
Seeing San Yueqi's hand stretched out, Ye Xuan was not polite at all and directly held her hand.

"You, you, you, what are you doing——!!!"

March 7 asked nervously

"It's nothing. I saw you were too cold, so I gave you some warmth."

As the flames appeared in Ye Xuan's hands, San Yue Qi felt a warm current passing from Ye Xuan's hands to her hands, and then spreading throughout her body.

She felt a lot warmer all of a sudden.

""Ha, you are really amazing, how did you do that?"

San Yueqi looked at Ye Xuan curiously.

Just shaking his hand made her feel warm all over.

With this ability, Ye Xuan had no intention of hiding his strength.

"This is related to my practice method."

Ye Xuan said:"You won't understand even if I tell you, so I'm too lazy to explain it."

"How do you know I won't understand if you tell me? Humph."

March Seven was a little dissatisfied.

"What about me?"

Xing suddenly stretched out her hand in front of Ye Xuan, with a calm expression on her face:"I'm cold too."

Ye Xuan smiled and Xing also transmitted some warmth. He was a sword fairy, a flame sword fairy, so it was not difficult for him to deal with such an icy and snowy occasion.

So, Ye Xuan held Xing's hand and transmitted some warmth to her.

Xing looked at her hands with some curiosity, feeling the warmth coming from her palms and spreading all over her body, and she also smiled.


Compared to the ease of the three people of Ye Xuan, Bronya on the side was very nervous, and she looked at Ye Xuan from time to time.

Moreover, there was a bit of embarrassment in her eyes.

After all, she had misunderstood Ye Xuan so much before, which was really wrong.

However, she did not have time to apologize to Ye Xuan properly. At this moment, the more she thought about it

, the more she felt sorry for Ye Xuan. She wanted to come up and talk to Ye Xuan, but she could not find a reason, so she could only worry.

Along the way, some frozen virtual soldiers could be vaguely seen on the road.

At the beginning, Beloberg was a thriving civilization that had just connected with the universe, but the star core suddenly fell from the sky, and with it came the antimatter army that almost destroyed the entire Beloberg.

The virtual army of the antimatter army was not something Beloberg could contend with.

So, at that time, the contemporary Beloberg Great Guardian made a wish to the star core, hoping that the star core would help them through the crisis.

Unexpectedly, the star core actually responded to her wish.

What followed was an extremely cold storm that swept across the entire Yalilo VI. Because Beloberg had the power of preservation, he was able to survive this scene, while these virtual soldiers who traversed the universe were all frozen into ice sculptures.

In other words, if the power of the star core explodes, it can indeed destroy the civilization of the entire planet.

Of course, that is also relative...

For example, here, even though the star core has been rooted in Beloberg for hundreds of years, it has not completely cut off the vitality of the entire Yalilo VI. It is enough to show that the influence of the star core may be great, but it is not that ordinary people have no chance to deal with it. If

Beloberg had been lucky enough for hundreds of years, he would have solved the disaster long ago.

But what is a little Beloberg in this universe?

In short, no matter what, Beloberg still survived tenaciously after hundreds of years of suffering from the disaster of the star core.

It has to be said that this can be called a miracle even in the entire universe.

"This is it."

Cocolia pointed to a cold light ball in front of her and said to Ye Xuan

"Ah, is this the star core?!"

Bronya and Jeppard saw the star core for the first time, so they were inevitably very surprised.

Ye Xuan had naturally never seen it before, but as a cultivator, sometimes he didn't need to know too much about what the other party was.

In his eyes, there were only two kinds of things in front of him, one that he could control and one that he couldn't control.

Although the power of the star core was not easy for Ye Xuan to control now, it was not that dangerous.

"Cocolia, what are you doing...are you going to betray us?"

At this moment, the voice of the star core suddenly rang in Cocolia's mind.

This was a voice that only she could hear.

"Have you forgotten? In this world, the only one who can save you is me. Only by cooperating with me can you stop everything."

The extremely bewitching voice kept ringing in Cocolia's mind.

Cocolia couldn't help but cover her head.

"do not talk——!!!"

She shouted,"Stop talking.……"

""Cocolia, think carefully, is everything you heard true?"

The voice of Xinghe still bewitched Cocolia.

She said to Cocolia:

"This person claimed that she was from the Star Train, but the Star Train was a legend in the universe even hundreds of years ago. How could you believe him and not me? We are friends.——!"

The closer to the star core, the greater the bewitching power of the voice.

Moreover, what the voice said was not without reason.

Under normal circumstances, Cocolia would have been bewitched by the voice, but now, Cocolia is very calm.

Not for anything else, but because she has a diary. The existence of the diary allows her to maintain a clear will no matter what the circumstances.

Only in this situation can she rely on her own reason and make her most sober judgment.

She is willing to believe Ye Xuan.

Because everything the star core said is simply... false.

Only people whose minds have been corrupted will believe the drama of letting everyone now be swallowed by the rift and then reborn in the rift.

"Is she bewitching you?"

Anyone can see that Cocolia is not normal now.

So Ye Xuan asked Cocolia directly.


Cocolia replied:"What should I do?"

She looked at Ye Xuan with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Next, just leave it to me."

Ye Xuan said

"Everyone, stay away from here."


After hearing Ye Xuan's words, San Yueqi couldn't help but shout out:

"Ye Xuan, do you really want to deal with this star core yourself? Otherwise, let's notify Uncle Yang and let him deal with it."

To be honest, even San Yueqi thinks it's too dangerous to let an inexperienced person deal with such a dangerous thing as a star core.


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