Myne:"Where's the new guy? Why is he suddenly silent?"

Kugisaki Nobara:"Is he going to hide again?" Akane Nagisa:"Don't be afraid, Sister Chloe. We really want to help you." Chloe:"No,

I'm afraid."...No, I'm just too excited."

Kroni:"This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful scenery since I was born."


Lilyluka:"Such a beautiful scenery?""

Kuchiki Rukia:"Kroni, what do you mean?"

Hearing what Kroni said, Rukia and others couldn't help but be stunned.

Is there any beautiful scenery on the live broadcast screen?

It looks like an ordinary commercial street.

Except for the occasional appearance of people from different races among the passers-by, there is basically nothing special.

For people who meet for the first time, it is indeed very novel.

But it shouldn't be described as so beautiful, right?

Kroni:"Sorry, I lost my composure."

Kroni:"In my world, the sun that shines on the world and the blue sky are all legendary existences."

Kroni:"This is the first time I've seen the real thing, and I was a little excited for a while."

Main:"Hiss~ Did the newcomer just say something incredible."

Lilyluka:"The sun in your world disappeared?"

Kroni 187:"Yeah, the sky is also red, and it's been raining horrible black gray.""

Kuchiki Rukia:"If you don't mind, could you please tell me more about the situation in your world?""

Kroni:"Of course."

The background of the game world is not complicated, and it can even be said to be a bit simple and monotonous.

In just a few minutes of events, Kroni laid out the Eternal War and the situation of mankind.

Kugisaki Nobara:"This...This is too tragic."

Main:"The beastmen who can break the laws of physics with their physical fitness, the elves who can use magic on their own, and the Flügel who can split mountains and seas with a wave of their hands."

Main:"And above that, there are even the Phantasmagoria and the Dragon Elfs that even the Flügels cannot fight alone, as well as the Gods who are far superior to other creatures."

Main:"What kind of hell is this world? No wonder the newcomer didn't say a word for a month after joining the group. It's too scary."

Lililuka:"Although Lili has made psychological preparations, this is much more tragic than I imagined."

Kuchiki Rukia:"What is the current situation of the newcomer? Do you need my help?"

Main:"Although I don't think I can help much, just let me know if you need it."

Akira Nagisa:"I will try my best too!""

Kroni:"Thank you all for your kindness, but the current situation of our tribe is still okay."

Kroni:"If possible, I hope you can provide some material assistance and means of scouting the surroundings."

Kroni:"As long as we can ensure safety and reduce the number of times tribal members go out, it is enough for me."

Lin Yuan:"Your goal is too low."

Lin Yuan:"Don't you consider asking me to help you end the eternal war on your side?"

Kroni:"End the war?"

Looking at Lin Yuan's speech in the chat group, Kroni was subconsciously stunned.

Limited by her vision, she really couldn't understand what the division of different levels in the chat group meant.

In her eyes, Lin Yuan's only performance at present was that when he fought with Filweis before, he broke the opponent's magic with a snap of his fingers.

As for Dionysus...The guy who was killed in one blow was even less oppressive than Fairweiss.

After seeing the other party's performance, Chloe even doubted whether the definition of God in different worlds was different.

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Sister Chloe, you misunderstood."

After hearing Chloe's reply, Akatsuki Nagisa hurriedly explained.

Akatsuki Nagisa:"The god was sealed before, but his real strength is very strong!"

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Also, Dionysus's performance was poor because Lin Yuan was stronger, it doesn't mean that He is not good enough."

Chronicles:"Huh? Is that so?"

Lily Luka:"Newbie, don't underestimate Brother Lin Yuan."

Rukia Kuchiki:"That's right, when Brother Lin Yuan came to help me before, he directly built a world tree to support the three realms."

Lin Yuan:"Rukia, she won't understand what you said."

Lin Yuan:"Let me give you a more intuitive example."

Lin Yuan:"As long as I go all out, I can make your world, Chronicles, recover in a short time, and the environment will be restored to the same state as Lily's world or even better."

Lin Yuan:"On the contrary, as long as I want to destroy it, I can also destroy the (ccaj) planet under your feet and make everyone lose their foothold."

Lin Yuan:"How about it, this is straightforward enough."


Lin Yuan is so strong?

After listening to the explanations of everyone in the group and Lin Yuan himself, Chloni was stunned.

Raising his hand to revive the earth, and then destroying the planet with his backhand.

Is Lin Yuan's power so terrifying?

If the other party is really as strong as he said, then ending the eternal war is a big deal....It seems that it is possible to do it! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Yuan:"What do you mean, do you need my help?"

Chloe:"Yes, I really need it!"

Chloe:"But...I just saw you, Lord Lin Yuan, say that your strength is about to break through."

Kroni:"How about I wait a little longer, and invite you to come after you break through and become stronger?"

Kroni asked nervously.

Although she knew that Lin Yuan was very strong, so strong that he had a chance to end the Eternal War immediately, Kroni still didn't dare to gamble.

She only had one chance.

If she failed, not only would it harm Lin Yuan, but it would also make���All humans were targeted and disappeared from this world.

Rather than inviting Lin Yuan to help immediately, she thought it would be better to wait until Lin Yuan broke through and became stronger before inviting him....I don't look down on your strength, Master Lin Yuan. I just think it's safer this way."

Lin Yuan:"Don't be nervous. I understand your idea."

Lin Yuan:"If you think it's better this way, I will respect your proposal."

Chloni:"Thank you for your understanding, Master Lin Yuan!"

Marin:"Master Lin Yuan is so easy to talk to. If I were someone who didn't believe in my strength, I would be anxious at this time." Kugisaki

Nobara:"There's no way. I can understand the newcomer's idea if I put myself in his shoes."

Kugisaki Nobara:"After all, this is the only way to end the Eternal War and guarantee the status of mankind."

Kugisaki Nobara:"No matter how far you go, I can understand it." Akatsuki

Nagisa:"Thinking about it this way, it's better to wait for Brother Lin Yuan to break through to the seventh level before taking action." Kuchiki Rukia:

"Since we have to wait for Master Lin Yuan to break through before taking action, the newcomer should help as we agreed at the beginning."

Kuchiki Rukia:"We will provide you with supplies and reconnaissance methods so that you can avoid encountering people of other races as much as possible."

Main:"No problem, I can provide some meat from dangerous species, which is more nutritious."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"I can provide some daily necessities."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Yes."...I provide some combat equipment?���The force is not suitable for investigation."

Seeing that both Kroni and Lin Yuan had made their decision, the girls in the chat group became active again, ready to help Kroni alleviate her current situation.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan also joined in, ready to provide Kroni with some rich blood to strengthen her body.

However, just as he was chatting in the group, a petite figure in reality suddenly blocked him and Lily.

"that...Excuse me."

The Lolita goddess with huge breasts and a bust far exceeding that of an ordinary person, exuding a sacred and gentle aura, asked with a nervous look on her face.

"This handsome gentleman, I see you don't seem to belong yet, would you like to join my clan?"

Lin Yuan:"?"

Who do you want to recruit into the clan? Me?......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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