"Hmm? You are..."The Ganesha clan?"

Lily followed Lin Yuan and looked towards the basement entrance.

After her eyes swept over several girls, she finally looked at the tall girl with short blue hair in the front.

The leader of the Ganesha clan, a first-level adventurer with a strength of LV.5, Shakti Bama

"I didn't expect that even the Ganesha Rod would come."

"There's nothing we can do. You guys made too much noise."

Shakti also took a look at the situation in the basement and replied.

"I know you. You are the new leader of the Soma clan. Your name is...Lily Luca Eard"

"Could you explain to me what's going on here?"

""Master Lin Yuan, how do you answer this?"

Lily did not reply immediately, but turned her head to look aside.

To be honest, the current situation is both complicated and simple.

The complexity is that this matter involves too many things, and Lin Yuan killed the god Dionysus.

The simplicity is simple because Lin Yuan is strong enough, even if everything is exposed���It didn't have any effect.

But Lily couldn't figure out Lin Yuan's thoughts at the moment, so she had to ask him.

"Just tell the truth."

Lin Yuan calmly replied:"Don't be afraid of someone causing trouble for you, I will help you settle everything."

"Lily understands."

Lily nodded and looked at Shakti again.

It seems that it will take some time to explain to the other party slowly.

Fairweiss had a dream that he hadn't had for a long time.

In the dream, Fairweiss returned to the battlefield full of corpses and saw countless figures.

Among them were strangers who had only met once, friends who often greeted each other on weekdays, and partners who could trust their backs day and night.

But at this moment, these figures were all lying on the ground without exception, without any breath.

Fairweiss walked on this battlefield, but he was not as lost as before, but walked straight to a corner and found his target.

Olivas Actor, a man with dark white hair who had lost his lower body.

The other party, like other corpses on the battlefield, lost his breath and lay quietly on the ground.

Seeing this, Fairweiss just stood there and began to wait.

One second, one minute, one hour......

After an unknown amount of time, a sparse friction sound suddenly reached Fairweiss's ears.

She was shocked and looked not far away. She saw a green vine spreading from the end of her sight, stuffing the colorful magic stones into the corpses along the way.

There were continuous explosions, and the corpses that did not meet the requirements were directly shattered, turning into meat and falling on the ground.

Finally, the vine came to Olivas and stuffed the colorful magic stone into his body.

The next second, a completely different situation happened.

Olivas's body did not explode immediately, but successfully received the magic stone.

The hideous wounds on his body healed quickly, and starting from the tear at the waist, his legs with yellow-green skin began to regenerate.

Seeing this, the tentacles of the fallen fairy seemed very satisfied and prepared to turn around and move towards the next corpse.

At this moment, a figure with a mask on his face and a dark cloak on his body walked over from not far away.

"Hello, monster whose true identity is unknown.

Under the gaze of Fairweiss, Dionysus blurted out the name that he had used as his second identity.

"I'm Enyo, you look like you need some help."

Crack! Crack! Crack!"

A series of crisp tearing sounds rang out in the basement.

Lily and the others who were originally communicating looked at the giant cocoon emitting green fluorescence not far away.

In the eyes of everyone, cracks continued to emerge and spread on the surface of the giant cocoon.

After a few seconds, there was a bang, and the giant cocoon composed of abundant power exploded directly into a sky full of fluorescence.

And where the giant cocoon originally stood, a girl with long black hair slowly walked out.

She was naked, with her snow-white and delicate skin exposed, and her figure was slim and attractive.

"So that's how it is. Is this the truth of the past?"

Ignoring the strange looks around her, Filweiss, who had learned everything in her dream and even saw some of Dionysus' memories, looked straight at the only man present.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Lin Yuan"

"Oh? Do you believe it now? I thought you doubted the authenticity of those memories."

"In fact, the truth is not important to me. I just need to know that Olivace is not dead, and Dionysus has concealed this from me. That is enough."

In the scarlet pupils of Filweis, the murderous intent became more and more solid, as if it had turned into substance.

"Please give me some time. I need to personally cut off the nightmare of the past."

"Only in this way can I let go of everything without any worries and give the rest of my life to you completely."

"Then go ahead."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and pointed at the air. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Under his control, the green light spots that had just scattered around after the giant cocoon exploded began to gather on Filweisi's delicate body.

After a moment, a snow-white combat uniform, a pair of wooden swords and a wooden staff appeared in her hands.

"Use my power to remove all the hazards inside the artificial maze and transform it into a new paradise of abundance."


"By the way, before you leave, remember to go to the Mistress of Plenty and bring Gale Leon with you to the man-made maze"

"Her enemy, Jatra, is also in the man-made maze. If you are the only one who can accomplish revenge by yourself, she will be too pitiful."

"......I understand."

Filweis nodded.

Although under the operation of Dionysus, Filweis didn't know that Olivas survived.

But she often went in and out of the artificial maze, and she was no stranger to Chara, who was also a member of the dark faction.

Because of this, Filweis was very clear about the various causes and consequences behind the annihilation of the Astralia family that shocked Orario.

Since they were all going to eliminate the dangers inside the artificial maze, it would not be a big problem to bring Gale Leon along.

After accepting Lin Yuan's commission, Filweis left the basement in the eyes of the surrounding Ganesha family women.

""Sister, don't you need to stop Filweiss?" the red-haired Amazon warrior asked.

"Although I don't know what an artificial maze is, from their conversation it seems that there are remnants of the dark faction there."

"If she goes alone, it might be dangerous."

"......We can't stop her, Ilta."

Shakti was silent for two seconds and then shook her head and replied.

Recalling the moment when she was about to stop Filweiss and her eyes met, Shakti couldn't help but shudder.

After breaking through to LV.5 and becoming a first-level adventurer, she hadn't felt such a strong omen of death for a long time.

Her intuition kept reminding her that if she had tried to stop Filweiss just now, she would have been seriously injured and unconscious even if she didn't die.

"Although I just heard from you, Lily, that Fairweiss's strength is not simple, but I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated."

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but I feel like even Ota would suffer a miserable defeat in front of her."

"That's not your illusion."

Lily replied proudly:"Filweisi is a spirit gifted by Lord Lin Yuan."

"No matter what her original strength was, at this moment she must be the strongest adventurer in this city!"

"Is it the gift of Lord Lin Yuan?"

Shakti looked at the man not far away.

Through the communication with Lily just now, she already knew everything that happened here not long ago.

Naturally, she also learned about Lin Yuan's identity.

With the help of Lily Luka, a god descended from the outside world.

Although Shakti didn't understand the difference between the gods from the outside world and the gods descended from heaven.

But Lin Yuan killed Dionysus with one move, and the danger was obviously higher than that of ordinary gods.

After frowning and thinking for two seconds, she tentatively invited Lin Yuan.

"Lord Lin Yuan, are you free to meet our main god, Lord Ganesha?"

"Can He let me cut it?"

"Um, probably not."

"Then his priority will be put aside."

Lin Yuan waved his hand and walked out of the basement with Lily.[]

"Notify Ganesha and summon the gods to hold a general assembly"

"When all the gods gather, I will appear before them and give them a great unknown far beyond the lower world."......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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