As the shame of the legendary people of abundance, the homeland of the Wing Makers was destroyed by the Antimatter Corps more than two thousand years ago.

Having lost their homeland, they were hostile to all the major forces in the universe.

The Wing Makers who did not intend to stop the invasion naturally became interstellar pirates.

For example, the Wing Makers who had just discovered the Blessing of the Pharmacist and came to Lin Yuan to search for heads were one of the armies.

Although these Wing Makers were nothing to Lin Yuan, he could kill them all with just a wave of his hand.

But for most civilizations in the universe, this Wing Maker army was still very dangerous.

Therefore, before coming to this planet and meeting Lin Yuan, this Wing Maker army had accumulated a lot of wealth.

At this moment, after being annihilated by Lin Yuan, the wealth plundered by this Wing Maker army naturally became Lin Yuan's spoils of war.

Taking Dan Heng and Walter with him, Lin Yuan spent several hours searching the battleship from top to bottom and found several hidden secret rooms.

After confirming that there was nothing missing on the surface, Lin Yuan followed Walter and the others back to the Star Dome Train....

"Welcome back, this is Mr. Lin Yuan."

On the Starry Sky Train, Ji Zi, who had been prepared for a long time, looked at the three people who came in with large and small bags in front of her, and then looked at the handsome young man at the back.

"I have heard enough from Walter and the others. Welcome to join us, Mr. Lin Yuan."

"I am the train's navigator, Ji Zi. If you need any help, you can always come to me."

"I am the conductor Pam, welcome to join you."

At Jizi's feet, Pam, a short girl with big furry ears, waved and said hello.

"Your room has been sorted out. It is next to the information room where the think tank is located."

"I understand."

Lin Yuan nodded and briefly introduced himself.

After a friendly exchange, he followed Dan Heng to his room and piled all the loot he had just collected in the corner of the room.

"OK, that's it."


Leave the rest to me, you can go back and rest."......"

Really rude.

Facing Lin Yuan who had no intention of entertaining him, Dan Heng was silent for a while and nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Oh, I forgot something.

Just as Dan Heng stepped out of the room, Lin Yuan's voice suddenly rang out from behind.

"I didn't check the situation before and hit you rashly. Take this as an apology."

A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Dan Heng raised his hand to take it while turning around, his eyes swept over it.

A bracelet emitting silver light.

Dan Heng was not unfamiliar with it, after all, this thing was found in the secret room he discovered.

However, unlike when he first found it, this bracelet was emitting a faint glow at this moment, and a familiar breath could be felt from the inside when he got close to it.

"This is...The power of abundance?"

"That's right, I saw that the bracelet was of good quality, so I simply modified it."

Lin Yuan replied:"If you carry it close to your body, it can heal the hidden injuries in your body and replenish your vitality."

"After active activation, it can create a shield that is strong enough to block the thunder cannon I fired earlier."

"......Then I'll take it."

Although he was somewhat averse to things related to abundance, this bracelet was Lin Yuan's apology after all.

After hesitating for a while, Dan Heng finally took it.......

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Huh? There seems to be a new batch of items in the mall."

Nobara Kugisaki:"Mall? Let me take a look."

Mine:"Synesthesia Beacon, Asuka IV Razer Cannon, Magnetic Grenade...What the hell is this? ?!"

Ma Yin:"Did Boss Lin Yuan rob the armory? Why did he suddenly upload so many mysterious and powerful weapons!"

Lin Yuan:"It's not an armory. I just wiped out a group of interstellar pirates who were looking for trouble. These are the items I looted from there."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Interstellar pirates?"

Lin Yuan:"Yes, they are a group of invaders who wander around the universe and start wars by plundering."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"They start wars in the universe....It doesn't sound like an ordinary character, this character must have at least the strength of the third level, right?"

Lin Yuan:"It's not that exaggerated, only a few Wing Makers have reached the third and fourth levels."

Isn't that still exaggerated? There is a serious gap in strength in the chat group. After Lin Yuan, the strongest one is only Rukia, who barely reaches the second level and has average strength.

Compared with the third and fourth level strongmen, there is still a big gap.

When they thought of this kind of strong man who was like a minion in Lin Yuan's mouth, Xiao Nagisa and others couldn't help but feel subtle.

Lin Yuan:"By the way, if you want to buy that photon focusing cannon, be careful, it is still very powerful."

Lin Yuan:"According to Walter, after absorbing enough energy, it can destroy a city with one shot."


Akatsuki Nagisa:"?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"I think you overestimate us. I just looked at that thing. 20w points can't afford it."

Marin:"I'm finally worried."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Ahem~ There's no need to stare at that dangerous thing. Other things are also good."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Ahem, at least I think I can buy the abundance set uploaded by Lin Yuan last time."

Rukia Kuchiki:"The effect is really good. After I tried it on our captain, his condition has obviously improved a lot. He has appeared in the team dormitory for two consecutive days." The speed of time flow among the chat group members is not the same.

After buying the ring from Lin Yuan, Rukia, who has the fastest time flow, has passed more than two days.

After her observation, Ukitake Jushiro, who has always been in poor health, has obviously become much healthier after wearing the Abundance Ring.

Not long ago, the other party even asked Rukia privately about the origin of this ring.

Even Ukitake Jushiro, who has been suffering from a long-term illness, can use it. The effect of the Abundance Ring is needless to say.

Mine:"Huh? Is it so effective?"

Nobara Kugisaki:"Yes, it's really useful."

Nobara Kugisaki:"Maine, aren't you a killer? You should encounter many dangerous situations in your daily life. You can buy a self-defense device." Mine

:"But the photon invisible shield and tactical leather boots look good according to the introduction. I'm a little tempted."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Then you need to make a decision for yourself."

Rukia Kuchiki:"I suddenly have something to do here. Let's talk later."

After leaving the chat group, Rukia looked at the white-haired man wearing the captain's haori and walking towards them not far away

"Captain, why are you here?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to ask about the ring, I want to ask you about something else."

Ukitake Jushiro chuckled and said,"I just received news that the term of the Shinigami in Karakura Town has expired and we need a replacement to guard it."

"It is a place of great spiritual power, and the resident Shinigami have certain strength requirements. As long as they can complete the mission, it is also a good resume. Are you interested in doing it?"

Of course I will go.

Rukia, who has always wanted to make some achievements and become a senior officer to show to Byakuya Kuchiki, nodded and agreed immediately.

"give it to me"......

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