Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1529: Documentary (5)

Xia Siyu and Li Yiru entered, but Bo Yan was in control from behind.

Although he didn't come back yesterday, he was chatting with the film crew all the way. The team will design the positioning and lighting in advance, and Bo Yan will send the storyboards he drew. Although the shooting has not started yet, he probably has gone through the plot in his mind.

Just when Xia Siyu was applying makeup at the end, he first went to the studio and discussed the final shooting area with the photographer to ensure the operation of orbital shooting. In addition to shooting with conventional rail pushes, he also discussed with photographers and lighting engineers how to advance the shots in areas that are not convenient for railcars. The double walked through the viewfinder first, and he selected the effect to be presented in advance.

These framing and positioning should actually be prepared in advance. I had no choice but to speak a little before returning, so I had to arrange it temporarily.

Xia Siyu hasn't been filming for a long time. In order to let her enter the state as soon as possible, and also to let the two people familiarize themselves with the plot, first rehearsal. Bo Yan said: "You are about to perform at 50%. Let's go through the trick first." He always feels that there are still some shots or things that need to be added. Sometimes during the rehearsal process, some new ideas or inspirations are generated.

This was also the case before the official shooting in the past. But Xia Siyu has always been 100% dedicated, not because she was visiting the class with Shang Feier next to her. But Li Yiru really wanted to give Wang Shi a good impression, and wanted to show his hand in front of Shang Feier, so the two became serious together.

From the beginning to the end of the first shot, Xia Siyu's performance was really amazing. Just like Bo Yan's feeling, she used to only put it out, and when she got emotional, she broke out and acted in one go. But after that period, the whole person was in a temporary state of disorder, and it didn't seem to be mellow. But now, her laughter and curse were all hidden in that face. Even if she is smiling at this time, you can see the meaning of anger, sadness, and loss from her smile.

She is like a sword, now she has found the scabbard. Although the scabbard was not perfect yet, it finally restrained all her exposed sharpness. But after careful consideration, you can taste a different kind of taste.

"Mayfair, drink water. Mayfair?" Han Yifan handed over a bottle of water. After calling for a long time, Shang Feier lowered his head to take it.

Fortunately, she came to see it, and how to say, she was still very touching.

However, as expected, she was only watching from the side, she could only watch her acting, and she had no sense of participation. How much she has improved in her acting skills, tomorrow I will have to play a rivalry with her myself to know.

Xia Siyu did a good job, and Li Yiru wanted to perform her own play better, so she acted too hard.

But fortunately, it was just a rehearsal. After going down again, Bo Yan seemed to feel something was missing and frowned. After finishing the line, he did not immediately give instructions to continue.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Rehearse again."

The two nodded, so they rehearsed again, again, and again.

After the rehearsal was over again, Bo Yan was silent.

In the past, Bo Yan made people rehearse, only a few rehearsals would start the official shooting. Situations will be raised as soon as possible, and they will basically be resolved quickly.

But today he frowned and didn't say anything, but it made people a little embarrassed. Especially Li Yiru, she actually knew that she had acted a little bit earlier.

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