Lin Yuan suddenly attacked Soma for a reason.

In addition to scaring Hestia and wanting to see what interesting expression she would show, the main reason was to punish Soma.

Because the humans in the lower world could not bear the temptation of the wine of God, they lost hope in humans, stopped listening to their voices and let them fend for themselves.

This kind of weird thinking is not possessed by many gods.

Who can resist the temptation of the wine of God?

"I have unauthorized expectations of others, and then I am unauthorized to be disappointed in them, and then I put all the responsibility on the person who was expected."

"In my opinion, this is selfish selfishness"

"Of course, if it is only this level, I will not punish you."

Looking at Su Mo, who was staring at him with fear after his wound was healed, Lin Yuan said calmly

"What you did wrong was to let the people in your clan develop on their own after being disappointed with them."

"God grants man divine authority, but does not supervise and manage it. The biggest consequence is that sin breeds and desires expand."

"Thanks to you, many people in the Soma clan steal other people's property and harm other people's lives just to have a drink."

"You are Lily's main god. I won't kill you, but I won't allow gods like you to act according to your own ideas."

"......So you sealed my powers and took away most of my memories?"

"That's right."

Lin Yuan replied calmly:"My seal is different from the seals you set between gods. It has a real suppressive effect."

"Now you have not only lost all your divine power, but your divine body and soul have also degenerated to the level of a LV.1 adventurer."

"Add to that the fact that you have lost most of your memories, and now you are nothing more than a person in the guise of a god."

"This is my punishment for you."

"......"What about the sealing time?"

Su Mo was silent for two seconds and then asked,"Are you going to seal my power permanently?"

"Don't worry, I'm not that cruel."

Lin Yuan chuckled:"You are being punished because you made a mistake."

"In this case, it is also very simple to remove the seal."

"As long as you can correctly realize how stupid the mistake you made is,"

"I can't do it."

Su Mo shook his head honestly.

If he could correctly recognize his mistakes, he would not be sealed by Lin Yuan and stand here as punishment.

"You don’t have to worry about the process of admitting your mistakes. I never expected you to realize your mistakes through self-reflection from the beginning."

Lin Yuan raised his palm, and the power of abundance began to gather.

Under the gaze of everyone, a wooden wine bottle slowly rose in his palm, and the tempting aroma of wine wafted out from the inside.

"This is the wine of God that I created by combining the power of abundance and the divine power of the god of wine. It will automatically regenerate a bottle every week."

"Take it. If you can drink the wine of God for a month and keep your mind clear, the seal will be released."

"Is this the test you gave me?"

Su Mo, who was a little nervous, breathed a sigh of relief.

He probably understood what Lin Yuan meant.

Since he had expected humans without permission and was disappointed without permission, he should be a human himself and experience the power of the wine of God.

To be honest, it was indeed a very interesting test.

But...Even though his power was sealed and he lost most of his memories, he was still the god of wine, Soma.

"It is impossible for me to be addicted to the wine of God."

Taking the wooden bottle from Lin Yuan, Su Mo directly chose the most difficult way to drink, gulping it down.

A full bottle of wine of God flowed into his mouth, and the rich aroma of wine began to spread.

The next moment, the world began to distort as if it was soft.

The boundless intoxication, the peak of the emotion that reversed consciousness.

With a bang, the wooden bottle in Su Mo's hand fell to the ground and rolled away.

His hands and feet couldn't stop shaking, and his pupils began to shake wildly.

Then, Su Mo knelt on the ground on the spot like a puppet with its strings cut, supporting himself with his hands.

"ah...Hahaha...So that's how it is, so that's how it is."

Although he showed an ugly face that he had never seen before, Soma, who couldn't focus his eyes, laughed like a madman. His vision gradually became blank.

His body's feelings and consciousness became more and more turbid.

This was an experience that Soma had never had before.

As the god of wine, even if he had taken the wine of God for three consecutive days and nights, he had never realized that he had fallen to such a level.

At this moment, Soma finally realized why the humans in the lower world could not resist the power of the wine of God.

"turn out to be...That's what happened."

Everything turned into a white cloud. Even the fallen god of wine could not resist the power of the wine of God at this moment.

There was a bang.

With saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth and his body shaking uncontrollably, Soma fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"He lasted three seconds longer than I expected." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After calmly watching the whole process of Su Mo getting drunk, Lin Yuan made his comment:

"It seems that he has been the God of Wine for many years, but it is not all in vain."

"Even though he fell from grace and became a human, his pride as a god still made him superior to ordinary adventurers."

"But that's all."

"Lin Yuan, you are so strict."

Hestia, who was watching the whole process, shrank her head in fear.

"After all, at level 1, is there really anyone who can avoid being addicted to the wine of God?"

"Hestia, you overestimate my bottle of divine wine."

Lin Yuan glanced at her and said,"I specially prepared that bottle of wine based on Soma's condition."

"As long as his will can surpass the limit and fully realize his own stupidity, it will not be difficult to stay awake."

"thing���At least 30% of the reason why he fell into the wine of God was because of his own initiative."

"Huh? Why do you do that?"

Hestia was a little confused:"Doesn't Soma want to lift the seal earlier?"

"Of course he wants to regain his status as a god as soon as possible"

"But at the moment of drinking the wine of God, the regret and self-blame in his mind suppressed the desire to unlock."

The wine of God is a drug to mortals.

After mastering the power of the god of wine, Lin Yuan had a clear understanding of this matter.

It is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.

Not to mention LV.1 adventurers, even LV.2 who have overcome the difficulties of life and death and experienced a sublimation, there is a chance of sinking into it.

As long as Su Mo tastes it once as a mortal, he will clearly realize how stupid he was.[]

After realizing this, Su Mo was filled with regret and self-blame, which filled his mind at an absolute speed.

Unblocking? Su Mo had no such idea at all.

"Now Soma is more obsessed with experiencing the wine of God as a mortal than unblocking it."

"When he stops this behavior and regains his lost power, he will cherish the members of the Soma clan more than anyone else."

In addition, after Su Mo's enlightenment, his power will likely be further enhanced.

At that time, Lin Yuan will collect the other party's data again and use it as a reference.

Of course, this will take some time.

Withdrawing his eyes from Su Mo, Lin Yuan chuckled and looked at the loli goddess beside him.��

"Hestia, how do you think the treatment I prescribed for Soma (Zhao Zhao Zhao) would rate?"

"......I don't know."

Hestia shook her head honestly.

To be honest, instead of denouncing Soma's selfish behavior and accusing him of inaction and irresponsibility,

Hestia now had a deeper understanding of Lin Yuan's previous words"saving the world from suffering".

"Lin Yuan, most gods are willful."

"Soma's situation may be rare, but the gods who cause trouble to mankind...There are still many"

"Are you going to go to them one by one and punish them all like you did to Soma?"

""Hmm? That won't work."

Lin Yuan waved his hand, and then, seeing Hestia's relieved expression, he replied:

"Soma is Lily's main god, so I will treat it."

"If other gods don't obey, I will choose a more efficient solution."

"What is it?"

Hestia suddenly had a bad feeling.

As expected, Lin Yuan's next reply directly responded to her guess.

"A disobedient god has no value in living"......

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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