What's going on?

The wildly surging power of abundance began to gradually calm down.

Sitting cross-legged in the empty galaxy, Lin Yuan showed a rare look of confusion on his face.

Why did Nanook run away?

It would be fine if he ran away, but what does it mean to give him power again?

Feeling the destructive power in his body that even surpassed the power of memory and abundance, the total amount jumped to become the first of the five destinies.

Lin Yuan scratched his head, his expression becoming more and more confused.

Nanook, my brother, what do you mean?

You suddenly hit me, you don't think you can let it go by giving me some benefits.

Yesterday's revenge is like a thorn in my side!

Keep a low profile and seize the opportunity!

Lin Yuan sneered, and the power in his body became active again.

"This can't just be left like this, Nanook"

"When I become a star god, you will be finished if I don't beat you up."

"111, do you really want to smoke?"


What the hell is going on?

No, this sound and image are a little familiar.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly and reacted.


"Hi hi hi ~ Yes, it’s me ~"

A figure dressed in black with a bunch of floating masks in his arms rushed out from the side and laughed.

043"Long time no see ~ Lin Yuan!"

"You are still as interesting as ever and always bring me entertainment!"

"Where is the fun? It's not your laugh point."

"Hehe hahaha ~ Lin Yuan, you are so humble!"

"To confront a star god with a mortal body, this has never happened in the history of this universe!"

Aha held his stomach and twisted in the air, laughing crazily.

"You know what! I was really worried just now!"

"I'm afraid that you'll die, and that no one will be able to explore the other world. I'm ready to hit that lunatic from behind!"

"But you blocked it! You used your own strength to block the serious attack of the Star God! Hehehahaha~!"

"I can imagine what kind of commotion it would cause in this vast sea of stars if this news got out!"

"I will only feel more troubled."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and cleaned his ears.

Perhaps because of his increased strength, he did not find Ah Ha's laughter so harsh this time.

"If you want to send a message, remember not to include my name. I don't want to be seen by others wherever I go in the future."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I understand this kind of thing."

Ah Ha turned around and came to Lin Yuan with a pile of masks upside down.

"let me see...This is called pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, right?"

"This routine often appears in some novels written by humans. Ah Ha also likes this plot very much."

"An existence comparable to a star god, entering the territories of major forces without anyone knowing, wandering around at will"

"Hehe~ This is so much fun! I can’t wait to see that scene!"

"Lin Yuan Lin Yuan, where is your next destination? Aha can just throw you there!"

"You better be quiet."

Lin Yuan waved his hands impatiently:"I just had a fight with that bastard Nanook, I just want to rest quietly for a few days."

"I see~ That's a shame, I can't enjoy the fun right now"

"But it doesn't matter, the waiting now is for greater fun in the future."

Aha's body exuded a faint virtual energy.

The next moment, thousands of masks emerged from his dark body, covering Lin Yuan's surroundings.

"Choose one, Lin Yuan"


"What's wrong? Haven't you started a happy life?"

"The Lord of Fertility, the Lord of Memory, the Lord of Exploration, the Lord of Destruction, and the Lord of Joy"

"Although the five major destinies have been opened, only Aha's destiny is still at the starting point."

"It's so embarrassing. Aha, it's really so embarrassing!"

"Hurry up, pick a mask and take it away"

"Let's take this one."

Lin Yuan picked a golden ball mask at random.

The next moment, a huge amount of imaginary energy flowed into Lin Yuan's body through the mask.

In just a few breaths, the Destruction Fate, who hadn't even warmed up yet, was kicked off the top spot and came to the second place.

"Hehehe~ How is it, isn’t it awesome!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ahhan’s proud voice sounded:"In order to provide you with enough power, I have given you all the remaining authority over your destiny."

"Oh my, it’s quite troublesome when I think about it. If I want to bless others in the future, I won’t have the energy to share."

"Hmm? Is this true or not?"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows:"Why did you suddenly give so much power? It's not really for your non-existent face, right?"

"That’s too much! How can you say that I have no face?"

"Ah Ha is trying so hard to help you, of course it’s for fun~! Hehe hahaha~!!!"

The overwhelming masks were sucked back into Ah Ha's body, and his figure began to gradually fade away.

"Lin Yuan, Aha is waiting for the day when you become a star god"

"I'll cover for you then, and we'll go slap Nanook in the face together!"

"Hehe hahaha ~ This is so funny, Aha must record this scene and spread it throughout the universe!"

"So that's how it is."

Lin Yuan nodded in understanding.

He was wondering why Ah Ha would give out benefits for no reason.

It seemed that after hearing what he just said, he thought it was fun and wanted to get involved.

"It seems like something he could do."[]

Feeling the surging power in his body, Lin Yuan felt better.

Although he was beaten by Nanook for no apparent reason (?) this time.

But after that, he gained a huge amount of destructive power and a huge amount of joyful power.

The two new powers are even close to the sum of the other three destinies.

This is not an insignificant improvement.

With these two new powers, Lin Yuan can be said to be truly invincible under the Star God, and a few moves above the Star God.


"The slaps that should be given still have to be given."

Lin Yuan silently took out his notebook and made a note of Nanook, the low-quality star god. If he doesn't take revenge, he's not a villain! Do you really think he's a soft persimmon?

"Calculating the time, Ruan Mei's wife's analysis of the Earthly God should have a result."

Adapting to the new joyful power in his body, Lin Yuan disappeared from the spot.

It's time to speed up the construction of the Star God's body.......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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