What was going on?

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared and chopped off Fairweiss's limbs with a wave of his hand, even Dionysus, a god, could not help but lose his mind and fell into a daze.

"If I were you, I would be ready to run away now."

After raising his hand and summoning a chain to bind Filweiss, Lin Yuan raised his sword and walked towards Dionysus.

"Or are you ready to accept your fate?"

"Dionysus, god of revelry and drama"

"Are you Dionysus?!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Lily, who was not far away, widened her eyes and exclaimed.

There was no way, this was too unexpected.

In her impression, Dionysus should be a kind and friendly god who can show a gentle smile to everyone.

He is completely different from the evil god in front of her who sent people to invade the Soma family and forcibly tied her here for interrogation.

"......Interesting, this is really interesting!"

Seeing that his identity was exposed, Dionysus no longer concealed it and took off his cloak and mask. With his long, soft golden hair draped behind him, a handsome man with a crazy smile appeared in front of Lin Yuan and the others.

"I think I'm pretty good at hiding it."

"I didn't expect that today I would be exposed by a guy I just met for the first time."

"Unknown monster, can you tell me who you are?"

"A dying person doesn't need to know too much"

"You want to kill gods?!"

Dionysus' eyes flashed with astonishment.

He really didn't expect Lin Yuan to be so crazy.

In the underworld, only gods can harm gods.

If mortals cross this line, they will commit the biggest crime in the underworld, the crime of killing gods.

At that time, no matter what the reason, those who commit the crime of killing gods will be targeted by the gods, and they will not be able to get rid of it even after death.

"Although I don't know who you are, I think it's better for you to calm down."

Out of admiration for Lin Yuan's madness, Dionysus took the initiative to remind

"Mortals cannot truly kill gods."

"Rather than committing the sin of God-killing and wasting your life on me, you can......"


Before Dionysus finished speaking, a large sword emitting cold light pierced his chest.


After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Dionysus, who could feel the divine power gradually being released, looked at Lin Yuan in confusion.

"Just because I kidnapped Lilyluka and had the thought of hurting her, are you going to go this far?"

"To be honest, you are even more slow than I thought."

Faced with Dionysus's heartfelt question, Lin Yuan sighed for the first time.

"Is it because my own power is sealed? Or is my aura really hidden so well?"

"It has come to this point, and you still haven't figured out who the real hunter is."

"......A real hunter?"

"Haven't you noticed yet? You've been seriously injured by me for nearly ten seconds."

"Until now, the divine power that was unlocked in your body has not only failed to send you back to heaven, but it has also failed to heal your wounds."


Dionysus was startled and finally noticed something was wrong.

This was indeed too slow.

Although he had never been sent back to heaven, he had sent other gods back to heaven.

Logically, after such a long time, the divine power in his body should have been released and sent him to heaven.

But why did it still not respond until now?

Focusing his attention deep inside his body, Dionysus finally realized the truth at this moment.

"You sucked away my divine power?!"

"So, it's really too slow."

With a hissing sound, Lin Yuan, who had absorbed the divine power, drew back his weapon.

"It seems that your long life as a mortal has greatly reduced your perception of danger."

"Even something as obvious as this can only be discovered after I remind you."

"......I see, you are the cause of Lilyluka's huge change."

Dionysus' body swayed, and he took a few steps back to stabilize his body. Although all his divine power was sucked away, Dionysus was a god after all, and this degree of injury could not kill him. Taking a deep breath, Dionysus looked at the man in front of him and asked again

"The humans in the lower world cannot have the power of your level! What on earth are you!"


A tearing sound was heard, and the cold knife light fell again. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A bright red blood line descended from the top to the bottom. Dionysus separated

"I've said before, a dying person doesn't need to know too much."

A large number of vines broke out from the ground under Lin Yuan's feet and devoured Dionysus' body.

Although doing so could not strengthen himself, it could increase Lin Yuan's speed in creating the Dionysus template.

In addition, after devouring Dionysus, it was also much easier for Lin Yuan to extract the other party's memory.

Feeling the huge memory of hundreds of millions of years in his mind, Lin Yuan temporarily gave up the idea of exploring and looked at the not far away

"How does it feel, Lily?"

"I shouldn't be late."

Marin:"After you went over, you hid and watched the show on the side, and only showed up to save people when the other side took action, so you didn't come late, right?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"So the plots in TV dramas where the protagonist just arrived at the right time are all played out like this."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Suddenly, I feel a sense of disillusionment."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Indeed, I will never believe in similar plots in comics again."

Through the live broadcast of the chat group, the girls who saw the whole process of Lin Yuan's action couldn't help but complain.

"You don't understand, this is more effective in saving lives.���

Lin Yuan, who had his past exposed, was not embarrassed at all:"If you don't believe me, ask Lily if the timing of my appearance just now was just right."

"Lord Lin Yuan is always the best no matter when he appears."

Lily praised without thinking.

"Not bad, not bad, I knew you had good taste, Lily."

Lin Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the elf girl in the corner who was staring at him with hatred in her eyes.[]

"What do you think?".....


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