Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1527: Documentary (3)

When Shang Feier was filming "The Tempest" with Xia Siyu before, she did the same, she kept silent and didn't comment on anything. In the end, when filming, I followed the requirements of the script, but in the end it was slightly "offset". For example, when she wanted to show her weakness and domineering Xia Siyu, Xia Siyu unceremoniously slapped her in the face, and she was so powerful that she was a little bit shadowy now, without any hesitation.

I don’t know if Li Yiru has suffered. After all, in this scene, her grandmother Gu Ba verbally runs against the heroine Chen Bailu. Although she did not use her hands, her words can hurt people just as much as a sword. Shang Feier glanced sympathetically at Li Yiru, young man, you are still too naive. Xia Siyu is definitely not the kind of person who can swallow his anger. She will fight back in an honest manner.

Over there, considering his tone and demeanor, after talking about it, Li Yiru said, “I’m going to enter the house and that’s it. I stand here and start talking. After a sentence is finished, I will put down the teacup again, and then pause and continue. After that, he just picked up his foot and walked away and slammed the door. What about Teacher Xia, do you have anything to add?"

Xia Siyu was looking down at the script when they had a heated discussion. But when asked about her, everyone in the room, even Wang Shi and Shang Feier, who were just sitting aside, turned their heads to look at her. Xia Siyu silently read the script for a long time, and then only said one sentence: "How can she treat me this way?"

This sentence made the whole room be stunned. Who treats her badly? What happened to her? Then everyone unanimously cast their eyes on Bo Yan. Bo Yan froze for a while at first, then looked at the script, it was clear.

She completely replaced herself with the role in the play. They modified the script and integrated the image of Grandma Gu. The early stage was still relatively bad, but the little girl rescued in the later stage was touched after she died. Chen Bailu was also a friend to her at first. Therefore, Xia Siyu's remarks were asking Grandma Gu Ba in the script why she still stuck a knife in her heart when she was in the most difficult time.

She only said this sentence, then did not answer anything, and looked down at the script dullly. Li Yiru next to him was still a bit at a loss, not understanding what she was saying. Wang Zheng was the second to hear it, and his eyes changed a little.

A year ago, when she was filming under his hands, she didn't express any opinions, but she was a good performer. But now, she has put herself in the role. What she will do later, what she says, her tone of voice, and her actions are all the postures that people in the play should have.

It is no wonder that her condition has improved by leaps and bounds recently, and her old friend Director Ji is also full of praise for her.

After seeing Bo Yan's relieved and Wang Shi's thoughtful expression, Shang Feier went to read the script and doubled it forward. After clarifying the general idea, Xia Siyu's performance was about equal to the betrayal of the scene by her best friend, no wonder she was so angry.

She knew that Xia Siyu was an experientialist acting, completely substituting herself into the people in the play, and empathizing with them. But she didn't expect that she could experience it so deeply, even at the stage of script discussion, she would completely substitute her emotions into it. When she is herself, she will rationally analyze how the plot should be performed, and what will happen in this situation, make assumptions before deduction.

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