Curse, is it real?

After hearing this unexpected answer, San Yueqi stared at Lin Yuan blankly for two seconds, and suddenly exclaimed

"What does it mean to be real?"

"Lin Yuan, you are not playing a prank on me again!"

"Unfortunately, it didn't happen this time."

Lin Yuan shrugged and replied with a smile.

"There is indeed a curse on the Envoy of Plenty"

"There is no doubt about this. You don't have to doubt it."

"Of course, the curse is just a folk saying on that planet."

"In the universe, its real name is not this"

"What is that called?"



Sanyueqi's eyes widened suddenly.


Subconsciously, Sanyueqi recalled the introduction of the Balance Star God that he had heard from Ji Zi not long after he was picked up by Lin Yuan.

【The chain of cause and effect that mortals hang on their lips and teeth is just a rough summary of the complex topology behind the situation.】

【As the God of Balance, he melted his will into the veins of the universe and eternally maintained the balance of all things in the world.

Before today, San Yueqi actually didn't quite understand what Walter meant by these two sentences.

But at this moment, after hearing the truth about Lin Yuan's curse, she understood everything as if she had suddenly realized it.

"Because the power gained without effort is too strong, it is given the end of destruction as a balance. Is this balance?"

"That's right, this is balance."

Lin Yuan replied calmly.

In fact, Lin Yuan also discovered this recently.

As for the specific time point, it was naturally when Ruan Mei successfully spliced the Spirit King template and Lin Yuan first experienced the complete power of the Spirit King.

In that state, his soul level was very close to that of a Star God.

Because of this, Lin Yuan saw for the first time the thin thread that had been entangled with him at some point.

"The immortals obtained eternal life through the pharmacist, and Heng Jing gave them a demonic body to end their lives."

"The Order of Plenty gained great power through the Pharmacist, but the Balance gave it a curse that led to its destruction."

"Under the balanced power, the moral bottom line of the Envoy of the Order of Plenty will indeed be constantly eroded, just like the legend you just told."

"This is the test that Balance has brought upon the Envoy of Plenty."

"How could this happen! This is too unreasonable!"

After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation, San Yueqi began to stand up for the injustice.

"Not every envoy of abundance has bad intentions and seeks power from the pharmacist!"

"Why must the power of balance be sent down to corrupt the morality in your hearts? Don’t the Envoys of Plenty have the right to be good people?"

"Of course"


"You have to understand that Hu is not deliberately targeting the Envoy of the Order of Abundance, it just happens that the power related to the Medicine Master is more likely to violate the balance."

Lin Yuan replied.

The Medicine Master is a merciful god. He cannot bear to see people suffer from decline and illness, so the power he bestows can easily make people gain longevity and strength.

But this matter is exactly incorrect in Hu's opinion.

Everything in the world has both positive and negative sides.

Mortals break their own limits and transcend fate through hard work, so they deserve stronger power and longer life.

But those who are blessed by the Medicine Master skip the previous process of struggling to overcome the negative ending and directly obtain positive results.

In a game, this is the player who does not want to experience the life of a poor man, and directly carries his luggage on the Medicine Master's back.

As the GM of the game, Hu naturally cannot sit idly by and make a corresponding judgment.

Of course, as the God of Balance, Hu's judgment on this matter also has two sides.

How can the people of the Xianzhou who have been given the devil's body transcend the devil's body and normally obtain eternal life? Lin Yuan does not know.

But as the person involved, he knows very well how to solve the curse on his body so as to maintain normal

"What should I do?"

Sanyueqi asked hurriedly.

"It's very simple."

Lin Yuan raised a finger:"Just practice the way of abundance and do good things."

"Do good things?"

"That's right, the Society has cursed the Envoy of Abundance, and the Pharmacist has accepted this as well. The reason is actually very simple."

"That is, the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, who has obtained the blessing of the Pharmacist and possesses powerful power, has not truly practiced the Way of Plenty."The

Envoy of the Order of Destruction has a different understanding of destruction.

The Envoy of the Order of Preservation has a different understanding of preservation.

The Envoy of Pleasure has a different understanding of pleasure.

No matter which destiny the Envoy has, they will have their own unique understanding of the concept of destiny they practice.

Perhaps their understanding is not as comprehensive as that of the Star God, but it will definitely exceed that of ordinary people. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) But the destiny of abundance is different.

As the Star God of abundance, the Pharmacist will not refuse other people's requests.

The consequence of this is that the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, who has obtained the power of abundance, may not understand [abundance] as well as an underground doctor.

Faced with this 363 funny result that is enough to make Aha laugh, the decision made by Hu Suo is that the Envoy of the Order of Plenty must practice the destiny of abundance.

"If what I do is in line with my definition of a rich destiny, I can even get the approval of the pharmacist."

"The balance force that was brought down by each other would naturally not take effect, and I could freely use the power of the Envoy of Abundance until the end of the universe."

"But if I stray from the path of abundance, the power from the universe will turn into a curse and turn me into a monster, just like the legends you have heard."

"So that's it."

Sanyueqi nodded in understanding:"So your personality suddenly became bad because you strayed from the path of abundance."

"Next, as long as you turn over a new leaf, you can return to your original appearance, right?"

"That's basically right, but you misunderstood one thing."

"Where did I understand wrong?"

"That���It was me who strayed from the fate of abundance."

Lin Yuan showed a playful smile on his face:"Don't underestimate me, Xiao Sanyue"

"Although I like to lie, rob others of their treasures, and secretly use puppets, I am still a good fertility envoy!"

March 7:"???"

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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