"I see. I think I understand."

In the room that was furnished with a large number of instruments but was simple and clear,

Ruan Mei picked up the plum blossom hair ornament beside the bed and put it on, and began to summarize the request she had just heard.

"Stitching together templates from different organisms and preserving their original abilities as much as possible, right?"

"That's right."

Lin Yuan snapped his fingers.

The next moment, bubbles emitting colorful light appeared around his body.

This was his development and application of the power of memory.

In each bubble, there was a biological template that Lin Yuan had recorded.

"These templates are relatively important, especially this one, which contains the Spirit King template."

Grabbing one of the larger bubbles, Lin Yuan handed it to Ruan Mei.

"Due to the persecution by the five noble ancestors, the power of the Spirit King was dispersed into countless parts and distributed into the bodies of other people."

"If possible, I hope you can pick out these scattered powers and reintegrate them into the Spirit King template."

"Spirit King, the creator of the Three Realms?"

Through the previous communication, Ruan Mei already knew about the existence of the other world and the special nature of the Spirit King.

She was also very interested in this supreme god who was born in accordance with the will of the world and dedicated his whole life to the Three Realms."Zero One Seven" raised her hand and grabbed the bubble that recorded the template of the Spirit King. She slowly integrated her spirit into it.

The next moment, a huge amount of information came like a tide.

That was all the information that Lin Yuan analyzed from the structure of the Spirit King's body to the characteristics of his soul, from the inside out, through the power of abundance.

Quickly receiving this information, Ruan Mei's calm expression had a tendency to break for the first time.

"It's amazing."

A look of fanaticism gradually emerged on Ruan Mei's beautiful face, and her eyes showed an excitement that could not be suppressed.

That is the origin of life, the source of all living things in the three realms.

Even if she only initially received the surface information, Ruan Mei still realized a terrifying thing.

In this special field of life level, the completion of the Spirit King is much higher than that of the Order Envoy, and may even be close to the Star God.

Thinking of this, she received all the data of the Spirit King template, and immediately looked up at the numerous bubbles behind Lin Yuan.

"Where are the others? Where are the other parts of the Spirit King that were scattered?"

"Key parts like limbs and heart are probably scattered among these templates......."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and pulled out a bunch of bubbles, preparing to explain the different templates to Ruan Mei in detail.

But before he could finish, Ruan Mei grabbed one of the bubbles and immersed herself in it.

"Hmm? Are you so serious?"

Lin Yuan was a little surprised.

Before coming to find Ruan Mei, he did think that the Supreme God Template from a different world could attract the other party.

But now it seems that this is more than just an attraction. He is completely addicted to it and enters a state of ecstasy.

Ding Dong~!

At this moment, a sound came from the baking box not far away, reminding the fact that the pastries are finished.

"Ruan Mei, the plum blossom cake is ready"


A woman who forgets her principles when she sees profit!

She was just calling him dear and making cakes for him personally.

But now when she encounters something interesting, she forgets about her husband.

Looking at Ruan Mei who was extracting information motionlessly, Lin Yuan sighed silently, went to the baking box and took out the plum cake with his ruthless iron hands.

He suddenly missed the Black Tower.

Even when the other party was working on the design drawings, he would take the time to answer his questions.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.


Compared to the black tower, Ruanmei is better in one aspect.

This side can directly contact the main body and is easier to hook.

Taking the plum cake and sitting on a chair not far away, Lin Yuan looked at the graceful figure, and a pink light flashed in his eyes.

This time, be a little more steady and spend some time grinding.

A month later, in the chat group.

Xiao Nagisa:"Huh? Sister Lily wants to borrow points."

Lily Luka:"Well, Lily can't stand it anymore!"

Maine:"What's the situation? Are you bullied?"

Kuchiki Rukia:"Do you need help? As long as the opponent is not a god from your world, I am sure I can win even if it's 1v.7."

Rukia confidently asked to fight.

Thanks to Lin Yuan's help, she not only recovered her spiritual pressure, but also found a way to combine spiritual pressure and cursed power. She also got the half of the Collapsing Jade from Aizen and became the owner of the complete Collapsing Jade.

With the support of many parties, Rukia's strength has surpassed her former peak. She broke through the second level and became a third-level country-destroying strongman, firmly sitting in the second place in the group.

Although she has not yet mastered Bankai, Rukia believes that her strength has surpassed the high-level adventurers in Lily's world.

As long as she takes action, it is easy to grasp.

Lilyluka:"I appreciate your kindness." Lilyluka

:"But only this time, I want to solve the enemy by my own strength."

Lilyluka:"I know this request is a bit shameless, but if you have enough, please lend me some points."

