Fen Feng was in a very bad mood right now.

Being forcibly awakened, his bad mood was secondary.

The main reason was that he felt that he was looked down upon.

Who was he? Fen Feng, the Lord of Extinction of the Antimatter Corps, whose infamy was so great that it could make even children stop crying. Countless people had died in his hands, even more than the number of meals an ordinary person would eat in his lifetime.

On weekdays, he would lead the Antimatter Corps to initiate a war after confirming the target.

But today, he was beaten up.

This was simply a great shame!

If this matter spread, he would be laughed at by other Lords of Extinction for the rest of his life!

""I see, it's the Envoy of the Order of Plenty."

His eyes quickly swept over the vines around the battlefield and the ancient beast corpses filled with the huge power of abundance, and Fenfeng confirmed the identity of the intruder.

"Tsk~ No wonder he was so careless and came to trouble me. It seems that the power he picked up for free went to his head."

"Boy, since you came here to seek death, I will let you know one thing today: there is a gap between the envoys."

The moment the voice fell, Fen Feng's figure appeared in front of Lin Yuan without any sign, raised his hand and waved it down.


The power of destruction exploded instantly, and a ten thousand meter high flame column shot up into the sky, dispersing the fire clouds in the sky.

"Don't be so irritable, I wanted to chat with you."

Lin Yuan walked out of the flames as if nothing had happened, brushed off the sparks on his collar, and said with a smile

"I heard from Black Tower that your true form is a special kind of fire called the Sky-Burning Flame, and that you inherently possess power close to that of an envoy. Is this news true?"

"......Interesting, it seems that I underestimated you."

Fen Feng did not answer Lin Yuan's question, but his expression became serious.

Although he only tried it, Fen Feng could confirm that this man was not an ordinary user of the Order of Plenty.

The reason was very simple.

The other party did not use the immortal body unique to the order of abundance to resist the flames during high-speed recovery.

On the contrary, the other party directly built a layer of imaginary energy shield of spatial nature on the surface of the body to isolate the approach of the flames.

From this point, it can be seen that this user of the Order of Plenty is not one of those idiots who picked up power for nothing and then lost in the power.

"What's your name? Tell me your name."

"Lin Yuan"

"Lin Yuan...Got it, I'll remember your name."

"From today on, your name will be forever engraved in my record, and spread throughout the universe along with the journey of destruction."


A terrifying aura far exceeding the previous one gushed out from Fenfeng.

With his position as the center, the temperature comparable to that of the sun spread wildly in all directions.

In just a moment, the Ralph Star under the feet of the two could not bear the weight and exploded with a bang.

Then, this terrifying energy from Fenfeng spread to the distance like a tide without slowing down.

Under the cover of this power, the already trampled Momu Galaxy ushered in a second blow and began to move towards the fate of disappearing ahead of time.

"He looks like he's going to get serious."

At this moment, Heita's voice rang in Lin Yuan's ears.

"How about this, do you need my remote assistance?"

"Hmm? How can you help?"

"Very simple, lock your coordinates and start the Galaxy Annihilation Cannon, indiscriminately attacking everything in the Momu Galaxy"

"With your ability to recover, it is not a problem to withstand the bombing, but as the Destroyer, it is different."

"If we are lucky, we should be able to inflict heavy damage on him."

"You still have this kind of weapon?!"

Lin Yuan was stunned

"I've always had it, but it's not suitable for use."

Black Tower replied.

The Galaxy Annihilator Cannon is one of the most powerful weapons in her hands.

Not only does it consume a lot of energy, it needs to be repaired after each use, and more importantly, it strikes indiscriminately.

If it is used in a war on weekdays, it is easy to blow up everything on both sides of the battlefield.

Because of this, Black Tower has kept the Galaxy Annihilator Cannon sealed and has not used it for a long time.

But this time is different.

The Momu Galaxy has been destroyed by the Burning Wind.

There are only corpses and planets on the verge of extinction except for the Antimatter Legion.

In addition, Lin Yuan has a rich immortal body, so it is perfect to use the Galaxy Annihilator Cannon.

Black Tower even vaguely felt that this special invention of his was born for this moment.


"I received your kindness, but I won't support you."

Lin Yuan refused Black Tower's help.

If it was any other time, he might have let Black Tower fire directly just to be lazy.

But this time was different, he had a challenging mission. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

According to the requirements of the mission, he had to defeat and kill Fen Feng in person to complete the mission.

This was a good opportunity to unlock the fate of destruction and master a new ability.

If Black Tower fired a shot and the mission failed directly, it would be a big loss.

"Black Tower, just focus on watching the show.

Looking at Fen Feng, whose momentum had already reached its peak, Lin Yuan replied:

"I can handle this guy myself."


Faced with Lin Yuan who was plotting loudly, Fen Feng, who had been paying attention to him the whole time, shouted angrily and raised his hand to summon a purple-gold spear

"Black Tower, right? I remember this name!"

"After I deal with this ignorant Envoy of the Order of Abundance, the next stop will be to flatten the Azure Planet where you are!"


A deafening roar sounded, and Fen Feng threw the purple-gold spear with all his strength. The blow was enough to penetrate the planet, and it came to Lin Yuan's face the next moment.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan still did not dodge, but tried to reach out and grab the purple-gold spear.[]

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The extremely compressed flames began to expand wildly, and the collision directly burned through the shield built by the power of space on his body.

After that, the terrifying high temperature continued to spread in Lin Yuan's palm, trying to ignite his entire body.

"Wow~ It's different when you're serious."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and began to activate the power of abundance in his body.

Abundance echoed, and Nirvana was achieved.


A green glow appeared on Lin Yuan's body, directly suppressing the flames spreading on his right arm.

But at the same time, a terrifying roar sounded again.

"Idiot! You didn't even focus on the enemy in the battle. It seems that you really want to die!"

The raging purple-gold sea of fire continued to spread between the galaxies. Fen Feng's figure flashed a few times and appeared directly beside Lin Yuan.

The energy far exceeded that of the previous purple-gold spear and gathered in his palm. A lifelike lotus began to bloom.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan's eyes widened, and he took a breath and exclaimed.

"Could this move of yours be the legendary Buddha's wrathful lotus?"


I'm a Buddhist!

Can you be more serious in the battle? Do you think I'm playing house with you?

Facing Lin Yuan's incoherent appearance, the already irritable Fen Feng became completely angry.

Without any hesitation, he directly poured the power from the Burning Sky Flame into the lotus.

The next moment, the lotus blossomed completely, and the terrifying white light blocked the surrounding space, and it instantly exploded with the two of them as the center.


Death. Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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