Sanyueqi, who was so big-mouthed, was covered by Jizi in time. Of course, even if her mouth was not covered, she would not say anything. After all

, no matter how big her mouth was, she would not say anything in such a situation.

She was just a little naive, but not stupid...

Well, she was a little stupid, but not naive... Well...

In short, she would not say it.

Now she was just curious about what the owner of the diary looked like.

"Everyone, are you all right?"

Just when San Yueqi was curious about Ye Xuan's appearance, Ye Xuan had already appeared in front of her.

Or rather, they came to Ye Xuan.

"I just saw the situation outside from the car, it's so dangerous."

Ye Xuan pretended to be worried and asked everyone who returned to the train.

The train will stop at this space station for a whole week. After such a long time, they naturally came back to rest.

At the same time, Xingmei, who was supposed to stay in the space station at this time, came to the train with Jizi and the others because she peeked at the diary.

It must be said that even in this broken iron world, seeing so many beauties at the same time is a rare experience for Ye Xuan.

Especially a mature big sister like Jizi, whose lethality to ordinary people is extremely huge. Of course, Sanyueqi and Xingmei are also very beautiful, but one of them is a simple and honest girl, and the other is a scumbag girl.

"Who are you……"

Xingmei pretended to be ignorant and asked Ye Xuan

"He is also a new member of our train team."

Ji Zi said to Xing Mei and the others,"Ye Xuan, please introduce yourself to everyone. I think everyone must be very curious about you."

"Not bad, not bad, what's your name? My name is March Seven, her name is Dan Heng, her name is Xing, you should have known Miss Ji Zi, this is Uncle Yang."

March Seven excitedly came to Ye Xuan and pushed Sister Xing aside.


Facing everyone's curious eyes, Ye Xuan calmly introduced himself:"My name is Ye Xuan, an ordinary person from another world. As you can see, I am a weak ordinary person with no ability to protect myself. Please take care of me in the future."

"People from another world?!"

Uncle Yang couldn't help but frown when he heard Ye Xuan's words.

After all, he was also from another world. He had a natural intimacy with people from another world. After all, we were all strangers.


Hearing Ye Xuan say that he was an ordinary person with no ability to protect himself, Ji Zi, Xing, and San Yueqi all looked strange.

You killed two doomsday beasts with one sword, and you told me that you are an ordinary person, are you serious? Do you really want to hide yourself behind everyone?

"On your body……"

Dan Heng looked at Ye Xuan with a sharp look in his eyes.

Because he felt that Ye Xuan had a special aura, very similar to the immortal way.

The immortal way, in the eyes of the people of the immortal boat, is not a good word...

But the immortal aura on Ye Xuan is not the same as what he knows, there is no aura of evil.

This is strange, immortal and evil, in the eyes of the people of the immortal boat, are tied together.

When did there only immortals and no evil?


【Dan Heng, why are you looking at me like that? 】

Ye Xuan was a little surprised when he noticed Dan Heng's gaze.

【Could it be that, because he is from the Immortal Boat, and as the reincarnation of the Vajra Dragon Lord, he possesses powerful hidden powers of the Star-Destroying Level, and he sensed the aura of an immortal cultivator that was unconsciously emanating from me?】

【Well, this is not impossible. After all, I have just entered the foundation-building stage, and I have not yet mastered the skills of a cultivator. If it weren't for the fact that I am a sword cultivator, I probably wouldn't even be able to use a sword now.】


After seeing the diary, Sanyueqi and Xing couldn't help but show shock in their eyes. They glanced at Danheng. They never thought that Danheng was hiding such a powerful power without making any noise.

"Ye Xuan."

March Seven pushed Dan Heng away and approached Ye Xuan again:"Are you really an ordinary person? I don't believe it! You must have hidden power.——!"

"Yes, that's right, stop pretending, let's show our cards——!"

Xingmei pointed at Ye Xuan with confidence:

"We all saw it.——!"


Hearing what the two women said, Ye Xuan couldn't help but look shocked.

【What the hell? No way, am I that bad at hiding my power? It's ok that Xingmei saw that I was hiding my power, but how could Sanyueqi, such an idiot, see that?】


Xingmei proudly raised her head and hugged her chest, while Sanyueqi's eyes were inexplicably burning with anger, staring at Ye Xuan.

What do you mean by Xingmei? I am just an idiot, right?

You are the idiot!!!

"Well, I didn't expect you to see through me."

Ye Xuan said:

""Okay, I thought I could join the train group and wait for death, so I wanted to hide my strength. Now that you have seen it, I won't pretend anymore. Yes, in fact, I know some swordsmanship."

As he said that, Ye Xuan waved his hand, and a sword flew out of the void and floated in front of him. The sword was golden, as hot as the sun, and the blade was crystal clear, neither gold nor jade.

Ye Xuan's move scared all the girls.

【Anyway, I told them that I was a cultivator, but they didn't understand, so I just asked them to treat me as an ordinary swordsman.】

"Wow, this sword is so beautiful.——!!!"

San Yueqi didn't bother to complain about Ye Xuan's slander in his diary. She stared at the sword floating in front of Ye Xuan. The Jiyang Xuan Sword was a magical flying sword used by immortal cultivators. To the people in this world, it was indeed a bit magical.

""Can I touch it?"

Sanyueqi asked Ye Xuan excitedly.

Ye Xuan nodded, and Sanyueqi quickly reached out and touched the sword. He could clearly feel that the sword was warm like the sun.

"My bat is better.——!"

Xingmei was not as excited as March 7. She took out her bat and said seriously:


Ye Xuan looked at Xingmei speechlessly

【You don’t like such a beautiful flying sword, but you actually like a baseball bat. You are worthy of being the Galaxy Bat Man! 】

Xingmei:? ?!!

Why do you call me the Galaxy Bat Man? But I feel that this name suits me very well. What’s the matter?

"On our train, everyone has secrets that they don't want to tell others."

Ji Zi was afraid of being exposed, so she smiled at Ye Xuan and said,"You can hide your strength, but when your teammates are in danger, you must do your best to rescue them. This is also one of the responsibilities of the train crew. If you hide your strength and cause your teammates to be hurt, I will be angry."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Ye Xuan said

【How could you, a bunch of protagonists, be harmed? I am the one who might be harmed.】


At this moment, Heita, who was hiding in his own place, couldn't help but want to curse.

Who is this person who wrote the diary? Why is he so sure that someone else is the protagonist? Could it be that he came from a world where the tree of imaginary numbers can be observed?

How could there be such a person in this world? Impossible!!

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