Lilyluka:"I will return it to you afterwards."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Want to rely on your own strength?...I understand your feelings. I once thought about gaining big brother's approval through my own efforts."

Rukia Kuchiki:"I still have more than 3,000 points. I'll lend them all to you."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"I have some too. I hope I can help Lily."

Nobara Kugisaki:"I'll give you mine, too." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Nobara Kugisaki and others opened the mall and used all their points to buy Lily's items.

As the points accumulated, Lily's points soon exceeded 10,000, rushing towards 20,000 or even more.

Lilyluka:"That's enough, everyone, you don't have to buy anymore."

Lilyluka:"With these points, it's enough for me to buy the goods I want."

Mine:"By the way, I forgot to ask"[]

Marin:"What are you going to buy with so many points? Are they the goods of boss Lin Yuan?"

Lilyluka:"Well, I want to buy boss Lin Yuan's blood to improve my physique and become stronger, so that I can beat back all those who are exploiting me!"

Lin Yuan:"Are you going to become a citizen of abundance? There's no need to be so troublesome, why not just invite me over?"

Lin Yuan:"I can transform you into a citizen of abundance in a few minutes, and maximize your strength, saving money and effort."

Lilyluka:"Lily understands this, but I don't want to take advantage of other people's kindness anymore."

Lilyluka:"After I defeat those people this time, I will use the rest of my time to pay for the mistakes I made in the past bit by bit."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Mistakes made in the past?"

Marin:"It seems that Lily's past is very complicated."

Marin can vaguely empathize.

As a mixed-race, she suffered a lot of discrimination from the people around her when she was a child.

Because of this, she knows very well what a person can do to get out of that predicament..........

Marin:"If you need help, just tell me."

Lily Luka:"Don't worry, everyone. Lily is confident that she can handle the problem on her own this time."

Lily Luka:"If we really encounter a problem that cannot be solved, Lily will ask for help from you."

In the Dicuo world, in the residence of the Soma clan.

The strong smell of alcohol filled the air, and a group of men wearing adventurer equipment kept cheering.

In a dark corner, Lily, who had just been robbed of all her money and beaten, struggled to get up from the ground.

"......Is this the power of the blood of abundance?"

Lily carefully felt the surging power that continued to surge in her body, as well as the wounds on her body that were healed quickly.

So strong, her current strength is at least LV.3, or even stronger than that.

It's amazing that a drop of blood can do this.

But if you think about it carefully, this is very normal.

The blood of a sixth-level strongman, no matter how dispersed the energy is, is still an extremely precious secret treasure for low-level adventurers who have not entered the rank.


Just as Lily was feeling the power in her body, a drunk man not far away suddenly slammed the table twice and roared at her who had just stood up.

"Hey! Lily, you little brat, can't you see that my glass is empty?"

"Hurry and bring the wine over! Otherwise I'll break your legs!"

"Haha~ Waters, don't go too far. Didn't you just beat Lily?"

"Yes, yes, there's no need to interrupt for a moment, I seemed to hear a crackling sound just now!"

"Hey! Lily, why are you daydreaming? If your legs are broken, can't you crawl to get the wine?"

The ridicule from other members of the clan brought Lily back to her senses from the brief surprise.

After using the extra points to exchange for a Ring of Plenty from the chat group as a trump card, Lily looked up at the group of scums in front of her who were obsessed with their own desires.

If I had never seen the light, I could have endured the darkness.

Joining the chat group broadened my horizons, and I had the qualifications to climb up, and I was even only one step away from becoming stronger.

At this moment, the oppression from the Soma clan became the last straw that overwhelmed 5.6 Lily.

The nerve called calmness was completely broken. She, who had become stronger by borrowing points, just wanted to vent her anger at this moment and let these guys understand her feelings.

"If you kill someone directly, you will be wanted......."

Recalling the interrogation method that Marin had mentioned, Lily showed a cruel smile on her face.

Since we can't kill them, let's break their limbs first and make sure these alcohol-addicted losers can't get out of bed for the rest of their lives.

"I should have known not to upload that drop of blood."

Just as Lily began to kill, Lin Yuan, who was on vacation on the Blue Star, suddenly sighed with regret.

He didn't expect that the blood he uploaded before would become an obstacle for him to go to the new world.

He was quite interested in the gods of the Earth World.

It seems that he can only find an opportunity later.

While making a decision in his heart, Lin Yuan turned around and looked at the slender figure coming towards him.

"Good morning, wife."

"It's rare that you would come to me on your own initiative. Is there something wrong?"

"I have good news, dear.

Ruan Mei showed a gentle smile on her face.

"The fusion of the Soul King template is over."......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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