Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1525: Sweet burden (8)

Xia Siyu was half amused and half speechless and said: "Sleep with you, it's so knowledgeable." Even the husband and wife ran to watch the expansion documentary when they got along.

It’s not that Bo Yan couldn’t hear the ridicule in her tone. He didn’t deny it. He just said: “In fact, after you said it last time, I also reflected on myself. I think I respect women very much, but there are some things. It's really subtle. For example, we usually get along, even if you make a little noise, I won't think there is anything, but I still think that the wife is married by herself, and she has to be spoiled on her knees. But why do women have to be spoiled by men? Oh, I’m not saying you can’t pet. I mean, the word'pet' sounds very subordinate, just like—you treat your pet dog or pet cat.”

In many movies and romantic novels, the male protagonist is the "petting wife". But in fact, the so-called "petting wife" means that the wife loves her no matter what she does, spending money on her, doing things for her, sheltering her from wind and rain, and creating a generous life for her, as if this is love.

But think about it, don’t you do the same with your dog and cat? Spoil it, spend money on it, do things for it, and help it shelter from wind and rain. You are reluctant to eat steak yourself, but you are willing to buy dozens of catties for dogs and cats. I can't bear to buy expensive clothes, but I buy cute little clothes and toys for dogs and cats, most of which are not cheap. When someone scolds your dog and cat, you are more aggrieved than it, for fear that it will be harmed a little bit.

But, will you fall in love with your dog or cat? The kind of love that refers to love. Not at all?

Because you know that you are the master, even if you laugh at yourself as a "poop shovel officer", you are also the master.

You and your dog and cat will never be equal. There are many so-called "spoiling wives" in society nowadays, and there is never an equal existence between men and women. It's just a self-conceited fantasy in the name of "love".

Once you try to break this kind of false warmth, such as letting your children follow their mother's surname, believe it or not, most men simply cannot accept it.

The so-called equality must at least be equal to each other, not only economically, but also psychologically.

Xia Siyu and Bo Yan are in this situation at least for now, even if they are separated, they will be able to live well in the future. However, being together is not because of marriage, but because of liking, because of the feeling of being together.

Although she was sighed just now, Xia Siyu didn't mean that she could fully understand it, but she probably knew it.

She also smiled and said: "Then if you say so, I will spoil you more in the future."

"That's not necessary." He wasn't complaining, nor was he explaining anything in the opposite direction. He just felt that since they are a husband and wife, since they already have such an idea, they can speak out frankly and honestly.

She is a heaven and earth, and he is willing to take care of it on the side. Not because of any "petting", but because he really likes her. The husband and wife also need to complement each other. He has a calm personality and finds a wife like him. It is estimated that he will not say anything about it for ten years, and will only continue to misunderstand.

But Xia Siyu was different. She was straightforward, she would never hold anything in her heart when she had a word, and she would say whatever she thought. In case you find someone like her too, it's not just a powder keg, two people will explode at one point.

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