Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1523: Sweet burden (6)

She tilted her head again: "Really okay?"

He was speechless, so he smiled and said, "It's really okay."

Xia Siyu's first reaction was to reach for his parts, and after a little inspection, it seemed that he hadn't suffered any damage and was alive. Just now he was walking all the way, and there seemed to be nothing wrong. If there is no problem physically, it is a psychological problem.

Xia Siyu folded her arms, thought for a while, put her arms down again, her face became a little serious: "As for me, although I'm a little bit self-willed, I'm also an adult. I'm not paranoid or do extreme things. My family's You know the situation, I really hate men half-hearted, and will not accept my own husband and boyfriend and other situations. We are not new in the entertainment industry, you and I know it. This circle is mixed, and I see death. Although there are many fish, some of them always turn into dragons. And they are all handsome men and beautiful women. Sometimes, after getting along for a long time, the spirit will go away for a while, which is not unacceptable. Let's talk honestly and frankly. If you have anything else Thoughts, I can also support and understand. If you really have two minds, you can rest assured, I will never do anything overkill, and I will not strike out. Anyway, work belongs to work and life belongs to life. Make it clear. Hello, everyone."

But she was thinking in her heart, you are doing something to develop outwards, believe it or not, your old lady will be burned with jade in an instant, so that you and your dear will regret living in this world!

Bo Yan frowned: "What are you thinking about?"

"Otherwise?" Xia Siyu frowned, "Isn't the contradiction in marriage life just about derailment, native family, children? The latter two are ruled out, and you deny the first one. Ah, I see, maybe you haven't found it yet. The one you like, but with my left hand and right hand, there is nothing running around, right?"

Damn, no wonder everyone scolds men eating the bowl and looking at the pot. Just now Han Yifan's girlfriend dared to praise other female stars for their good figure. Although Bo Yan did not cheat, he is already eager to try. Although she is a **** girl, she especially likes to work with handsome boys and young people, but she has experienced eye addiction and will not come true. How long have they been getting better now? Two years, five years away from the seven-year itch, he stopped calling her.

She was absolutely not wronged, and since he stopped calling, she didn't bother to bother. Divorce if you can't go on. In these years, who can't live without it?

"It's not like that." The thin words were a bit speechless.

"What's that like?" Xia Siyu's characteristic is that he is reluctant.

Bo Yan hesitated for a while, then said what he was thinking: "Don't you want me to approach you?"

"When did I say that I didn't want you to approach?" Bo Yan is this ready to throw the pot? Xia Siyu was not angry at first, but it exploded at the moment she heard it: "If you don't say it clearly, don't sleep tonight!"

"You did say that. Didn't you say that I was boring and boring, didn't know how to be considerate of you, did you pretend to be with me every time you were with me? And, even the small theater didn't know how to act anymore, and I had to come back from acting outside Acting too."

"When will I..." Xia Siyu paused here, as if she had such a lost impression.

"France, on the road, English." Bo Yan said a few key words. In fact, the most embarrassing thing was that he was heard by the driver who was not good at English.

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