Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1522: Sweet burden (5)

This language is already suggestive, no, it should be said, it is explicit.

She had a good rest on the plane for more than ten hours. Although she tossed around three places and tossed on the road for a while, she was always lying on the plane. Although I would be tired when I came back by car, when I went to the room to take a shower and rest for a while, my whole body was restored.

Although the two have been married for a few years, they get together less and more. Even in the past two years, she has stayed at home a little longer for various reasons, but Bo Yan also has to work and often goes out, so she doesn't spend much time together.

Even if we are all together, I am busy with filming every day until I come back in the middle of the night, and I have to get up early the next morning, or it's like going to Cannes, and every day is busy. They are normal people, and it is impossible for them to think about doing bad things every day. Even if I want to do bad things, I'm tired to death every day, I'm not tired, I'm tired, I don't have time, energy, or mood.

You have to consider the menstrual cycle. In short, it has been a long time since I did bad things in Yancheng last time.

The most important point is that Xia Siyu doesn't remember what she said last time. When quarreling with your boyfriend, you don’t remember the swear words you blurt out every time, do you?

However, when she approached, she said nothing. Without turning his head to smell or avoiding it, he was still looking at the phone locally, and casually replied: "Fragrant."

"You didn't even smell it! Fragrant ass!" Xia Siyu was angry, Bo Yan's attitude at this time was like shopping with his girlfriend. The girlfriend changed several clothes and asked him if he looked good, but the man continued to play with his mobile phone without raising his head, but he said that he was a kind of "good-looking" person.

Bo Yan had to tilt his head slightly, and said: "Well, not bad."

The amplitude is small, and even a mosquito is estimated to be more dynamic than this. Of course Xia Siyu was not satisfied: "Then what kind of fragrance do you say?"

Although Bo Yan didn't tilt his head, the fragrance still floated over. He tried to distinguish it when he breathed, and then said, "Grapefruit?"

In fact, it is still grapefruit flavor, but Xia Siyu deliberately denied: "No, I will give you one last chance. There are only three things, if you can't distinguish it...huh."

This threat was too fruitful, and there was nothing he could say, so he turned his head a little.

Turning his head, he smelled the shampoo, it was hard to say, he smelled the scent of Xia Siyu's tea lotion, which was sweet and faint. The moment he turned his head, Xia Siyu leaned over and kissed him.

The key is that she kissed after she kissed, and she also nudged her chest close to his arm, intentionally or unintentionally.

Generally, she wears pajamas before going to bed, and there is no underwear inside. Needless to say, Xia Siyu's figure is very good. The soft and moist touch can be felt clearly even through a layer of pajamas. Such a big beauty takes the initiative, and few people will refuse, unless there is no such mundane idea.

However, Bo Yan really doesn't have that kind of worldly thoughts. After he tenderly posted to her, he didn't take any further action, but touched her hair: "Go to sleep, it's late. I have to get up early tomorrow, Wang Dao and Shang Feier are still next door."

It sounds like these two are next door, so you need to pay attention. The second is that these two people are not ordinary explorers, and he definitely wants to show the perfect point.

But Xia Siyu wouldn't really be a fool. She usually didn't bother to think about it, but with such an obvious rejection, if she believed her, she would be really mentally retarded.

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