"These three are friends from outer space."

Cocolia said to Jeppard and Bronya:

"They are here to help us solve the star core disaster. You must not be rude to them."


Hearing Cocolia's words, Jeppard couldn't help but stare at Ye Xuan and the other two in shock.

The star core disaster, this kind of thing, is the culprit that caused Beloberg to be almost destroyed now.

However, a long time ago, the Great Guardian had strictly prohibited anyone from mentioning anything about the star core, and the research on how to eliminate the star core was completely stopped.

But now, Cocolia actually said that these three aliens came to help Beloberg solve the star core disaster?

How could Jeppard not be shocked?

If the star core disaster was so easy to solve, how could the Great Guardian be so secretive about the star core.

But now that the Great Guardian has spoken personally, it seems... it is true.

He Jeppard is absolutely loyal to Cocolia, and he believes whatever Cocolia says.

So, he saluted Ye Xuan and the other two directly and said:

"I didn't expect that the three of them were here to help Beloberg. Just now, it was Jeppard who offended"


Cocolia saw Bronya staring at Ye Xuan with a strange look, and said to her:

"As a lady, it is not nice to stare at a man like this when you first meet him."


Bronya finally realized.

She seemed to be staring at Ye Xuan just now, so she didn't want others to misunderstand her. She could swear that she was just dissatisfied with Ye Xuan's behavior of taking advantage of others. She definitely didn't have any other intentions.

"How dare you say that about others?"

San Yue Qi complained,"You clearly said you wanted to form an alliance with Ye Xuan when you first met him. Also, you have a daughter now?"


After hearing what March Seven said, Cocolia said somewhat awkwardly:

"I was just worried that if I didn't show my sincerity, you wouldn't be willing to help me. Also, although Bronya is my daughter, I adopted her and I'm not married yet."

"It turns out that he was adopted."

Sanyueqi said casually:"No wonder the age difference seems small.……"

【Is this Bronya? She is just as beautiful as I imagined, whether it is the long silver-gray hair, the handsome face, the delicate figure, the handsome silver-maned Iron Guard costume, and the long black legs.……】

【Compared to Cocolia, the mother, she is not any worse.】

"Bronya: He, what is he looking at? Black stockings and long legs——!"

Bronya didn't expect that Ye Xuan would comment on her appearance and clothes as soon as they met.

Although it was in the diary, they could all see it.

Although Bronya was proud of her long legs in black stockings as a woman, it was another matter now that so many people were watching.

"Bronya: Also, this bad guy has already agreed to my mother's marriage proposal, but he still looks at me like this. It's too much."

Thinking of this, Bronya looked at Ye Xuan with even more dissatisfaction.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

She said to Ye Xuan

"Sorry, I couldn't help but look at the pretty girl a few more times when I saw her."

Ye Xuan said casually


Bronya snorted, but when she thought about how Ye Xuan was herself, her mother, and the benefactor of her entire Beloberg, she couldn't show it too obviously.

"Cocolia: Bronya, did you misunderstand something? Ye Xuan did not agree to marry me.

Cocolia reminded Bronya in her diary.


Bronya suddenly reacted.

"Kokolia: Ye Xuan is not the kind of person who takes advantage of others"


Bronya finally understood that she had misunderstood Ye Xuan.

Ah this——!!!

Thinking of her attitude towards Ye Xuan, Bronya couldn't help but want to slap herself a few times. What did she do so self-righteously just now?

"Bronya, please don't be too rude to a friend from afar."

Cocolia said.

This was also a way for Bronya to save face. After all, no one wanted to expose the secret of Ye Xuan's diary.

"Yes, mother."

Bronya saluted Ye Xuan and said:

"I'm sorry, I was rude just now"


Ye Xuan laughed:"No way, it's my fault. Okay, Cocolia, take me to find the star core first."

To be honest, the star core inside the star is fine, this kind of wild star core, Ye Xuan himself is also very interested.

Before, Ye Xuan always thought that his system gave him such sufficient rewards, he would definitely be able to practice quickly.

However, in these few days, he didn't get any particularly good rewards.

The only reward that interested him was the Eye of the Stars, but the Eye of the Stars only saw a certain possibility in the future, not really seeing the future.

Therefore, if you want to increase your strength, writing a diary is of course indispensable, but if possible, get one more in this world. It is not impossible to get some treasures.

The star core is a disaster for others, but not necessarily for Ye Xuan.

Therefore, on the way to the star core, there was another team of people, the Silver Mane Iron Guard led by Bronya and Jeppard.

Although Cocolia could hear the sound of the star core everywhere, even now, she was bewitched by the sound of the star core all the time.

But in fact, the specific location of the star core is not here.

The place where the star core fell is the coldest place in this world...

Under the leadership of Cocolia, everyone soon walked to the area where the star core was located.

"Hiss, it's really cold around here!!!"

March Seven was wearing a fashionable dress. She had traveled in the universe for so long, and she had seen some cold places before.

However, the cold here was far beyond her tolerance.

Because of this, she couldn't help but hug her arms and shiver.


As game characters, for the audience's hobbies, these beauties should generally have a high resistance to cold temperatures.

Only in this way can they wear beautiful clothes in various occasions, but it won't be unreasonable.

Seeing March Seven like this, Ye Xuan smiled and said:

"Take your hand here"


Sanyueqi extended his hand to Ye Xuan and said:

"What are you doing?"


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