Kugisaki Nobara:"Did Mr. Lin Yuan go to your side?"

Lily Luka:"No."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Neither did I."


Akatsuki Nagisa:"Huh? Didn't Mr. Lin Yuan go anywhere?"

Chloe:"That...I was just dealing with things in the tribe and didn't pay attention to the chat group. Should it be okay?"

Noriharu Kugisaki:"This is not your problem. Everyone who was there at the time sent invitations."

Lilyluka:"But why didn't Lord Lin Yuan go anywhere?"

In the chat group, Lily and others kept exchanging information.

It has been several minutes since Lin Yuan suddenly appeared in the chat group and asked them to send world invitations.

But until now, Lin Yuan still hasn't accepted the invitation sent by any of them.

What's the situation?

Recalling Lin Yuan's abrupt remarks, the girls in the chat group became a little anxious.

Lilyluka:"In Lily's impression, this is the first time that Lord Lin Yuan has taken the initiative to let us send world invitations." Lilyluka

:"He didn't have an accident, did he?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"It shouldn't be, right?" Nagisa Akatsuki

:"Yes, Brother Lin Yuan is a sixth-level strongman."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"He also said before that he is invincible under the Star God, and no one can beat him."

Chloni:"That...What if we run into a star god?"

Marin:"Hiss...Good question."

Ma Yin:"If Mr. Lin Yuan is really unlucky and encounters a Star God, can he defeat him?"

Lin Yuan:"My evaluation is that as long as he has hands, it's fine."

Ma Yin:"!"


Lilyluka:"Master Lin Yuan! Are you okay?"

Lin Yuan:"It's me, kids, I'm back."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Brother Lin Yuan is still the same, he can always make jokes."

Lin Yuan:"Life is hard enough, you should smile more."

Mine:"As expected of you, Master Lin Yuan, you have a really good attitude."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Master Lin Yuan, what happened just now? Did you really run into a Star God?"

Lin Yuan:"Yeah, I ran into a low-quality Star God."

Lin Yuan:"That bastard has no moral principles, he attacked me right away!"

Kugisaki Nobara:"!!!"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Were we attacked by the Star God?"

Chloni:"Huh? That's a very bad situation!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's reply, the girls in the group were shocked.

The Star God is a seventh-level powerhouse.

No matter how powerful Lin Yuan is, he has never crossed that line.

It's no wonder that he ran to the chat group to ask for help when he fought against a seventh-level Star God.

Lililuka:"Lord Lin Yuan, you are not injured, right?"

Lin Yuan:"Don't underestimate my teeth!"

Lin Yuan:"Even if I carry the flames of the Burning Sky and need one hand to hold up the Mo Mu Galaxy, I, Lin Yuan, am still invincible in the world!"

Lin Yuan:"I'm not bragging to you. If that bastard Nanook hadn't run so fast, I would have hung him up and hammered him now!"

Chroni:"So powerful!"

Kugisaki Norose:"Hiss~ Is this true? Boss Lin Yuan is only at the sixth level now, but he can already kill seventh-level strongmen at will!"

Lililuka:"Lord Lin Yuan is invincible!"

Lililuka:"When he advances to the seventh level, killing star gods will be like chickens and dogs!"

Lin Yuan:"Ahem~ Lily, you have good vision!"

Lililuka:"Lily is just telling the truth."

Lin Yuan:"Okay, okay, let's stop here for now."

Lin Yuan:"I won't brag to you anymore. I'm almost at the space station. Let's talk later."


So some of what I just said was just bragging!

In the space station, in Heita's office.

The silent atmosphere gradually spread in the room. Heita and Ruan Mei stood quietly in their places, looking up without saying a word.

That was where the projection screen was originally.

But just a few minutes ago, the projected image disappeared.

This is natural.

Even with the addition of the Amber King's fragments, the monitoring chip still cannot withstand the direct attack of the Order-level.

In such a terrifying confrontation, let alone a head-on hit, the aftermath alone is enough to destroy it. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After an unknown amount of time, Ruan Mei suddenly loosened her clenched fists and said in a deep voice

"Black Tower, do you think Lin Yuan can win?"

"......I don't know."

After two seconds of silence, Heita gave an honest answer.

What had just happened was too shocking.

Nanook came in person and brought down absolute destruction.

Lin Yuan resonated with the Fertility of Life and attracted the favor of the pharmacist.

It is no exaggeration to say that the last scene transmitted back before the projection disappeared was already a confrontation at the level of a star god.

That was a field that Heita had never touched before.

No matter how smart she was, she could not make a judgment based on a short scene.


"I think Lin Yuan can come back alive."


"Didn't you notice, Ruan Mei?"[]

"Until the battle officially began, Lin Yuan's expression was still just unhappy, without any fear."

From the beginning, Heita, who had been recalling the details of the picture, reminded him.

"From what I know about Lin Yuan, he is not the kind of person who has great enlightenment and regards life and death as nothing."

"Since he didn't panic until the last moment, it means he was sure to escape."

"Maybe at this moment...He has gone to another world to recover."


Ruan Mei paused, and a little light appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Heita's analysis made sense.

She was too nervous just now and didn't notice these details.

Indeed, the most special thing about Lin Yuan is never his powerful strength, but the unknown hidden in the dark.

If the opponent uses his trump card, even if he can't beat Nanook, he should have no problem escaping.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mei breathed a sigh of relief and her expression relaxed a little.

But in the next moment, her beautiful face bloomed with visible joy again.

"Hey, Hey~ Heita, please don't secretly hack me when I'm not around."

"What does it mean that you have no great enlightenment and can only escape to another world to recuperate? I am fine!"

A familiar voice sounded beside Ruan Mei's ears, and the next second an arm stopped Ruan Mei's slender waist and pulled her into a familiar embrace.

"My dear Ruan Mei, please don't believe in the Black Tower."

"I'll tell you a secret, I drove Nanook away and came back in broad daylight."

Black Tower:"???"

Okay, okay, this is how we play it, right?.....People..

My name: Naruto789

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