On the Starry Sky Train, a faint spatial fluctuation flashed by, and Lin Yuan's figure appeared in his own room.

Then, just like the previous two times, the pioneering destiny in his body began to resonate automatically.

After a few seconds, a surge of imaginary energy flowed into Lin Yuan's body, raising his aura....A trace

"The amount given is about the same as the time in the Red World."

Lin Yuan felt it carefully and made a judgment.

It seems that without completing the world positioning, the power increased by the development of destiny is basically fixed.

Of course, this is nothing for Lin Yuan.

Although the development of destiny is not good this time, he still has the memory destiny.

"Come out! Fu Li, my friend!"

Lin Yuan packed all his memories about Dionysus and threw them all into the memory path.

As if it was hit by something, Lin Yuan could clearly feel that the memory path shook slightly for a moment.

The next moment, a familiar cold gaze crossed the sea of stars and fell on Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan looked up, and sure enough, Fu Li's figure appeared in front of him.

The other party didn't say anything, just looked at Lin Yuan like last time, and then disappeared again.

But at the same moment when the other party disappeared, the imaginary energy from the memory path in Lin Yuan's body began to expand wildly.

In just a few breaths, the memory power in his body doubled to an exaggerated level.

At this moment, even if Lin Yuan did not rely on other destinies, the power from the memory destiny alone was still far beyond that of ordinary envoys.


Even with this level of improvement, Lin Yuan was still not satisfied.

"How come the improvement is only this much?"

Last time he uploaded the memory of the Spirit King for a million years, Brother Fuli gave him the power of a Memory Envoy.

This time he uploaded the memory of Dionysus for hundreds of millions of years, but Brother Fuli still only gave him the power equivalent to that of a Memory Envoy.

Even if there are a lot of useless daily memories in Dionysus's memory, it shouldn't be so bad.

Brother Fuli, what's the situation?

Looking at the direction where Fuli disappeared, Lin Yuan first suspected that this selfless star god had stolen his reward.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

At this moment, a series of fierce knocks on the door rang out.

Lin Yuan temporarily stopped thinking and walked over to open the door of the room.

"Huh? Why are you all here?"

Looking at the figures standing at the door, Lin Yuan asked in confusion:"What happened?"

"We should be the ones asking you this question!"

The messenger girl who came with the train crew was so excited that her voice was trembling.

"What did you just do in the room to attract Fu Li's attention?"

"Huh? Did you all notice it?"

"How could we not notice such a big noise?"

Sanyueqi couldn't help but complain:"I'm more curious, why do you think we didn't notice it ?"

"Um...I made a mistake on this point."

Lin Yuan also reacted at this moment.

When the Star God cast his gaze on him before, there was no one else around him. After so many times, Lin Yuan subconsciously felt that only he could feel when he attracted the Star God's gaze.

Now it seems that if there are other people around, they will also notice it.

"Sorry to disturb your rest."


Next time I summon a star god, I will find a deserted place."?"


March 7:"?"


Messenger Girl:"?"

Is your focus a little off?

And what's your tone?

Looking at Lin Yuan who said calmly that he would summon the Star God in a different place next time, everyone in the train crew fell silent.

It seems that Fu Li's gaze just now was not an accident, but something you took the initiative to attract?

"Ahem~ It seems that Lin Yuan, you don’t want to explain, so we won’t ask too much."

Walter coughed and took the initiative to break the silence:"Anyway, I hope nothing happened to you."

"Also, next time you summon a star god, you don't have to leave the train on purpose, just say hello to us in advance."

"If I have the chance, I would like to see the Star God more often, just to broaden my horizons."

"No problem."

Lin Yuan made an OK gesture.

Want to see Brother Fu Li? That's easy. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The other party is the most approachable star god he has ever seen.

Even the pharmacist is not as good as him.

Just give the memory, the service attitude is full.

Black Tower Space Station.

After tasting the cakes in the platform area as usual, Ruan Mei swiped her card all the way to the front of the Black Tower office.

"Black Tower, open the door."

With a click, the mechanical door slowly retreated to both sides.

Under Ruan Mei's gaze, a room with a large number of automatic weapons and hidden traps appeared in her sight......

"Good afternoon, Ruan Mei."

Heita poked his head out from behind a desk not far away.

"What do you want to see me about?"

"I came to ask about your progress."

Ruan Mei came to the black tower and glanced around.

"Did you install new weapons?"

"Almost. I added a few new imaginary energy muzzles."

"......Why would you decorate your room with all this? If it's just a doll body, you can always rebuild it if it breaks."

"You're right, it's just a puppet body."

Heita seemed to remember something, and his voice suddenly became gnashing.

"So I deployed these weapons"[]

"If there's another guy who's not afraid of death, I'll be the first to blow up my body."


So, aren't these weapons used to defend against the enemy?

Hearing Heita's shocking statement, even Ruan Mei, who was always calm, was stunned and widened her eyes in confusion.

What kind of experience would it be to place so many weapons in your room, just to kill you as soon as the enemy arrives?

"Ahem~ Anyway, you don't need to ask too much about this matter. I have my reasons for doing this."

As if noticing Ruan Mei's strange look, Heita muttered something in a low voice and changed the subject back to the main business.

"You just said that you came to inquire about the progress. What specifically do you mean?"

"Clues to Higher Life"

"I knew it was like this. I hope you can pay more attention to the simulated universe project someday."

Heita shook his head helplessly and said,"I have asked the company and the Xianzhou Alliance to help investigate this matter."

"I don't know what the company is doing, but the Xianzhou Alliance seems to have some records about the location of the ancient beast's remains."

"Ancient beasts? That's a good target indeed."

Ruan Mei's eyes flashed with anticipation.

According to records, ancient beasts were the most powerful life forms in the early universe before the emergence of the Star Gods, and each possessed extremely strong power.

Although it is not known whether this record is true, it is beyond doubt that the life level of ancient beasts is extremely high.

"It seems that we can contact Lin Yuan in advance and ask him to prepare."

"Oh? I seem to hear someone calling my name."

Just as Ruan Mei's voice fell, an arm quietly stretched out from behind and hugged her slender waist.

"Are you calling me, Ruan Mei wife?"......

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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