"It sounds like good news indeed."

Lin Yuan smiled.

To be honest, Ruan Mei's progress was faster than he had imagined.

Perhaps it was some information in the Spirit King template that attracted Ruan Mei's high attention.

In the past month, the other party relied on technology and harsh words, and did not rest for a day.

After a month, Ruan Mei's complexion not only did not decline, but became more energetic.

It was precisely with this unexpected enthusiasm that Ruan Mei was able to integrate the fragmented power of the Spirit King so quickly.

"Are you ready, dear?"

Ruan Mei raised her white jade-like hand and touched Lin Yuan's face. Her life perception was activated, and a large amount of integrated information flowed into Lin Yuan's mind through her fingertips.

"This is the complete power of the Spirit King that I have integrated."

"Try it and see what you can do now."

"I am also very curious about this."With the power of abundance fully functioning, Lin Yuan used the imaginary energy that combined the characteristics of spiritual pressure as a primer to put on the Spirit King template.

The dark pupils slowly spread and turned into stars, and a sacred breath quietly emerged around his body.

Then, under Ruan Mei's fanatical gaze, the area on the right, centered on Lin Yuan's position, suddenly became static.

Looking out through the window, one can even notice snowflakes that paused in mid-air after falling halfway.

The area to Lin Yuan's left was just the opposite, and everything began to move forward into the future.

The snow covering the surface of the planet began to dissipate, the earth gained vitality and began to revive, and the seeds of life began to sprout.

"The right hand represents stillness, and the left hand represents progress."

"It seems that the right arm template on Ukitake Jushiro and the left arm template that gave birth to his own will have been successfully restored."

After making a preliminary judgment, Ruan Mei raised her fingers and plucked them twice in the air as if playing a piano.

The crisp and soft sound of the instrument rang out, and the sound waves attached with imaginary energy resonated with Lin Yuan's body, trying to destroy its internal structure.

But at this moment, the imaginary energy in Lin Yuan's body shook slightly, and this sound wave, which was enough to cause an ordinary destiny walker to self-destruct, was directly dispelled out of thin air.

"Your attack is too weak.

Lin Yuan, who was suddenly attacked, didn't care and replied casually.

"Even if I knew all the information about the Soul King, this level of sound waves would not be able to harm me in the slightest."

"If you want to test the miraculous power from the heart, you must at least increase the power of this sound wave by a hundred times."

"It seems that I can only try it later."

A trace of regret flashed across Ruan Mei's eyes.

Within a certain limit, it can reverse the negative qualities such as injury, entrapment, and death, and turn them into absolute power to break the desperate situation.

This power, called [Miracle], is one of the abilities that Ruan Mei is most curious about when integrating the Spirit King template.

However...The time she spent living on Blue Star with Lin Yuan was a good memory for her.

If it wasn't necessary, Ruan Mei wasn't going to destroy this residence for a small matter.

Thinking of this, she put aside the idea of testing other abilities and focused on the biggest highlight.

"Omniscience...Although the name of the ability is a bit exaggerated, as a power that can observe and change the future, this power can indeed be called omniscience and omnipotence in a certain sense."

"With your current strength, to what extent can you see the various tributaries of the future like that slave of fate?"

"I'm trying."

After returning to the Collapse Iron World, Lin Yuan activated this power that could observe the future for the first time.

The next moment, countless images flooded into his mind and turned into a long thin line.

And next to this thin line, there are countless thin lines that are either advancing side by side or crossing and blending, extending together to the distant other side. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There is no doubt that these thin lines are the branches of fate born from different choices.

And at this moment, a picture that was beyond Lin Yuan's expectations appeared in his eyes.

At the end of the distant future, countless thin lines intersected and melted into the only fulcrum.

The inside of the fulcrum was pitch black, exuding a dead atmosphere as if nothing in the world existed, which was very creepy.

"Doesn't it look scary?"[]

A vague voice sounded at this time

"The future is already determined, everything in the world will be destroyed"

"Ancient beasts devoured everything, and people were unable to cross the end, and eventually faced the void of life and death."

"Unknown observer, what are you thinking when you see this scene?"

"I'm thinking of going to the pier tonight to get some fries."

"......You may have misunderstood me."

The disembodied voice was silent for two seconds before speaking again.

"I mean, after seeing that predetermined future, have your life goals changed? What is your dream now?"

"Go to the pier and get some fries"


You'd better really eat French fries tonight.

Elio felt a little helpless.

As the leader of the 733 Star Core Hunters, who could peek into the future, he had led Kafka and others to do countless earth-shaking things.

Even the Interstellar Peace Company had no way to deal with them, and could only increase the bounty to set an example.

In order to change the future where everyone will be destroyed, and to fulfill the promise he made, Elio has made countless efforts.

Now, he has finally met someone who can also peek into the future, and he is not a Star God, but he can communicate normally with him.

But the other party's mind was full of French fries, which really made him so angry that his blood pressure rose.

"To be honest, I think you are a little too serious."

Just when Elio was helpless and ready to give up the conversation, Lin Yuan's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"It seems that this is the price of peeking into the future, overdrawing the happiness from the unknown in advance"

"Thanks to you, I am no longer going to use this ability to look at the future in too much detail."


Elliot's voice suddenly became surprised.

"Because I am not a slave to fate."

Lin Yuan's laughter came from the other side of fate:"What if fate is already determined? I will use my supreme talent and unparalleled power to break everything and shape a new future with my own hands!"

Deep blue, add points!......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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