On the Starry Sky Train.

After a short rest, Lin Yuan had his welcome banquet on the second night of his arrival on the train.

Perhaps because there had been no new companions for a long time, Pam prepared a very rich meal. After filling his stomach with a feast, Lin Yuan came to the viewing area of the train and looked out the window.

"How do you feel?"

Footsteps sounded, and Ji Zi, wearing a white high-cut dress, walked slowly from behind with a cup of coffee.

The lights of the train fell on her delicate body, and her exposed shoulders exuded a bright glow.

"The starry sky is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Not bad."

Lin Yuan replied truthfully:"This is my first time to be far away from a planet and to observe the starry sky from this angle. It's a novel experience."

"First time?...Then today's experience will definitely become a precious memory that you will never forget in your life."

Ji Zi handed over the coffee in her hand:"Would you like to try it? This is the version I just improved, and it tastes good."

Dan Heng:"?"

Hearing Ji Zi's speech, a certain Dragon Lord who happened to be walking by suddenly changed his expression and subconsciously stopped.

He didn't know whether looking at the starry sky would leave an unforgettable memory.

But he knew that if Lin Yuan drank this cup of coffee, he would never forget this moment in his life.

There was no need to deepen the memory like this.

"Hmm? Danheng, do you want to drink too?"

Ji Zi looked at Danheng who suddenly stopped and stared blankly behind her.

"I also brewed some, if you want to drink......"

"No, I suddenly remembered that there are still some materials that have not been sorted out."

Between saving the newcomer and saving himself, Dan Heng hesitated for 0.1 seconds and shamefully chose to escape.

Hey! Don't run!

Looking at the other party's figure going away, Lin Yuan, who was still hoping that someone could rescue him, became subtle in expression.

Even though he did not have a deep understanding of the world of collapsed iron, and could not be compared with those of the collapsed scientists.

But he had heard of dangerous things like Ji Zi's coffee.

Looking at the coffee with a lot of black particles floating in it that Ji Zi handed to him, Lin Yuan vaguely felt a dangerous breath

"Well, my stomach suddenly feels uncomfortable......."

【Trigger the challenge mission"Jezi's Coffee", accept Jizi's kindness and drink the coffee, and make a compliment while keeping your expression unchanged, and you will be rewarded with a Pioneer Destiny Card】

"But after all, it was Jizi who made the coffee, so it would be a pity if I didn't taste it carefully."

Taking the coffee from Jizi's mouth, Lin Yuan swallowed it down in the admiring eyes of Walter and others.

It was like soaking coke in expired potion. The bitter and pungent horrible taste instantly invaded Lin Yuan's taste buds, bringing him the first crisis after becoming the Envoy of the Order of Fertility. The surging power of abundance in his body began to operate automatically. Lin Yuan tried his best to hold back the expression on his face and put the cup back in Jizi's hand.

"Good to drink, love it, more"

【After the task is completed, click Accept Reward to receive the item.】


It was a good review! It was actually a good review!

Ji Zi's beautiful amber eyes were instantly filled with joy.

Since she boarded the train, this was the first time someone gave her coffee a good review.

She said that her coffee was fine, but it was Walter and the others who didn't know how to enjoy it!

"Lin Yuan......"

"Ahem~ I still feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, I'll leave for a while."

Lin Yuan patted Ji Zi's shoulder, and his expression suddenly became ferocious when he left sideways.

"The coffee you brewed...We'll talk about it next time."

Walter, who had watched everything, said:"......"

Hiss~ As expected, he is the one who is valued by the pharmacist and granted the power of the Commander.

This altruistic spirit of not rejecting others is simply not comparable to those remnants of the rich.

So terrifying!...

Myne:"Family, help!"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"What's wrong? Sister Myne."

Myne:"I just went out on a mission and finally captured a general from the empire. I didn't expect that he would be so tight-lipped and refused to give any information." Myne:

"You guys are knowledgeable. Do you have any good ideas to help me pry open that guy's mouth?"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Huh? This...I can't do it."

Nagisa Akane immediately raised the white flag of surrender.

For a little girl who is still in elementary school, helping to think of interrogation methods is really too much.

Kugisaki Nobara:"You can buy my Chu Ling spell and try it, maybe it will work."

Marin:"Damn! I don't have that many points!"

Lin Yuan:"Ahem, I just got a cheap and very effective torture tool."

Lin Yuan:"If you need it, you can buy some."

Marin:"Huh? There are such good things?!" Lin

Yuan:"Of course, have you seen the newest product in the mall [Himeko's Coffee]? Give the enemy a cup and he will confess everything."


Akatsuki Nagisa:"?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"You call this an interrogation tool?"

Lin Yuan:"Why not.jpg"

Marin:"Really? You are not kidding."

Lin Yuan:"Why don't you try it? It's not expensive anyway."

Marin:"That's true."

If this sentence was said by someone else, Marin might really take it as a joke.

But the other party is Lin Yuan, a sixth-level boss.

With a series of products such as the Ring of Plenty in front of her, she still has a high degree of trust in the other party.

Looking at the Himeko coffee worth 10 points in the mall, Marin hesitated and bought a cup.

"Hmm~ It doesn't look like anything special."

Looking at the coffee that suddenly appeared in her hand, Marin thought about it. The product introduction didn't seem to say it was poisonous.

Thinking of this, Marin raised the coffee cup to her lips and took a sip.

Since there are no side effects, let's try to see if the coffee that Kang was favored by the sixth-level boss has any effect.......


The coffee cup slipped from Myne's hand and fell to the ground with a crisp shattering sound.

Myne's body began to twitch constantly, looking ahead with empty eyes, and a trace of saliva left at the corner of her mouth.

"Myne, you...Huh? What happened?"

The door of the room was pushed open. After hearing the sound, Akagi came over to ask about the situation. Seeing this tragic scene, his expression instantly became serious.

"Uh, it's Akame."

Marin shook her head and barely came back to her senses:"I was just testing the latest interrogation tool, but I didn't expect it to be so effective."

"Wait for me to slow down, I have a way to pry open that guy's mouth."

This is not an interrogation instrument, it's a murder weapon!

She will try to add some more ingredients to the coffee. If the other party doesn't accept it, she will give him one cup. If he still doesn't accept it, she will give him two cups.

You are determined! She wants to see how many cups the other party can last!......

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