A disobedient god has no value in life?

Hestia couldn't help but hold her breath as she listened to the man's nonchalant words. Her expression became serious.

"Lin Yuan, are you serious?"

"Of course, I don't have to lie to you."

Lin Yuan replied unmoved.

From the time he received the blessing of the pharmacist and became the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, he has experienced a lot.

Through repeated practice, Lin Yuan gradually developed his own understanding of [Plenty].

Among them, there was one point that Lin Yuan's idea differed from that of the pharmacist, who was the God of Plenty.

That was...Studying medicine can't save the world

"Simply saving lives and healing the wounded cannot bring true prosperity to the world, especially when the gods have descended upon this world."

"Hestia, sometimes using force to solve problems is a good option"

"But if you do this, aren't you no different from the company and the Antimatter Legion you mentioned before?"

"No, there is a difference."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly:"If the company and the antimatter army come, there are only two endings for this world."

"To be ruled by others, or to be destroyed"

"But I won't do that. My goal is to make this world a land of abundance where everyone can be free from pain."

"Unless you intend to erase everyone's humanity, it is impossible to create a paradise of that level." Hestia reminded

"Don't worry, I understand this kind of thing."

"In fact, the ideal utopia is always in the process of being built."

"All I will do is leave seeds of a fertile paradise for this world, so that people are qualified to move in that direction."

"What about the gods?"

"Abundance will not reject anyone, and gods are naturally qualified to set foot in the land of abundance."

Lin Yuan responded.

In fact, Lin Yuan does not care about the gods playing to a certain extent.

Even if a god pursues a princess or prince from another country and keeps harassing him to force him to get him, Lin Yuan will only blame and remind him. The real crossing of the line is to inadvertently create a hotbed of sin like Soma, and to actively create chaos like Dionysus.

Lin Yuan will give warnings for both.

But if the gods still do not restrain their crossing of the line after receiving his warning, that will be the time to really punish them.

"That's all my plan."

"Hestia, if you think there is a problem, you can refute and argue with me."

"As long as your suggestion is better and more effective, I will incorporate your idea"

"this...After listening to it, I think it's pretty good."

Hestia scratched her head in embarrassment.

When she heard Lin Yuan's murderous speech before, she thought she had made a mistake.

Unexpectedly, it was actually her imagination.

Lin Yuan was more rational than she thought.

Perhaps his behavior would violate the divine power of some gods, causing them to rebel and cause casualties.

But in Hestia's view, this matter was not a problem.

You ask why?

She is a family goddess who is in charge of the sacred fire and the stove, so she is naturally a god of the lawful good side.

Those chaotic evil gods who like to make trouble have all died, and she will at most feel sad that some neighbors have been lost, and she will not be sad at all.

Southeast of Orario, Daedalus Street.

With the fully armed Liu, Filweis twisted and turned all the way and came to a sewer that exuded a stinky smell.

"Is this the entrance to the artificial maze?"

"To be precise, it is just one of the entrances. There are many entrances to the man-made maze, and the farthest one even connects to the port city of Melun."

"It's so far away."

Liu frowned and looked around.

Although it was called a residential area, the internal structure of Daedalus Street was extremely complicated and strange.

The multi-layer design gave rise to several stairs extending up and down, and the messy roads spread to every corner of the district.

Because it was too complicated, even local residents were often confused, and few adventurers came to this area on weekdays.

The entrance was arranged in the sewer of Daedalus Street, which basically maximized the concealment.

No wonder no one has discovered the existence of the artificial maze after so many years.

"We're here."

Fairweiss' voice sounded again.

When they reached the end of the sewer, she kicked open the skateboard that concealed the entrance and exit, and walked in.

In just a moment, the two of them arrived in front of a huge metallic door that was over three meters high.

"This is...A gate made of mountain copper?!"

Ryu's expression became more and more solemn.

Mountain copper is a material that can be used to make immortal weapons, and its hardness is the highest in the lower world.

More importantly, the price of mountain copper is extremely high. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As a hidden force, where did the artificial maze get so much money to buy mountain copper to build the gate?"

"Of course, it's some shady trade."

Filweiss took out the key, opened the door, and led Liu into the labyrinth.

"By the way, the walls here are made of super-hard steel, second only to orichalcum."

"Unless you have a power comparable to LV.7, ordinary people are not even qualified to destroy the wall."

"Of course, this is also a good thing for us"

"Why do you say that"

"People from outside can't get in, so if certain conditions are met, people inside naturally can't get out either."

"As long as I seal all the exits, this place will become a prison that no one can escape from."

""Seal them all?"

Liu's eyes flashed with confusion.

If she remembered correctly, Filweiss seemed to have said before.

The artificial maze connected the eighteen layers of mazes, with many exits and exits to the outside world.���

With just the two of them, are they going to block all the entrances and exits ?

"This can't be done, right?"

"No, it can be done."


The surging magic power mixed with the terrifying murderous aura instantly rose from Filweis' body.

Filweis, who had been suppressing herself all the way, finally stopped hiding at this moment.

Taking off the staff from her waist, Filweis raised it high, and a dazzling green light suddenly burst out from her body.[]

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The power from the abundance began to spread slowly, and a layer of green vegetation began to emerge on the metallic ground and the giant door.

Then, in Liu's surprised eyes, this layer of vegetation spread to the end of the sight at a speed that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

"How is this possible?!"

Faced with this unimaginable scene, even though Liu had prepared himself mentally, he still received a huge shock.

"this...Is this really a power that humans in the underworld can possess?"

"This is certainly not a human power."

At this time, Fairweiss's aura returned to normal, she put away the staff in her hand and said

"This is the source of new life that Master Lin Yuan has given me. Only with this power can we turn this maze into a land of abundance."

Click! Click! Click!

Just as Filweiss finished speaking, a strange sound rang out behind them.

Liu turned his head and saw that a wooden puppet that looked exactly like Filweiss had appeared at the original gate.

Although the puppet had not taken any action since it appeared, Liu still felt a terrifying pressure from it.

This puppet had at least LV.6 power.

"......I see. Is this how you block all the intersections?"

"This is just one of the insurances. I have also set up other blocking measures."

"But that's not important. There's only one thing you really need to do from beginning to end."

Looking at the remnants of the dark faction who appeared in sight and came to check the situation, Filweis raised his palm and pointed it at the front.

"Pick up your weapon and kill all the enemies in your sight, Lurion.——!......

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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