Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1346: Awards (4)

However, the audience watching the film festival, as well as the live cameras, are not in the mood to care about who wins and who doesn't. Especially when there were short film stories, documentaries, editing photography and fine art and other small awards in the early stage, the attention was even more pitiful.

In fact, the main board and on-site directors of this film festival also know what is the focus of everyone's attention. At first, Xia Siyu didn't get shortlisted due to personal reasons, but gave her the admission ticket again, just looking for something on purpose. Generally a little shameful, or a thin-skinned person, will not come to participate at all.

However, she participated, and she was late to walk the red carpet on her own. And he was sitting beside Bo Yan in a stately manner. And Shang Feier is also separated by a position.

This is clearly to be hyped.

The director of the scene can't wait for all the seats on the scene to surround her, but he is still a little sensible, knowing that this is a film festival awards after all, and the focus should be on the award. I can only rub in secret, let the camera "sweep" over the crowd, pass a little more on her, and take as many close-up shots as possible. If you can't take close-up shots, you can frame her with Bo Yan and Shang Feier, and your thoughts are obvious.

As a result, no one cared about the awards at the beginning. As long as the camera fell on Xia Siyu and the barrage flew up, the real-time ratings also soared instantly.

The live broadcast is very cheap. Although the live broadcast must pay attention to the awards, the live broadcast simply told the director and cut it into two screens. Half of the awards were presented, and half were on-site guests. Said to be the guests on the scene, six out of ten are Xia Siyu and the others. I don't know, I thought Xia Siyu was the queen candidate, the biggest dark horse.

However, the onlookers who watched the live broadcast were relieved and started to turn on the refresh mode.

Xia Siyu recently learned her manners. She sits straight, with a long neck, and her chin is slightly lifted up, revealing a graceful neckline. Her dress is deep V and covered with light gauze, and when she is patted on the side, the curve is looming. Her skin is particularly white, especially when she hasn't been filmed recently, she practiced her manners and rehearsed drama every day, all holding back in the room. Even in such a poorly lit infield, it glows in white.

Snow-skinned red lips, long hair dangling like seaweed, did not see any fatigue, his face was radiant.

Moreover, she is not very evasive. When watching the awards, she sat very dignified. In the early stage, the editing of "The Tempest" won the prize. She also smiled and stood up and applauded, occasionally chatting with thin words.

The attitude is too natural and generous. It can be seen that the relationship between the two people is still possible, but I have not seen any deliberate physical contact with each other.

The fans who are still very strong until now, seeing the situation of these two people, excitedly rushed to the major platforms to clarify, and it was all relying on the power of the fans to get on the hot search. Of course, the hot search position is relatively low, and soon落了下下#薄言夏思雨 Body language#.

The only fans wept with joy, and the long argument argued that the two of them were actually not in love. They were just a gentlemanly demeanor. They used to save her, but later they cooperated. If they didn't see the two sitting postures, they wanted to be separated by 800 meters!

Another "The Tempest" crew won an award, this time for art.

Just like the editing and winning, the art is awarded, and it is customary to play a short film. In addition to the color scheme of the landscape, 80% of the short films were shot by Xia Siyu.

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