"I'm going to kill you!"

After being released from her restraint and regaining her ability to speak, Fairweiss immediately exuded a terrifying murderous aura and magic power. Her monster-like body began to come alive, and her originally black hair gradually grew longer and spread on the ground.

Branches like trees extended from the gaps in her severed limbs, connecting to her hands and feet not far away.

In just a few breaths, Fairweiss, who had just been seriously injured and dying, climbed up from the ground in her monster form.

"What is this?!"

Lily's eyes widened in surprise.

Although she had seen many big scenes through the chat group, the scene in front of her still shocked her.

Why did Fairweiss, an elf, suddenly turn into a monster?

Looking at the magic stone emitting colorful brilliance in front of the other's chest, looking at the vein-like lines on the other's snow-white skin.

Lily can be sure that this is definitely not the form of an adventurer who has transformed through ability or magic.

This is simply a person who has turned into a monster in the dungeon.


Before Lily could further observe the changes in Fairweiss's body, the other party had already raised his palm.

""The evil-breaking holy staff, sweep away my enemies."

The magic power that was far greater than that of a first-level adventurer gathered in her palm in an instant.

With the help of the short chant, a lightning column with a terrifying aura shot out instantly and rushed towards Lin Yuan and the others.

"I think you'd better calm down."

Faced with this blow that was enough to kill a LV.6 adventurer instantly, Lin Yuan raised his palm and flicked his fingers.


The lightning column rushing towards him was instantly shattered. Filweis seemed to have been hit by some invisible impact and directly hit the wall behind him, creating a huge dent.

"Fairweiss, you know what?"

"The stubborn disease in your body can still be cured, and you are still qualified to stand up from the abyss and return to the light."

Lin Yuan walked in front of Fairweiss like a leisurely stroll in the garden, raised her chin with his hand, and chuckled.

"But if you continue to attack me for a mad god who hides the truth and uses you, then I am sorry."

"As the Envoy of Plenty, the last thing I can do for a terminally ill patient is to grant them a merciful death."


Fairweiss, who had just felt despair over Dionysus' death, subconsciously held her breath.

For some reason, she felt a hint of warmth from the unreasonable monster in front of her.

It was a feeling that even Dionysus, who had accepted her, had never given her after the twenty-seventh nightmare.

In a trance, the scene of her leisurely life with her clanmates and exploring the dungeon together flashed before her eyes.

"you...What have you done?"

"I didn't do anything, I just gave you a chance."

Lin Yuan brushed his palm across Fairweiss's face, and the power of abundance began to repair her scarred body and expel the influence of the fallen fairy spirit.

"As long as you ask me for help, I will free you from the bondage of the fallen immortal spirit and give you the qualifications to be a human again."

"By then, you will learn the whole truth from me, including the information about the white-haired ghost Olivas who also survived that year."

"Olivas is not dead yet?!"

Filweiss's face changed, and a hint of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

One of the masterminds of the nightmare on the 27th floor, [White-haired Ghost] Olivas Actor.

It was he who teamed up with other members of the dark faction to plan the nightmare on the 27th floor and killed her friends.

Even she herself died in that attack, and was eventually spotted by the incarnation of the fallen fairy and transformed into a monster, begging for death. It can be said that Olivas is the culprit who caused her to become the monster she is now.

But after that massacre that could not be called a battle at all, she clearly saw the other party's corpse with her own eyes.

Could it be that......

"That guy was also transformed into a monster by the fallen fairy spirit and resurrected from the dead?!"

"This is indeed the case, but as a puppet of the fallen fairy, you are not qualified to take revenge now.

A drop of bright red blood appeared on Lin Yuan's fingertips and slowly fell to Filweis's mouth.

"Choose, to fall completely here for the mad god who hides the truth and keeps using you."

"Or accept my gift, stand up again from this endless abyss, and fulfill your unfulfilled wish?"


Fairweiss fell silent.

She was not a fool, on the contrary, she was very smart.

