"Okay, everyone, stop surrounding Ye Xuan. Being too enthusiastic may scare people."

Ji Zi said with a smile when she saw San Yue Qi and Xing Mei surrounding Ye Xuan.

Although Ye Xuan was indeed very powerful, the cultivation of immortals in his diary seemed to be an eye-opener for her. However, they were traveling in the universe on the Starry Sky Train. What kind of strange abilities had they not seen?

Ye Xuan's abilities did not seem to be much different from the strange abilities she knew.

The only difference was that Ye Xuan's ability had a very high upper limit, and it was very likely that he could be compared to the Star God.


Hearing Ji Zi say this, San Yue Qi could only respond somewhat unwillingly, then pulled Xing Mei over and said to her:

"Come with me, I'll show you around this train."


Xing would not refuse of course.

After Dan Heng looked at Ye Xuan, he did not ask his doubts.

Walter Yang and Ji Zi also smiled at Ye Xuan kindly and turned away.

"By the way, if you want to drink coffee, you can always come to me."

Ji Zi invited Ye Xuan.

After all, it was rare to have someone in the car who shared the same hobbies as her.


Ye Xuan naturally had his own things to do. What he wanted to do most was to go back to the space station and say goodbye to Ester, the girl with no prestige.

Besides, he had other things to do besides saying goodbye to Ester.

So, at this time, he got out of the car.

But... turning around, Ye Xuan found that Xingmei, Sanyueqi, and even Jizi were all staring at him unconsciously.

This surprised him.

"I didn't realize I was so charming before. Could it be... because after cultivating immortality, I have some kind of temperament?"

Ye Xuan wondered puzzledly.

At this time, the space station was still busy. The damage caused by the antimatter army's attack was not serious, but this was only relative to the overall situation. In fact, the property loss alone was an astronomical figure that ordinary people could not imagine.

As the stationmaster of the space station, Esta was naturally busy now.

Seeing Ye Xuan coming, she was very surprised.

"It's you?"

"It's me, Miss Ester."

Ye Xuan said to Ester politely.


Asta looked Ye Xuan up and down, her heart already filled with endless gossip:"I heard that you joined the train crew?"


Ye Xuan smiled and said,"I was ruthlessly abandoned by Ms. Black Tower, and I am useless in this space station. I have no choice but to join the train group to see if I can find the destination of my life."

"You are too modest.……"

Esther wanted to say something polite to Ye Xuan, saying that Ye Xuan was not that bad.

However, when she thought about it carefully, Ye Xuan's performance in this space station was indeed unsatisfactory. As an ordinary person, it was too difficult to mix with these staff members.

"Well, Miss Ester, you don't have to be polite to me. I came to see Miss Ester specially, not only to say goodbye to Miss Ester, but also to ask Miss Ester for a favor."

"What's the matter?"

Esta asked,"I will help you if I can."

She was such a simple girl.

She didn't even listen to what Ye Xuan wanted her to do.

"Well, it's not a big deal."

Ye Xuan said:

"This time the space station was invaded, so I guess some of the dolls that Ms. Heita left in the space station must have been scrapped, right? To be honest, I have always admired Ms. Heita. Since I am leaving here, I would like to ask you to give me a doll of Ms. Heita as a souvenir."

"I see."

Estelle nodded and said:

"I am not actually in charge of the puppets of the Black Tower, because each puppet can be controlled by the Black Tower at any time. However, the Black Tower herself does not care about the puppets that are scrapped in battle, so I can deal with them at will. Since you like them, I will give you one."

"Thank you so much."

Ye Xuan said with a little excitement.

【As expected, Miss Esther, who is rumored by players to be the daughter of the Interstellar Peace Company, is not only beautiful and gentle, but also so generous. However, is this child too naive? Doesn’t she worry that I will do something strange?】


Esther was shocked when she saw the contents of the diary that suddenly appeared.

No, it can't be--!!!

Strange things, what strange things does he want to do with the Black Tower doll?

【But fortunately, I am not such a wretched person, not to the point of……】


Esta unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

She said,"It's okay, it's okay..."

After someone sent a black tower doll to Ye Xuan, Esta reluctantly said to Ye Xuan:

"Actually, I have thought about placing you in the space station before, but since you have made your choice, I can only wish you the best."

Esther and Ye Xuan were more than just acquaintances before. Because of Ye Xuan's intentional approach, Esther was still very concerned about Ye Xuan.

Otherwise, she would not have wanted to arrange a place for Ye Xuan as soon as the Black Tower abandoned him.

"Well, thank you very much. By the way, this is what Miss Jizi asked me to give you."

Ye Xuan handed a card to Ester.

"What's this?"

"This is the train's coordinate card. Using this, you can travel between the space station and the train at any time."

"Wow, really?"

After hearing Ye Xuan's explanation, Estelle couldn't help but get excited."I've wanted to go on a tour on the train for a long time, but the space station has kept me busy. Now that I have this thing, I can at least go on the train and see the scenery. Thank you, Ye Xuan."——!!!"

"You're welcome, it's not my gift."

Ye Xuan picked up the black tower doll impatiently and turned away:"When you have time, come and play on the train by yourself."

"Yeah, I will.——!!"

Esta said.

If it was somewhere else, Ye Xuan would definitely be regarded as someone who bought some strange toys if he was holding such a realistic doll. But in this space station, everyone knew what the Black Tower doll was, so no one looked at Ye Xuan with strange eyes.

And what did Ye Xuan want to do with the Black Tower doll?

As a cultivator, the first thing Ye Xuan wanted to learn was of course the sword ability.

Unfortunately, his skills were originally sword cultivation skills, and he didn't need to learn the sword ability specifically. It was like instinct. He basically mastered the ability of flying with a sword, hurting the enemy with a sword, and turning the sword into a formation. Although it was not too advanced, it was not weak to deal with enemies of his level.

Therefore, in addition to the sword ability, the ability that Ye Xuan wanted to learn the most was... refining!

Cultivators can refine the heaven and earth for their own use, or refine all things into magic weapons and give all things spiritual charm.

In other words, he wanted to refine the Black Tower doll into a cultivation puppet and let the Black Tower doll become a spirit. If that happened, it would definitely be very interesting.


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