Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1524: Sweet burden (7)

"Your mind is too small. It's as small as a needle." Xia Siyu also made a needle-and-thread gesture, "I forgot to say it myself, you still keep it in my heart. Men want to be more generous."

Calmly said: "I didn't want to be ignorant, and I didn't blame you. This is my fault. Fortunately, you said that my hardware facilities are OK, so I don't need to continue to care about hardware problems. That is software problems. Software problems can be solved easily , Study, study for a while, you can always find how to get along."

Xia Siyu was a little confused: "Then how are you going to study?"

She doesn't have enough knowledge, just read more books. This there a book to read? Besides, the book is also forbidden, it is not easy to read it.

"Didn't we watch Han Yifan's borrowed film last time?" It's not pretty. In the neon action movie next door, sometimes the actor does not appear on the scene, only the girl can be seen. Even if an actor appears on the scene, it is very rare to have a good figure, and it is rare to see someone who is particularly handsome. That's right, if you are really tall, mighty and handsome, why not just be an artist.

As for that kind of movie, she really doesn't like watching it. It should be said that even if you want to watch a movie, you have to watch the plot. There is no plot to come directly, there is no fun, and I don't know what the group of men are watching so vigorously. It's no wonder that a woman is a sentimental animal, with no storytelling, no continuation and transformation, just moving there, there is something to watch.

Bo Yan really thought about it: "I thought about it. Since you said I don't know how to be considerate and don't have skills, then I must take a look. I don't want to borrow it from Han Yifan. …Um, yes, two pieces, most of the neon films were shot from a male perspective. Didn’t you say that you should attach importance to your experience? You definitely can’t find such films with a lot of male gaze, but some are more feminine. I also got to know about the movie about it. In addition to looking for a slightly more handsome male star to shoot, the action is relatively gentle, but it is mainly from the male perspective. Besides, in that movie, you can’t tell whether the woman is acting or not. Really happy, isn't it?"

"and then?"

Bo Yan said, "I checked this. There are many related documentaries on Discover, and some related to education issues in this area. I can go and learn. is true that there will be more education abroad. In this regard, they are ashamed to speak out on the face, but they are rampant in the dark. Moreover, for men, women are more reluctant to express their thoughts, which is a subordinate status in many films. Even if some art films are about Women’s appeals in this area, but because the filming is too literary, it is not practical and educational. It is just a social concept and appeal. Although China advocates equality between men and women, in many things, foreign countries are indeed at the forefront. More avant-garde. So, I'd better watch the documentary first."

Xia Siyu was so stupid to listen to it. It turns out that this thing has a special documentary, can you really learn it?

She used to think that there was nothing wrong with thin words, but now she really felt that there was a problem: "Are you sure?" This is something you still need to learn, isn't this just instinct?

Bo Yan nodded: "I did find some information."

Thanks to the Internet, he was abroad two days ago, and he did not need to borrow a ladder (vpn) to see a lot of information.

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