Because of this, she had always been clear about one thing.

Dionysus accepted her in order to use her and the fallen fairy behind her to destroy Orario. Fairweiss did not care about this in the past, because she had no other choice after she was resurrected from the dead and turned into a monster.

But...It's different now.

Lin Yuan gave her a second way.

As long as she accepts this drop of blood, she will get rid of her monster identity and have the qualifications to be a human again.

Recalling what Lin Yuan just said, Dionysus concealed the truth from her. Thinking of what

Lin Yuan mentioned, the white-haired ghost Olivas is not dead, and is even alive and well.

Filweisi couldn't help but take a deep breath. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When she opened her eyes again, the only thing left in her eyes was the killing intent.

Yes, she didn't need to think so far.

Don't worry about what Dionysus did, and don't worry about what Lin Yuan did.

Those are all games between gods, not something she, a mortal, should think about.

She only needs to do one thing from beginning to end.

The planner of the nightmare on the 27th floor must pay with blood!

Olivas must die!

No matter how many times the other party is resurrected, no matter where the other party escapes to, as long as she is still alive, she must kill the other party!

Filweiss finally accepted the Blood of Plenty.

However, unlike Lily, the process of strengthening was completed silently when she received the Blood of Plenty. After

Filweiss accepted the Blood of Plenty, countless green-glowing threads gushed out of her body.

These threads continued to entwine and weave in the air, and finally turned into a giant cocoon, appearing at the same place....

"This development is really unexpected.

Lily turned her head away from the huge cocoon full of life and looked at the man beside her.

"Lily thought that you would kill Filweiss directly like you killed Dionysus, Master Lin Yuan."

"She is worth saving, and staying alive can also save more people in need."

"So that's it."

Lily nodded in understanding, then asked curiously

"Lord Lin Yuan, what on earth was going on with Filweiss's expression just now?"[]

"Isn't she an elf? Why did she become a monster?"

"From what you just said, it seems that this is not the work of Dionysus."

"This really has nothing to do with Dionysus."

Lin Yuan briefly introduced Dionysus's purpose and what happened to Fairweiss.

The process was not complicated. In just a few minutes, the girls in the chat knew everything.

Kugisaki Nobara:"In order to protect the peace of the city, her family members died tragically, and she even degenerated into a monster and could not die."

Kugisaki Nobara:"This is too tragic."

Lily Luka:"Lily had heard before that [Mourning Spirit] Fairweiss was a survivor of the nightmare on the 27th floor, but she didn't expect the truth to be like this."

Main:"What's worse is that Fairweiss is like this, and she is still being used by Dionysus, the crazy god."

Kuchiki Rukia:"No wonder Boss Lin Yuan chose to spare Fairweiss' life. There is indeed a reason."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"But this is a bit unfair to Sister Lily, after all, Fairweiss attacked and kidnapped her before."

Lily Luka:"No problem, Lily forgave her!"

Filweiss is not a real villain after all.

She is just like him, she just had no choice but to take the wrong path.

"Since Boss Lin Yuan is willing to give Filweis a chance, then 0.5 Lily naturally agrees with this."

"When her revenge is over later, Lily will try to invite her to be a companion and save more people in need together."

"I didn't realize you were so enlightened."

Lin Yuan looked at the little human girl in front of him with surprise.

It seemed that his drop of blood had indeed changed her.

Compared with the Lily in the original book who always hid behind the scenes and even lacked confidence, the current Lily was completely different.

"Lily, do you want to visit my world later?"

"If you are now, you may have the opportunity to step into the path of abundance and become a destiny walker."

"Huh? Really?"

Lily's face lit up with joy, revealing an eager expression.

"I can only say that there is this opportunity. Whether it can be successful depends on your own will."

After giving the other party a shot of prevention in advance, Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at the basement entrance behind him.

The next second, a series of footsteps sounded, and several slender figures jumped down the stairs and appeared in front of Lin Yuan and others.......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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