Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1476: Play is like life (5)

Xia Siyu thought for a while: "It's probably the beginning of the month? Uh, I don't remember clearly."

She and Bo Yan looked at each other again, and there were two words in each other's eyes: Fuck!

I just wanted to say that others are begging for mercy, and she is begging for mercy, is this really coming?

It is now the end of the month. Her little days at the beginning of last month are now forty or fifty days. Although Xia Siyu jumped into the cold water in the big winter when filming before, and suffered from the cold, the days were not accurate, but after such a long time, it will not be true...

Xia Siyu glanced at Bo Yan, with a little hesitation in her eyes: "No? Didn't you have much time to come back last month?"

She remembered that Bo Yan had been doing business during the filming of "Youth 2" at that time, and was rushing around in preparation for a new movie, so there was very little time to go back to Yancheng to rest. She also has publicity and activities to participate in, and when I think about it carefully, it seems that it is just one or two times together. Moreover, there should be measures every time.

Although it is impossible for a small umbrella to be 100% waterproof every time. There is still a few percent chance of a fish slipping through the net. But if Bo Yan can really break through this few percent of the possibility, it would be too...tough?

Moreover, she can eat this, as if she can eat it every time before the menstrual cycle comes. Not only can I eat it, but I also want to eat spicy food. Not only want to eat spicy food, but also have a bad temper. Look at her arguing with Bo Yan in the morning. Isn't it just her irritability before her normal period?

However, if you want to say that the pre-pregnancy condition is unstable, you can also say it.

"Probably not..." Although Xia Siyu was still refusing, the tone in his mouth was indeed a bit unstable.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if you don't win the bid, then everything goes well, if you win the bid, then you can only say that your luck is too bad.

Bo Yan's face was calm, but he just picked up the phone: "It looks like I really need to take out."

He said to order takeaway, he was going to buy test reagents. But Xia Siyu said, "Wait a minute, you can also order a little bit of food by the way!"

Whether she is real or fake, she is hungry, she just wants to eat!

Moreover, she really bought a takeaway midnight snack, and she can resist it. If someone knows that she bought the test paper and the paparazzi knows about it, she will have to make headlines tonight!

Sure enough, half an hour later, Wei Jingjing shouted: "You are stealing food again!"

The takeaways she bought were unexpectedly stopped.

Fortunately, this homestay was all packaged by the Bo Yan crew, and the two of them who lived in it were Li Yiru's team, Sun Wujiu, the drama director and several other acquaintances. So Wei Jingjing yelled in the middle of the night and no one complained.

When Wei Jingjing pushed the door in, Xia Siyu hid behind him with a string of grilled squid in one hand and a plastic bag in the other. As soon as Wei Jingjing rushed in, he aggressively confiscated a large bag of seafood barbecue on the table. It is estimated that this one in Xia Siyu's mouth is not easy to grab. But the one behind her must be grabbed!

She looked at Xia Siyu with a stern expression: "What is behind you? Hand it over!"

Xia Siyu gnawed at the squid's whiskers and looked at Bo Yan, who closed the door first. But such a homestay is not soundproof after all, and it might be audible if the voice is louder. Xia Siyu said vaguely: "Don't be so loud."

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