"Hey! Who are you? Don't be too much!"

Just when Lin Yuan was surprised that he was invited to join the clan, Lily, who had been following him, couldn't help but get angry.

The little human girl put her hands on her hips, glared at the god in front of her who was almost as tall as her, and shouted:

"Open your eyes and know your own identity. Lord Lin Yuan is not someone you can win over!"

"Woo...Are all children in the underworld so vicious?-"

After being beaten by Lily, Hestia lowered her head and looked at the ground in embarrassment.

This was her seventh setback today.

After being driven out by Hephaestus, Hestia, who was determined to form a clan to support herself, began to select clan members early in the morning.

From the powerful Amazon swordsman, to the elven wizard with sufficient magic power, to the sturdy dwarf vanguard.

Whenever Hestia saw a good seedling who had no family, she would take the initiative to invite him.

But no matter who it was, when they heard that she was a new god who had just started to form a clan, they would immediately turn their faces and refuse.

I thought this was miserable enough, but I didn't expect that the little human girl I just met was even more fierce.

She obviously just invited Lin Yuan, but she was directly belittled by the other party to the point of having no self-awareness.

"Stop scolding me, I know I was wrong."

Hestia raised her hands in surrender as she listened to the scolding.

"I really didn't mean it. I just want to find a family to live with. No offense."

"If I did something wrong, please forgive me."


Now it was Lily's turn to be speechless. This was the first time she had met a god as easy to talk to as Hestia since she was born.

Thinking back to the gods she had met in the past, each of them was extremely willful and had their own ideas.

Especially Soma, who didn't care about anything at home, and Dionysus, who kidnapped her not long ago, were extremely bad.

Compared with these gods, Hestia was like an angel.

She stopped the two just to find a family to form a clan.

When Lily thought about how she had bullied such a kind god, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

She felt that she had really gone too far.

She would slap herself twice when she woke up in the middle of the night.

"Sorry, Lily was a little excited just now"

"Goddess, what is your name?"


"I understand, Goddess Hestia."

Lily took a deep breath and seemed to have made a decision.

"To apologize for my unreasonable behavior just now, please wait a few days."

"I will negotiate with the Soma God, quit the Soma clan and join the Hestia clan to fulfill your wish."


Hestia was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved her hand and replied

"It's just a small matter, it's not necessary to go to this extent, it makes me feel like I'm deliberately robbing someone."


"Actually, it doesn't have to be that troublesome."

Just when Lily was about to say something else, Lin Yuan, who had been silent, suddenly interrupted.

"I have a better way to help Hestia directly."

"A better way?!"

Hestia's eyes widened, and a look of anticipation appeared on her face.

"Handsome Mr. Lin Yuan here, would you be willing to fulfill my wish personally?"

"That's right, isn't your wish to find a family to live with? If that's the case, I'll be here."



""Great! I finally succeeded!"

After getting repeated confirmation from Lin Yuan, Hestia finally couldn't help but cheer.

Hard work really pays off.

Hephaestus said that it was impossible for her to find a family member willing to join, which was really nonsense.

Isn't this a success!

And it's a newcomer who doesn't look simple and even makes her feel a little pressured.

Thinking of this, Hestia immediately reached out and grabbed Lin Yuan, ready to take him to a bookstore not far away.

"Lin Yuan, let’s go!"

"I will give you a gift to make you stronger"

"Give me a gift?"

Lin Yuan held Hestia's hand with his backhand and pulled her back with a little force.

"Hestia, did you make a mistake?"


"To form a clan, I don't have to be a member of it." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


The Dionysus template quietly completed the loading, and a faint divine power emerged from Lin Yuan.

Looking at Hestia, whose expression suddenly became dull, Lin Yuan showed a playful smile on his face.

"Join my Familia, Hestia"

"As the first member of my clan, you will directly become the leader of the Linyuan clan, second only to one person and above everyone else."

"???" this...Isn't this right?

How could Lin Yuan be a god?

Even if a god could restrain his aura, he couldn't hide it from another god.

She had seen everything fine before. Lin Yuan was just an ordinary person who restrained his aura (?)

Where did this divine power come from? How could it be as if it suddenly grew?

"Why are you silent? Are you touched?"

Lin Yuan's voice sounded again:"Since you have no objection, then follow me to the Soma clan."

"When we get there, I will personally grant you the gift."

"wait...Wait a minute! I'm a god!"

Hestia finally came to her senses.

"Not to mention that gods cannot grant gifts to each other, just the idea of letting a god be the leader of a clan is a little too outrageous!"

"Are you planning to let me lead the team into the dungeon? It will cause a disaster!"[]

"Relax, nothing will happen.

Seeing that Hestia was not ready to obey, Lin Yuan directly pulled her up and put her on his shoulders.

"Gone, to the Soma clan"

"Wow! Help!"

"Someone is robbing a decent woman in the street, is there anyone who can rescue her?"

"Hmm? What's going on?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's another prank between gods."

"Probably. Judging from his aura, that man is also a god."


"Eh? Captain, don't we have to take care of it?"

"Don't worry, there are similar scenes in Orario every day, you will get used to it after seeing them many times."

"So, it is indeed different as it is the center of the world."

The discussion was heard on the street, but no one stood up to help Hestia.

In this city called the center of the world, there are too many gods who are acting weird every day.

In their eyes, this is a scene that cannot be more common, and they don't need to pay attention to it at all.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Yuan kidnapped Hestia on the street......


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