In the Dicuo world, in the territory of the Soma clan

"I hope the newcomers’ situation won’t be the worst."

Lily, who has become the leader of the clan, closed the chat group and sighed silently.

Because she had been caught in the rain, she wanted to hold an umbrella for others.

As a former victim, Lily, who used to risk her life every day to explore the dungeon and then had everything taken away, understands the mentality of a person in a desperate situation better than ordinary people.

The pressure that is so huge that it makes people breathless, the fear and despair that cannot be relaxed even when night falls, will always entangle the other party.

Not only will the body be covered with scars, but the spirit will also reach its limit.

With no other choice, people in desperate situations will only choose a not particularly wrong path among countless wrong options to survive.

She herself is the best example.

If it weren't for the emergence of the chat group, Lily would only go deeper and deeper on the road of harming others in order to survive.

Instead of starting to look back and make up for everything like now.

""Master Lin Yuan is right. Strength is king."

Recalling her past experiences, Lily stood up and prepared to go to the dungeon to start today's adventure.

However, as soon as she walked out of the room, she saw a group of clan members lying on the ground, unconscious.


Didn't she forbid the family members to drink during the day?

And there didn't seem to be any smell of alcohol in the air.

"You finally came out."

Just as Lily was stunned, a calm voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"I've been waiting here for a long time, Lily Lucaard"

""Oh no?!"

Lily's pupils shrank, and she finally realized what happened.

But just as she was about to turn around and launch a counterattack, a heavy blow landed on her head first.

With a bang, Lily felt a black screen in front of her eyes, and her body fell forward.

A few hours later.

When Lily opened her eyes again, two figures wearing black robes and masks appeared in front of her.

Very good, it seems that she was kidnapped.

Lily's little face was twisted into a ball, and she put on a mask of pain.

It was not easy to turn over through the blood of abundance, but she was kidnapped again before she had a good time.

Why is it so difficult for her. You really think that honest people are easy to bully, right?

Well, it is indeed easy to bully.

But her being easy to bully does not mean that group members are also easy to bully!

Lily Luka:"Help! Someone is going to die!!! Lin Yuan Kuchiki Rukia"

Lin Yuan:"?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"?"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Hey! What's going on? Did Sister Lily have an accident while exploring the dungeon? (cbai)!"

Lily Luka:"It's not that the dungeon is in danger, Lily was kidnapped!"


Myne:"Who tied you up?"

Lilyluka:"Lily doesn't know either. Just when I finished chatting with you guys and was about to go out, I found out that the family had been invaded."

Lilyluka:"The invader was very strong. Lily didn't even have a chance to resist and fell down in an instant."

Lilyluka:"Anyway, Lily is also confused now. I don't know why she was tied up. I just know that it's very dangerous!"

Lilyluka:"Boss Linyuan, Rukia, who of you has time to come and save them?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"This......To be honest, I am currently helping Kugisaki solve a troublesome special-grade cursed spirit."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Boss Lin Yuan, are you free? If you can go, I won't go, otherwise the cursed spirit called Zhenren will cause a lot of casualties."Lin Yuan:

"Then leave it to me, it just so happens that I have some ideas about the gods in Lily's world."

Lily Luka:"Okay, okay, when you come over, Boss Lin Yuan, I will take you to study my main god!"

That drunkard god does not manage his family and brews wine every day, causing her so much trouble, it's time for him to make some contributions.

Lao Deng! Gold coins exploded!

"Are you going to say something, Lilycaard?"

In the dark room, a gloomy and hoarse voice came from the figure in black robes on the right.

"Lily is just thinking, who are you guys?"

Leaving the chat group, Lily asked while stalling for time.

"Although the Soma clan was only a small clan, there were many people in the clan territory at that time."

"Being able to knock everyone down silently without Lily noticing requires at least LV.6 strength."

"In Orario, there are only two families with LV.6 adventurers. Are you from Freya's family or Loki's family?"

"Interesting, this is really interesting."

The figure in the black robe suddenly laughed loudly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"In this situation, a normal person would think of a plan to escape rather than collecting intelligence to confirm the enemy's identity."

"But I can see that, Lilyluka, you are not lying!"

"In that moment of silence just now, you really think about who we are!"


Lily was shocked.

Can this guy tell if she is lying?

As far as she knows, there is only one kind of existence in the underworld who can do this.

"Are you a god?!"

"That's right, I am indeed a god."

Dionysus no longer suppressed his aura.

The next second, a faint sacred aura rose from his black robe.

There was no doubt that it was the aura from the gods.

In front of this aura, even ordinary people with only basic common sense would recognize the other party's identity as a god.

As an adventurer in Orario, he encountered Lily with a similar aura every day, so it was naturally impossible for him to make a mistake.


"Why did the gods kidnap Lily?"

"Do you think���Is this also part of entertaining people?"

"No, no, no, this is necessary to detect changes."

Dionysus replied truthfully:"Lililuka, I am very curious about the changes that have taken place in you."

"What on earth could allow you to grow in such a short time and defeat a LV.2 as a LV.1?"

"What kind of change can allow you to upgrade all your ability values to SSS in just one month and break through to LV.2?、LV.3"

"This is no longer the speed of a normal adventurer. Some gods even suspected that Su Mo had used his divine power."

"But I can be sure that this was not done by Soma, but something happened to you"

"Tell me what happened to you."

"......Why would Lily reveal her secret to a god with malicious intentions?"

"You are right, so I didn't think you would cooperate at first."

Dionysus replied nonchalantly.

"You know, Lily Luca"

"I have been keeping an eye on all the people in this city who could become heroes or have already become heroes."

"As early as the first week of your mutation, I have been sending people to observe you."

"I know very well how strong your self-recovery ability is and how amazing your secrets are."

"If you don't want to cooperate...Go ahead, break her arms and legs, don't hold back"


Filweiss, who had been waiting nearby, walked forward.

But at this moment, a cold light flashed through the air without warning.

A crisp tearing sound was heard.

In the eyes of Filweiss who couldn't believe it, her limbs flew into the air without warning.

"Since you want to break Lily's limbs, I will cut off your limbs in return."

A playful laugh sounded in the basement:"How about it? Is this fair?"......[]

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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