Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1345: Awards (3)

After Xia Siyu left Huixing, Zhou Weiwei is now Huixing's first sister. Of course, Hui Xing is still signing people, and whether she can maintain her position in the future depends on her ability.

This time, Zhou Weiwei was also nominated. Xia Siyuying did not nominate, nor did she have a female support. Zhou Weiwei also got a female support nomination. Qin Baizhou also came with her this time and entered the infield, but in the end he would not sit in the auditorium with her.

In fact, the guests who come to participate have a basic idea of ​​who can win the prize. At least, Zhou Weiwei's best female match, after the first round, the vote was quite high.

Maybe, she would win the prize before Xia Siyu.

"Siyu, long time no see." It was Zhou Weiwei who greeted her first, and Xia Siyu glanced at it but didn't speak.

"I thought you wouldn't be here today. After all..." She stopped talking and Xia Siyu should be able to understand. Anyway, they are no longer friends, even if they pretend, they still have to pretend.

Xia Siyu didn't raise her eyes, and she was not a friend anyway, and she didn't bother to make false claims with her.

Beside, Qin Baizhou took a long time to say hello to her: "Siyu, you, how are you?"

Xia Siyu looked strange. Isn't she good? Does everyone think that she is in pain and that she can't sleep at night?

Is she thin, haggard, or is she getting old and ugly?

Xia Siyu looked at Bo Yan with a puzzled look, and asked naturally, "Do I look old?"

Bo Yan shook his head.

She also asked: "Ugly?"

Bo Yan shook his head again: "Neither."

"I'm not thin either." Xia Siyu twisted her waist and pinched her waist: "No."

"Am I good-looking today?" Xia Siyu's question was straightforward, and the people around him were shocked.

Bo Yan nodded honestly: "It looks good."

Xia Siyu didn't panic at all: "That is."

No matter how she looks back naturally, she is neither old nor ugly nor slender, she looks bad?

Since it's good, Qin Baizhou asks a fart?

After the conversation, the scene was about to begin over there. Before Xia Siyu entered the field, she took out the mirror and traced herself with red lips. After that, he tickled and put the mirror back in his bag. Then stepped on high heels and walked out step by step without saying a word to Zhou Weiwei.

Soon, the crew of "The Tempest" also passed Zhou Weiwei one by one, and no one gave her a look. No matter if it's a flimsy or a kingly claim, there is none at all.

Shang Feier, who passed by at last, glanced at her, and there was a slight scorn in her eyes.

But for a moment, she also passed Zhou Weiwei, and her high heels rang straight on the ground.

Soon, the film festival officially began. Xia Siyu really sat with Bo Yan. She and Shang Feier are on the left and the other right, like the two door gods, they put their thin words in between.

The camera cue them crazy. After all, the "Storm" group is not only the hottest prize winners, but also the top-notch.

In fact, the people who eat melon are not very concerned about the awards, they just want to see the tears.

This also includes the frightening fan. Every time Bo Yan and Xia Siyu were in the same frame, they were too worried.

Today, they can't wait to bring a microscope to analyze their body language and analyze every muscle movement on their faces. Then come to the conclusion that they are not together.

And Zhou Weiwei, who was sitting on the other side, was also uncomfortable.

Amidst the excitement, awards began to be awarded.

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