"That’s right, the Momu Galaxy has been destroyed."

Lin Yuan nodded and replied:"But it has not completely disappeared, and there are still remnants of the planet."

"So that's it."

Heita understood.

The Antimatter Corps is one of the cosmic forces created by the God of Destruction Nanook, bringing chaos and destruction to the world.

In front of the Antimatter Corps, the ignorant new world will be ruthlessly strangled, and the self-proclaimed powerful civilization will also fall apart in arrogance.

Only when facing a world that is on the decline will the will of [Destruction] slow down a little.

Under the leadership of the Lord of Extinction, the Corps will wander on the fragmented planets, greedily eating the chaotic energy that overflows from the planets in the process of decay, and collect corpses and throw them into the furnace of war to forge new virtual soldiers.

Only when the last flame of civilization is extinguished, the Antimatter Corps will leave with satisfaction and look for the next target to trample.

Since Lin Yuan said that there are still planetary debris in the Momu Galaxy, it means that the planets in the Momu Galaxy have not completely ushered in the withering.

In other words, as long as you are lucky, you can still find the corpses of ancient beasts on the planet Ralph.

"I was wondering why Xianzhou's intelligence fee was so low this time."

"It seems that they are not sure that they can find the ancient beast's corpse, and they are just selling it for the coordinates."

Heita frowned slightly:"What do you say next? Do you want to go to the Momu Star System to check the situation?"

"817Of course."

Lin Yuan nodded without hesitation.

Although there is already the option of the Earth God, it does not mean that the ancient beast corpse is useless.

There is never too much data on high-level life.

The more life information collected, the greater the possibility of shaping the body of a star god.

"Black Tower, how is the recasting of the War Soul Sword going?"

"......If we speed up the recasting now, it will probably take two system hours."

"Then we will set off in two system hours."

Lin Yuan made a decision.

Momu Galaxy, Ralph Star.

Thick clouds of fire covered the sky, and the earth cracked with huge cracks as if it had been hit hard.

The fiery red magma flowed wantonly, and the scorching high temperature made this planet a restricted area that ordinary people could not approach.

And in this environment that can be called a human restricted area, a large number of humanoid creatures covered with purple skin and armor roamed in every corner of the planet.

They wantonly absorbed the chaotic energy emitted when the planet was on the verge of destruction, and plundered the corpses of the warriors who died when the planet resisted the invasion of the antimatter legion.

Afterwards, this group of virtual soldiers from the antimatter legion followed the instructions and continuously threw the collected corpses into the war furnaces all over the planet.

Under the burning of the chaotic imaginary energy, these warriors who resisted the antimatter legion during their lifetime were constantly transformed into new virtual soldiers to join the antimatter legion.

"So that's why the Antimatter Corps can always have enough troops to wreak havoc on the universe."

In the sky of Planet Ralph, Lin Yuan, who had just arrived here, took in everything below and sighed.

"Fight to support the enemy. No matter how many times you lose in a war, you can make up for all the lost combat power as long as you win once."

"It's really a rogue existence. No wonder it is called one of the three major disasters in the universe along with the Zerg and the Remnant of Abundance."

"In fact, the simple problem of manpower is easy to solve, the real problem of the Antimatter Corps lies in the Extinction Lord and the Star God."

The voice of the Black Tower sounded in Lin Yuan's ears:"How is the situation on your side? Have you found any trace of Fenfeng?"

"I haven't seen him yet."

Lin Yuan's perception swept across Ralph Star:"It seems that he may have left here and headed for the next destination."

"Known as a man with a million troops, Fenfeng did leave the rest of the army behind and set out on his own."

"But you can't be careless. Most of the time, after conquering a galaxy, the Foehn will stay there for a while."

"According to the information I received, the Momu Galaxy is the last place where the Burning Wind appeared in recent days."

"So, a Lord of Destruction who may be lurking in the dark and appear at any time sounds quite troublesome."

"In your tone, I only heard the desire to try"

"Well, trouble and expectation are not contradictory."

After coming to the Collapse Iron World, Lin Yuan had contact with the remnants of abundance and the Zerg.

Only the Antimatter Corps, known as the first of the three disasters, had not met for a long time.

This time he took the initiative to come to the door, naturally wanting to find out.

Especially for Fenfeng, one of the Extinction Lords, Lin Yuan's interest in the other party was not in the ancient beast corpse.


"Before making a big noise to test whether Fenfeng is there, let's get the main goal of this trip first."

Lin Yuan took a step forward and came to the east side of Ralph Star, in front of a huge furnace that was as big as a mountain.

According to his previous exploration, the most vigorous creature on this planet is inside this furnace.

There are a lot of virtual soldiers around the war furnace. After noticing Lin Yuan's appearance, they rushed towards him immediately.

""Little minions, you better get out of here."

Lin Yuan waved his hand casually, and the ground cracked instantly, with countless thick vines rushing out, sweeping away tens of thousands of virtual soldiers.

Then, Lin Yuan ignored these cannon fodders with average strength, raised his hand and clenched his fist to hammer down.


A roar that shook the earth sounded, and the war furnace with a strength comparable to that of a planet collapsed in an instant, and purple flames emitting a terrifying aura rushed towards the surroundings. In just a moment, the land within a radius of thousands of miles turned into a sea of purple flames.

"Good luck." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Walking out of the sea of fire unscathed, Lin Yuan looked at the giant snake in front of him that was only ten thousand meters long and exuded a terrifying aura.

"It looks like it was thrown into the furnace of war not long ago, and its life form has basically not changed."

"It does sound like good news, but I suggest you collect the life information of this ancient beast as soon as possible."

The voice of the black tower sounded again in Lin Yuan's ears:"According to the monitoring device I put on you, there is a force of energy of the level of the envoy that is constantly expanding 233 light years to the east of you."

"It seems that Fen Feng has not left, but he is not on this planet."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned a golden sword, which was directly inserted into the body of the ten thousand meter giant snake.

The power of abundance flowed quickly, and the life information of the other party poured into Lin Yuan's mind like a tide.

"Black Tower, how long will it take for the Burning Wind to reach me?"

"If it was any other time, I'm not sure, but since you broke the War Furnace, it must be here soon."

Breaking the War Furnace will bring it here soon? What's the principle behind this?

Lin Yuan subconsciously wanted to ask.

But at the same moment when he was about to ask, the answer appeared in front of him.

The purple flame that just poured out from the War Furnace flew into the sky at an extremely terrifying speed.

【Trigger the challenge mission What is Destruction? Defeat and kill Feng Feng in a head-on battle to unlock the fate of destruction and the ability Burning Sky Flame.】

"So that's how it is, there is also a move that can be transmitted through fire."

Looking at the purple-gold figure that took shape in an instant and exuded a terrifying aura, Lin Yuan waved at him leisurely.

"Good afternoon, Foen"

"Have you eaten?"

Foen Feng:"......"

I just want to eat you now[]......

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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