Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1528: Documentary (4)

But Xia Siyu is different. She is the person in the play, and the person in the play is her.

This kind of talent really makes people jealous, and also makes people sigh.

It's no wonder that two years ago, when she just touched the acting doorway, she was suppressed by her aura. Now, two years later, she is more fluent and thorough, almost mixing herself with the person in the role.

She is ashamed of this concentration, keenness and intuition. However, I look forward to seeing how she interprets this feeling later.

She understood, Li Yiru next to him was still a bit ignorant, let alone come to play, Han Yifan, who has no acting experience at all.

Of course, even so, she shouldn't admit defeat. Their competition is not over yet, and there is still a year and a half. She now has the upper hand and will never give up hope!


The script discussion is over, the actors continue to touch up their makeup, adjust their status, and prepare to start shooting. Shang Feier picked up the script and prepared to enter the arena, but Xia Siyu directly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Want to watch the filming?"

Isn't this nonsense? She doesn't go to the theater to watch anything, she can't come to eat and eat, blow the sea breeze, or stroll around the sea view

Xia Siyu smiled slyly: "It's okay to want to watch an acting. It's all here, come here for a guest appearance. After all, this film is also invested by your boyfriend's company, so it's my own."

In fact, it’s okay to let her come here for a guest appearance. She had long thought that there would be a guest appearance when she came here. However, thanks to Xia Siyu's painstaking efforts, even Han Yifan moved out to talk about it.

Although it was invested by Han Yifan, but it was not her investment, Shang Feier deliberately used this to make a blunt statement: "Why didn't the Yifan company contact me? I am also more interested in the subject matter of the Republic of China."

Bo Yan looked calm: "If you can accept 15 million in remuneration, 5 million of which can only be received in half a year to a year. I sincerely invite you to collaborate on a film."

Shang Feier looked at Xia Siyu in surprise. These years, the star pays are arrogantly high, and there are other celebrities who are not as big as them, but they offer sky-high prices of hundreds of millions. With Xia Siyu's worth, this is basically the price of friendship. In any case, Xia Siyu's box office amount was so great that it was indeed worth the pay. This is too low.

"...There will be a chance in the future." However, if the film can win prizes, she would be willing to act no matter how small the money is. But this one has to look at the situation at the scene later.

Shang Feier smiled and said, "It's not impossible to play down. But next time I am filming, I have to invite you two..." After she said this, she found Li Yiru was beside her, so she hesitated and added it. One sentence: "If Yiru has time, he can also go on a cameo together."

Bo Yan nodded: "Okay." Anyway, I will trick her into acting here for a while. Of course, Li Yiru agreed. Her current backstage didn't want to praise her, she could only rely on herself.

Shang Feier turned his head and said, "Then I will tell the agent." She came here originally only planning to stay for one day, and she will go back tomorrow morning. If you want a cameo, at least tomorrow night.

Bo Yan also hurriedly ordered the screenwriter to revise the draft urgently to free up Shang Feier's role.

After speaking off the court, Xia Siyu sat in front of the mirror, and as usual, his eyes were empty, looking at herself in the mirror.

When he said "ready" over there, Xia Siyu got up, his eyes closed. In the identity of Chen Bailu, stepping on high heels, curling Tingting towards the set.

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