Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1538: Untitled (7)

Although, many directors now also act. Or, some actors are acting as directors and then starring themselves. In this way, the right to speak is the greatest, and he can also show his thoughts better if he has one. Even if you don’t want to show any thoughts, it’s good to make money. The best producer is your own, and the directors and actors make the most of the production.

However, this type of director also has limitations. After all, it is not that I want to be a good director and an actor, and I want to shoot my own thoughts, but that there is a limit to talent. Just like himself, not only is he lacking energy when he is old, but his creative ability is not as good as when he was young.

This kind of director who relies on talent, once lost his talent, uses mediocre methods to tell the story, and many audiences won't buy it.

Moreover, this kind of director can easily be finalized. It will be difficult for a comedy director to shoot a comedy, and it would be difficult for a comedy director to do the main show.

He doesn't know what Bo Yan thinks, and he will continue to study whether to be a director or an actor in the future. However, with his talent and ability, no matter what line he does, he will not be bad. It's just that if you want to be a good director, or else you will be amazing, and he will be born like an actor, so that the audience will be amazed by his talent. After all, the director doesn't depend on the value of his face to eat, but on his control and talent.

"Both. But, mainly actors." When he wanted to express something, he went to the director. There is no inspiration for the time being, and it’s not bad to be an actor.

"You are still young after all." Wang Shi sighed. Bo Yan is in his early thirties, which happens to be the best age for an actor. Although his youth has just faded away, as long as he is not addicted to alcohol, there is still a kind of innocence that he is eager to try. Adding a beard, the eyes can be a little deeper to pretend to be deep.

This age is already a hurdle for actresses, but not for male actors, especially directors. This is the age when they are just starting out, and the future is endless. Bo Yan's career as an actor has reached the top of China, and now is the time for domestic awards and international impact. He has money and status, and has a Bo family for him to rely on. He does not need to seek help from capital or rely on the company, he can do whatever he wants.

However, this issue of Wang Shi still caused a heated discussion on the scene. For example, Li Yiru, who wants to film with him most: "Well, I don't have any ideas, I just want to be popular!"

A supporting actor next to him smiled: "Aren't you considered a red?"

Li Yiru smiled and looked at the big coffee in the room, and shook his head: "Of course it doesn't count."

She is now considered to have nothing to worry about, and she even has a baby. Although Bo Qiliu didn't praise her, his money was never less. The small life was even better than when she was with Li Weiyi's father. But no matter how high she is, she is not married to another Ming match, and she has to live on her nose. She wanted to be red, as red as Xia Siyu Shang Feier, even black and red.

Not being popular means that you will not give priority to the book you want to act, and sometimes you don't even have to act in a supporting role. Your endorsement will be easily replaced, you participate in the show, people sit in the first row, you are in the corner. People come on stage to accept the award, and you clap your hands in the audience.

No matter how Xia Siyu's ups and downs go, she has always been top performer, right? When Xia Siyu comes out to eat ice cream, there will be paparazzi with him.

She wanted to be popular, and she wanted to stand on the front line like Xia Siyu and Shang Feier.

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