"I'm calling you."

Ruan Mei was not frightened by Lin Yuan's sudden appearance. She nodded calmly and then stretched out her hand to push him away.

"Stay away from me first, I don't want to be blown away."

Blown away?

Lin Yuan, who had just landed, was stunned for a moment, and finally noticed the continuous clicking sound coming from his ears.

He turned his head and saw a bunch of artillery mouths that were constantly filling up with imaginary energy and ready to go.

"Oh my, this is such an unexpected welcome ceremony."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows, and the next moment he came to a machine not far away, with his hands open, looking fearless.

"Come on! I'm ready!"

"Black Tower, please inject the fire of your love into my body!"

"......You deserve a beating more than before."

The artillery group that was ready to fire began to slowly shut down.

Of course, this was not because Heita was soft-hearted.

She did not hesitate to use Lin Yuan, a hateful guy, to test the performance of her weapons.

The reason why she stopped attacking was purely because the opponent was standing next to the half-made simulated universe center.

That was the result of her recent research.

No matter how pessimistic Heita was, she would not blow up the simulated universe center for a few seconds of satisfaction.

"What are you doing in the space station? Have you unlocked breeding life 24?"

"Not yet, I'm here to look for Ruan Mei's wife."

Lin Yuan ran back to Ruan Mei, hugged her neck and said

"Wife, guess what good things I brought you this time?"


Ruan Mei thought for a moment, and a hint of anticipation flashed in her eyes.

"Have you found a higher-level life that meets your goals?"

"As expected of Ruan Mei's wife, she is really smart."

Lin Yuan snapped his fingers, and the next second three bubbles emitting colorful light appeared around his body.

"Dangdang ~ Life Template from a God from Another World"

"I have used the basic information about life science I learned from you to identify that the life level of these gods is higher than that of ordinary emissaries."

"Honey, take a look at this and see if it can be used as material to construct the body of a star god."

"......I need some time."

Ruan Mei replied, and immediately took the memory bubble and immersed her mind in it to check the contents.

Seeing her fully focused and selfless attitude, Lin Yuan, who also wanted to know the result quickly, did not bother her anymore.

"Long time no see, Heita."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and said hello to the puppet loli who was staring at him with her arms crossed.

"You seem to be in a bad mood. Are you in any trouble?"

"Just seeing you makes me feel bad."

"Eh? We are old friends. Are you still angry about what happened last time?"

"Don't worry, I'm not that stingy."

Heita replied calmly:"At least I won't take this matter to heart before I hand over the corpse of the breeding star god and the research results to you."

"Isn't he still angry?"

Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned three more bubbles to Black Tower.

"How about this, I will give you a copy of the God template I collected this time."

"If you accept it, this matter will be over. Don't get angry about it again in the future."

"I said, I'm not angry."

Heita accepted the bubbles and felt a little better.

She was indeed not angry, but just a little unhappy.

For some reason, Heita felt uncomfortable when she saw the intimacy between Lin Yuan and Ruan Mei.

First of all, she ruled out the possibility that she liked this bitch. Heita felt that there was only one reason why she was unhappy.

She was excluded.

Is this a new type of bullying?

She was obviously Lin Yuan's first partner, but this guy only gave the precious research materials to Ruan Mei.

It was too much!

Fortunately, Lin Yuan corrected his mistakes and copied the information of the God Template to her.

After accepting these three bubbles exuding a special atmosphere, Heita looked at the man in front of her again.

"I didn't expect you to actually start the journey of memory."

"I told you last time, you didn't believe it."

"Why don't I believe it? Don't you know it yourself?"

Heita glanced at him and said,"Let's skip this topic. It's time to talk to you about business."

"The company sent you the reward for destroying the insect swarm three days ago."

"Reward? Oh, now I remember, it's the Amber King Stone needed to reforge your Zanpakutō."

"That's right." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Heita nodded slightly:"If you are free now, please give me the Zanpakutō."

"It should take one to two days to integrate the new material into the Zanpakuto and complete the recasting."

""Then I'll leave it to you."

Lin Yuan handed the Zanpakutō to the other party without hesitation.

Then, he seemed to remember something and took out a piece of amber and handed it to Heita.

"By the way, I have an extra piece of Amber King fragment. Do you think it can be of use to me?"

"The more gravel there is, the better the recasting effect will be...."Hmm?"

Heita, who was replying, took the amber and was stunned for a moment.

It seemed that she found something wrong. She quickly took out a device from the drawer beside her and tested it.

"Wait! What's this piece of amber?"

"How could the energy inside be so abundant? It doesn't look like normal rubble at all."

Having said this, Heita suddenly looked up at the man in front of him with some surprise.

"Lin Yuan, you're not really going to fight with the Amber King, are you?"

"I'm not that stubborn."

Lin Yuan replied:"This thing was found together with the corpse of the Breeding Star God. It was a tool to seal it."

"After I gave you the body of the Breeding Star God...Ahem, anyway, you know, this thing is accidentally forgotten"

"......Next time, if you have something good, take it out earlier."

Heita's voice was also somewhat helpless.

You are really a nobody for not taking out such a good thing earlier and leaving it in your backpack to rust and mold.

But then again, how did Lin Yuan take the body of the breeding star god out from the inside without destroying the amber?

Looking at the intact amber in his hand, Heita always felt that Lin Yuan had other secrets that he hadn't told.

"How is it? Will this piece of amber help you recast your Zanpakuto?"

Lin Yuan's voice sounded again, bringing Heita back to her senses.

She lowered her head and thought for a few seconds, then replied:

"It should be possible to improve the quality of the recast Zanpakutō by two to three times than expected."

"Huh? The effect is so good!"

"I underestimated this."

Black Tower replied:"One is the rubble that naturally fell off when its energy was nearly exhausted, and the other is the amber that the Amber King personally took down to seal the remains of the Star God."

"Even if the source comes from the Amber King, do you think the quality of these two things can be of the same level?"

"So that's how it is. I'm lucky then."

Lin Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

Fortunately, he suddenly thought of this thing just now and took it out to ask Heita.

Otherwise, this piece of amber would really rot in his hands.

"Do you have any other goodies that you haven't brought out?"

"No, this is really the last one."

"Then you can go now."

After confirming that Lin Yuan had not forgotten anything, Heita began to drive people away.

"Ruan Mei and I both need a quiet environment now"

"We will contact you when we have finished our work."

"Okay, I'm going to go play with Estelle."[]

One day later.

Just as Lin Yuan was wandering around the Black Tower's Wonder Room, a message from the Black Tower rang on his phone.

Black Tower:"Come to my office, the messenger from the Immortal Boat has arrived."......

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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