Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1537: Untitled (6)

Shang Feier wasn't too curious, but when he got in the car, she turned her head and glanced at it. Xia Siyu was flattering and smiling triumphantly over there, as if she could eat a few more dishes and drink more. Wine, happy like a two hundred catties fat man. It's even more interesting to eat with the faces of other artists in conjunction with her and the media.

Perhaps it is because of her personality that she can exercise her acting skills without interference from foreign objects. Only be good to the people close to you, only care about the people close to you, don't charge high prices for your reputation, don't make bad movies, and don't worry about other messy things.

She is not short of money, her love life is stable, she has both fame and fortune, and she does not rely on any company. She has registered her own studio. Apart from being reprimanded by Wei Jingjing for not eating more, almost no one cares about her.

So she can study acting, learn knowledge, and deepen herself without distraction. Her parents, family, relatives and friends can't restrict her, so she can do what she likes with peace of mind.

——To be honest, it's quite enviable.

Even for her, she has a detached position in the company. She has won two movie queen trophies and is already a well-deserved super first-liner in the entertainment industry. And movies and TV are going well. It's better than those who have not yet entered the TV circle, and it's better than some movie guys who shoot TV with their faces on the ground. She was originally from a TV series, and only entered the film circle after the TV series became popular, but she also took up TV series. Last year, I was filming TV when I was promoting "The Tempest", and it will be broadcast recently because she just won the prize and the selling price is pretty good. If you can sell dramas now, you can rely on the selling price and the initial investment price to calculate that there is no loss. At least this drama has no loss, but it will affect the follow-up development.

But this year, it's not a big investment or a big production. All actors and directors can produce good films. Sometimes small investments can break through the siege, but this is another matter.

In short, even if she is like her, she has to take some movies she doesn't like, and pay back the debts. Some are more money, some are good projects, some are popular, and some are popular. She also took the company's shares, although not many, but eventually became capital, which will ensure that she will have no worries about food and clothing even if she leaves the circle in the future.

Shang Feier's original idea was that before she was thirty years old, she would get three queen trophies and surpass the predecessors she admired. After the age of 30, the skin condition and physical condition have begun to go downhill. Although you will not retreat, you should also consider getting married and having children. However, now seeing Xia Siyu like this, she hesitated.

What was her pursuit, she had never thought about what she would be like after thirty. It's getting married and having children, living a leisurely life of half-returning circles, and coming out to pick up one or two plays when you have the opportunity. Or, go one step further and stand on a better stage.

——"What are your plans for the future?" During the meal, I have been drinking for three rounds. Generally, people like them are not very familiar with them, and they don't ask such unnourished and deep questions. It was Wang Hei who asked Bo Yan. Wang Zheng is, anyway, an elder and a director. He watched director Bo Yan and was filming today. Although he couldn't see anything in one day, he could feel it. Bo Yan said that he wanted to be a director, not just a lie. The money one has studied carefully and has a solid foundation.

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