The Star Train is outside the Aqida Star.

The door of the hall opens. Ji Zi, who is drinking coffee as usual, raises her head and looks at


Looking at the pink-haired girl who walked in from outside with a face full of sand and messy hair, looking depressed, even someone as calm as Jizi could not help but be stunned for a moment, with a confused expression on her face.

"Xiao Sanyue, what's your situation?"

"She overturned the car when she was racing with me.

Lin Yuan, who followed in behind March 7, replied

"How can it be called a rollover? It was clearly a problem with the jet board!"

March Seven retorted unwillingly.

She had originally wanted to take Lin Yuan with her to experience the joy of jet boarding in the desert.

However, it might be because she had hit the sand wall before, which caused problems with the operating system of the jet board.

When she was racing, the jet board suddenly lost its direction and rushed into the desert.

With such a violent way of moving forward, March Seven's image was naturally not very good.

Not only was her tied hair completely torn apart, but a lot of sand was also stuck all over her body, and she felt uncomfortable no matter how she moved.

Thinking of this, March Seven looked at Lin Yuan with a bit of resentment.

"Why didn't you pull me in when you made the shield?"

"Because you told me at the beginning that jet skiing was exciting, I thought that was the correct way to use it....How to use"

"Hey! Did you just laugh?"

"You heard wrong, that's impossible."

Lin Yuan rubbed his face calmly, returning it to an expressionless state.

"I'm professionally trained."

"Unless it's really funny, I won't....puff!"

"Damn it! Lin Yuan, you are really too much!"

March Seven puffed up his cheeks and glared at him in dissatisfaction, then turned around and ran towards the back of the car.

"I will ignore you today! Absolutely!"

"Welcome back, Lin Yuan.

Ji Zi handed over the freshly brewed coffee.

"What did you gain from this outing?"

"I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I tell you."

After finishing his coffee in one gulp, Lin Yuan replied:

"I can beat ten of my former selves now!"

"It seems that the harvest is very huge."

Ji Zi smiled and nodded.

Unlike March 7, she did not question whether this matter was true or not.

Lin Yuan could return safely, which was enough.

As for other things, they were not important to her.

After a brief chat with Lin Yuan, Ji Zi put down her coffee and asked about the business.

"Lin Yuan, what is your next plan?"

"Do you want to continue on your own? Or are you ready to follow the train?"

"I will follow the train for now."

Lin Yuan replied.

In order to perfect the Spirit King template, his next goal is to find some creatures with life levels comparable to those of Star Gods, collect information and build templates.

However, such existences are rare even if you look at the entire universe, and they are not easy to find.

In order to improve efficiency, he will naturally not stay with Ruan Mei on the Blue Star.

The two of them acted separately, and Lin Yuan returned to the Star Dome Train, collecting intelligence while traveling around.

Ruan Mei went directly to the Black Tower, and while building a simulated universe as agreed, she asked the other party and partners such as Screw Gumu to collect intelligence together.

Working on multiple fronts, no matter which side has the harvest first, Lin Yuan will immediately set off to the destination to confirm the truth

"Is it possible to leave at any time?"

After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation, Ji Zi nodded in understanding.

"Be careful when you are outside, don't get hurt."

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile."

When Lin Yuan replied, his eyes suddenly swept across the mirror in the corner of the train, and his eyes lit up.

Oh, I almost forgot about this guy.

As a member of Liuguang Yiting, the messenger girl is much more informed than ordinary intelligence agencies.

Maybe the other party just knows what you want.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan directly said hello to Ji Zi and walked towards the mirror.

"Hello, is anyone home?"

"Fellow villagers, please open the door! The community is here to send you warmth."


"FBI! Open the door!"

Seeing that there was no movement inside the mirror, Lin Yuan directly activated his imaginary energy and kicked the mirror.

"If you don't come out within ten seconds, I'll blow you up!"

""Where are you from?"

A dissatisfied voice sounded soon.

Then, the messenger girl, whose outfit had not changed at all since the last time they met, walked out of the mirror angrily.

"Lin Yuan! Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you are strong!"

"I have already tolerated what happened last time. If you go too far again, don’t blame me for not giving you face!"

"Don't you want to give me face?"

Lin Yuan silently released the aura of the Memory Commander on his body.

"That sounds interesting. What are you going to do?"


The messenger girl was stunned for a moment.

Then, as if she had discovered something unbelievable, her voice gradually became confused.

"this this this...How is this going?"

"Lin Yuan, aren't you the Envoy of the Order of Plenty? Why do you have the aura of memory of destiny on you?"

Of course I stole it from you last time.

"You don't need to understand the rich things so well."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and patted the messenger girl's shoulder:"You just need to know that my business ability is better than yours and I was appreciated by Fu Li. Now I am the strongest memory envoy, your boss."

"???"(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Memory Order?

Really? This guy must be bragging.

The messenger girl looked at Lin Yuan suspiciously, and released the power of destiny in her body through a special method to resonate with the other party.

The next moment, a terrifying breath rushed towards her, making her mind blank.

After a few seconds, the messenger girl came to her senses and subconsciously took two steps back to look at the monster in front of her in human skin.

Memory Order?

Nonsense, she knows how powerful the Order is.

Who is so scary?

She would believe you if you said he was half a memory star god.

0Please give flowers0

"What's going on with you?"

"How come you've become so much stronger after not seeing you for a month?"

"As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat. You, a running errand boy, shouldn't keep asking for information about your superiors."

Lin Yuan retracted all the aura he had just emitted and returned to his harmless appearance.

"Anyway, I need your help this time."

"What's up?"

"Help me go to Liuguang Yiting to find out if there are any creatures with life levels comparable to or close to Star Gods."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and added,"It doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive, as long as their bodies are intact and I can touch them."

"If there is no limit to life or death, I can give it a try, but aren't you a memory order user? Why are you beating around the bush and asking me for help?"

"Nonsense, I am the Memory Order Envoy and not from Liuguang Yiting. If I don't have any channels, of course I have to come to you."[]


So how did you become a memory envoy?

Looking at Lin Yuan, who looked as if it was a matter of course, the messenger girl was silent for two seconds and then replied:

"Even within Liuguang Yiting, intelligence fees are charged for asking each other for information."

"Since you are not a member of Yiting now, you must pay corresponding compensation according to the rules."

"If you can't do this, no matter how much you threaten me, I won't compromise this time."

"Relax, I'm not a bad person."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and said,"How about this, as long as you can bring me real and useful information, I will share with you my memories of the three times I faced the pharmacist, how about that?"

"Three times? No problem, that's it!"

The messenger girl was stunned for a moment, then quickly nodded and agreed.

Star God is the most special existence in this universe.

Even a Star God cannot easily spy on the movements of another Star God.

Because of this, all memories related to Star God are the highest level memories in Liuguang Memory Court.

If Lin Yuan really met the pharmacist for the third time, then the value of this memory is definitely worthy of his commission.


Just as the messenger girl was about to go back into the mirror and return to Liuguang Yiting to get the news,

Lin Yuan suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Wait, there's one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

The courier girl, who already regarded Lin Yuan as a big customer, asked

"If you have other commissions, you have to pay extra."

"It's not a commission, I just want to ask if you have any remaining semi-finished light cones."

Lin Yuan replied calmly:"I tried the one you lent me last time, and the effect is not bad"

"If you have other semi-finished light cones, please give me a few more for my sake as a big customer."

"As a thank you, I will make a figurine for you and put it next to Fu Li, and burn incense to worship it together with you every day."......"

How can a person become so shameless?.....2..

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