitate to send the remains of the Star God to Black Tower to help him calm down.

With the points in his hand, he could easily exchange ten for one.

But this matter obviously could not be said.

Looking at Black Tower, who had already sealed his identity as the Joyful Envoy, Lin Yuan thought for a moment and asked

"Heita, would you like to consider that proposal again?"

"Which one do you mean?"

"Your body and I......"


The iron hammer, emitting a purple glow, passed by Lin Yuan's nose in an instant, creating another dent on the floor.

"Lin Yuan, don't make me think of a way to kill you"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this topic anymore.

Seeing that the road to the Black Tower was completely blocked, Lin Yuan scratched his head and asked about the business.

"Black Tower, do you know where Ruan Mei is?"

"I know, are you planning to attack her?"

"Why do you make me sound like a bad guy? I have something serious to ask Ruan Mei for help."

Lin Yuan briefly talked about his Zanpakutō's Bankai ability, and one of his trump cards that came from it, the Penguin Rule.

"Actually, it is not necessary to find Ruan Mei for this matter."

"If you can give me some advice, I think it would be nice to live in space."

"......I can't help you with this matter."

After two seconds of silence, Heita decided to leave Lin Yuan to Ruan Mei.

For a short period of time, she didn't want to see this guy again, otherwise she would always want to hit him.

Looking at Lin Yuan who was approaching with a frivolous smile, Heita passed the coordinates he had just entered to the other party.

"Ruan Mei is currently on the Blue Star in the Kangyue Galaxy. You can see her by teleporting there according to these coordinates."

"besides...Although I still don't believe you now, if you really unlock the fate of reproduction, come back to me"

"By then, with the help of my research results, I should be able to help you absorb this piece of Star God debris."

"Eh? So great!"

Lin Yuan looked at the black tower with respect.

He had done something so outrageous, but the other party was still willing to help him. What kind of great saint is this?

"Black Tower, how about I make a figurine for you later and put it next to the pharmacist for worship?"



This is my mother: Youfuvp

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