"This energy...It is already 2.3 times that of an ordinary envoy."

In the room where many instruments were placed, Heita stared at the screen filled with flames in the air and the data that kept flashing by the side, and his expression became serious.

Fenfeng's strength was stronger than she had imagined.

Although he did not have multiple destinies at the same time like Lin Yuan, the energy he burst out was far beyond that of an ordinary envoy.

What this meant was self-evident.

On the road of destroying destiny, Fenfeng, who had destroyed countless galaxies with his own hands, had gone further than other extinction lords.

"No wonder some people call this guy the strongest extinction lord, there is indeed a reason"

"What are you doing?"

"Hmm? Ruan Mei, you're here."

Hearing the sudden voice beside his ear, Heita turned around and glanced at her, then continued to look at the screen.

"Lin Yuan is currently fighting against one of the Extinction Lords, Burning"770" Feng. I am collecting Lin Yuan's data and will make equipment for him later."


Is this the point?

Even Ruan Mei, who has always been calm, couldn't help but have a hint of helplessness in her eyes at this moment.

You should explain the cause and effect of the matter.

Wasn't Lin Yuan walking his dog around the space station yesterday and causing trouble? Why did he run outside today and fight with the Lord of Extinction?

Looking at the figure on the screen who walked out of the flames and began to suppress Fen Feng, Ruan Mei's eyes flashed with thought.

Is Lin Yuan's strength under normal conditions stronger than before?

On the battlefield of the Momu Galaxy, the surging waves of flames have spread across nearly half of the entire galaxy.

With the power of the Burning Sky Flame, Fen Feng made space jumps again and again, launching fatal attacks from different angles.

But what made him desperate was that no matter how he attacked, Lin Yuan could always take it and slap himself in the face.


Another round of fierce collision ended, and the rain of fire from Fen Feng was directly blocked by the vines that grew out of thin air.

Caught off guard, Fen Feng, who was whipped away by a whip, groaned and quickly jumped hundreds of light years away with the help of the flames.

""Damn it! Where did this monster come from!"

Looking at the expanding breath in the distance, Fen Feng finally couldn't help cursing.

Lin Yuan was obviously the Envoy of the Order of Plenty, but his frontal combat ability was ridiculous.

Especially his spatial ability and illusion ability, which were played to perfection.

Fen Feng was always fighting and found Lin Yuan running behind him and kicking him in the ass.

It was outrageous.

Are you the Envoy of the Order of Plenty or the Envoy of the Order of Pleasure?

Why are you fighting so disgustingly!

"Hey, hey~ what are you looking at?"

At this moment, Lin Yuan's voice sounded without warning.

"Didn't you just say that you should keep your eyes on the enemy during battle?"

"Fengfeng, you are not the kind of double standard person who has low standards for yourself but high standards for others."


Fen Feng turned around and punched Lin Yuan.

But before that, a mace emitting green light appeared in his eyes. Boom! A huge roar sounded, and Fen Feng's head was directly hit by the mace, and his body fell straight down. At the same time, the breath of abundant power appeared beside him again. Several kilometer-long vines crossed the space and came to Fen Feng's surroundings first, and began to whip him continuously.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Like a bouncy ball, Fen Feng, who was completely suppressed, flew back and forth among the vines, and his body began to gradually break.


At this moment, Fenfeng's roar suddenly sounded.

In the overwhelming wave of flames, he once again recovered to his intact appearance, and his momentum broke through the limit and began to expand further.

"You forced me to do this! Lin Yuan!"


Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and saw through the essence of the other party's outburst.

"Are you planning to set yourself on fire and die with me?"

"This is the only way to defeat you!"

The temperature of the flames on the surface of the Fengfeng body began to expand further, even burning through space.

The blazing flames continued to sweep, and everything in the entire Momu galaxy began to wither.

"No one can survive the will of destruction!"

"Even if you are the Envoy of Fertility, this blow will burn all your flesh and blood, leaving no trace in this world!"

"Oh, that's incredible."

"Lin Yuan!!!"

"I'm here, what's up? (To read the best novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Why are you still holding back at this moment!"

Fen Feng, whose mentality had collapsed after being beaten in the short battle, opened his eyes wide and roared unwillingly.

"In your eyes, isn’t this blow enough?"

"Um...Although it may be a bit hurtful to say this, you can't kill me even if you blow yourself up."

"Of course, Feng Feng, you don't have to be too sad, because I won't let you explode......."

As Lin Yuan spoke, he took off his right arm as if nothing had happened and threw it towards Fen Feng below.

Abundance echoes, all things are impermanent.


There was a tearing sound without any warning, and Lin Yuan's severed right arm actually crossed the space and grew out of Fen Feng's body.

Then, in Fen Feng's unbelievable eyes, the fingers of this hand began to slowly twist and formed a strange handprint.

Abundance wish seal, life is no life.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Hundreds and thousands of them penetrated every corner of Fen Feng's body from different directions.

The power from Fen Feng's body was constantly absorbed, and one arm began to differentiate into more arms.

They pressed down Fen Feng's head, bound his body, and sealed his power.[]

Finally, these arms turned into a staircase, bringing Fen Feng to Lin Yuan.

"It's over, Fenfeng."

Lin Yuan raised his right arm, which had grown again quietly, and summoned a golden sword to pierce the opponent's chest.

"Do you have any last words?"

"you..."Ahem, you bastard, you obviously have such a strong power, why didn't you kill me at the beginning!"

Fen Feng completely reacted at this moment.

As early as the middle of the battle, the opponent had already quietly injected the power of abundance into his body.

Otherwise, the arm would not have appeared so easily and interrupted his self-destruction.

"Is it so fun for you to fool me!"

"Damn you 0.3 guy! If you have the guts, just kill me!"

""Calm down, calm down. Being too angry is harmful to your health."

Lin Yuan patted Fen Feng's head and smiled to comfort him.

"I didn't mean to tease you."

"The reason I did this was just to capture you alive."

"Catch alive?!"

"That's right, based on my previous observations, people like you who are born with unusual feet have a very high level of life."

"Since you can't beat me anyway, I might as well take some time to capture you and analyze your life data."

"Lin Yuan! You......"


"Sorry, Fen Feng."

Looking at Fen Feng who suddenly exploded and disappeared, Lin Yuan slowly drew back the golden sword and said to himself

"The analysis of life data has ended"

【Challenge mission completed, do you want to claim the reward?】......

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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