Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1475: Play is like life (4)

So now that Xia Siyu wants to steal a takeaway, Wei Jingjing can instantly jump up and intercept the order.

Xia Siyu had no choice but to haunt her thin words: "This spicy squid looks so appetite!"

Bo Yan was still reading the script, and he knew what Xia Siyu was thinking when he heard it. Xia Siyu's current figure is still slightly thinner in reality-although she rushed for one hundred and ten pounds, she is a solid height of 168, and she exercises all the year round and has tight muscles. It looks just right in the camera, but it really can't get fatter.

He said "Um" and turned a page of the script: "But squid has super high cholesterol, spicy taste, and more oil. One bite will make you three kilograms fat."

Xia Siyu couldn't make a plan, but made a living again, "Then eat more fish and shrimp, fish and shrimp are high in protein and low in fat. Add some beer, it's perfect."

Bo Yan turned another page of the script, with a calm expression: "Isn't you afraid of gout with seafood and beer? Beer is also made from wheat, and the calories are not low."

Xia Siyu was choked. She thought for a while, poking Bo Yan's abdominal muscles, and her voice was a little more ambiguous: "This oyster looks good. The oyster is very good for men. You have worked so hard, do you want to make it up? Replenish the body?"

Bo Yan now put the script aside and looked directly at her, Xia Siyu smiled treacherously.

Oysters are indeed nourishing, but it is for the kidneys. This guy, in order to eat supper is absolutely perfect, he would rather sell his body to eat supper.

Bo Yan finally smiled, and he also smiled treacherously: "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need to take this tonic. I'm also in good health. Would you like to try it?"

Xia Siyu quit immediately, she pulled away and sat up: "Bo Yan, I want to order takeaway."

"You order, as long as you are not afraid of running over to cut Hus." Bo Yan's face was gloating.

"Then I will use your cell phone to order."

"It's useless if you use Wei Jingjing's mobile phone to click, she will still come over. In the big evening, you eat so much and don't exercise, how can you consume it?"

Xia Siyu blinked: "Who said I don't exercise, aren't we going to be this way, that way, that way?"

Bo Yan was angry and funny: "Is that I moving, okay Miss, don't you always lie down and enjoy it every time you get to the back?"

"Fart." Xia Siyu interrupted him bluntly, "every time I use various difficult postures to cooperate with you, okay? What do I just lie down, which time is not my backache? And not only do I I have to use my brain. I have been playing in a small theater recently. The little widow and son next door, I almost can't make up the plot, it's more tiring than doing business."

Fortunately, Bo Yan didn't drink any water, otherwise he must have sprayed. Li Yiru still wants to see how he plays. With Xia Siyu's strange personality, he can play immediately no matter what he plays. Whose heroine looks like her?

Xia Siyu was particularly able to bend and stretch, and hurried over to shake his arm, her brother and husband begged: "Good brother, husband, just order a little late night snack. A little bit less, we share it, not much. Wei Jingjing let me eat grass every day. My face is going to be green." She also brought Bo Yan's paw to her heart: "And don't you like this especially? If you are hungry and thin, the benefits will be gone!"

Bo Yan couldn't bear her begging the most. It was not soft-hearted, but tired. Others begging for mercy, she begged for mercy!

"Well, I'll help you." Just as Bo Yan was about to do something, he suddenly remembered something: "When did you come on your little day last month?"

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