Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1539: Untitled (8)

Sun Wujiu was more realistic. When asked him, he just said: "I want "Spring Light" to pass the review as soon as possible."

After all, "Spring Light" was shot from that era, and several editions have been edited, but the review has been unable to pass, and it took a long time to fix it.

Although the investment in this film is not large, the biggest investment is Xia Siyu's salary-15 million. Bo Yan didn't get the pay, and used the pay to participate in the shares. If it can be released in the end, dividends will be distributed according to the proportion of investment. In fact, it’s pretty good. Now the movie hasn’t been released, so it’s free.

According to Wang's reference: "If it is not possible, do you want to consider applying for Euro III? However, the registration time for this batch is closed, and you have to wait for next year if you want to apply. But this is finally a way, otherwise who knows how long it will take. ?"

These days, movies and TV are not counted, but only if they are released. Many films could not be released after being pressed for several years, and they stayed in the company and fell into disarray.

"Spring Light" is not a quality problem, it is the special era of shooting. For this kind of film, the director has to be cautious when shooting. After all, some things are inaccurate. Whenever it says the card is stuck. He also didn't want to let Yu Dao wipe his hands to intercede. Once the wind direction is bad, even Yu Dao will be affected.

The top three in Europe, indeed, some films that are difficult to pass will be premiered there first. If they can be selected for awards, they will be given the green light after returning to China. But is the prize so easy to win?

"If you approve of your film, you can try it." Bo Yan encouraged him, but in this regard, he doesn't have any connections there yet. If you really want to sign up, you have to take the lead.

"Okay. I'll go back and think about it." He wants to be a director, and of course he has ambitions and wants to express.

If he can't even be shortlisted in the main competition, then his film will still be released even if it is released in China. Although I have taken Euro III now, it may not be so popular when I return to China. However, only when I am selected for the main competition can I hope to return to China and be released.

I asked Shang Feier again, and she answered more directly: "I have only one idea now, and that is to win a prize."

Without knowing what Wang said, he smiled: "Didn't you already have two seats?"

Shang Feier didn't explain much to him either, but she kept looking straight at Xia Siyu: "You don't have to press down on your body. You can brush a few more. First set a small goal and gather the three major Chinese. There will be more in the future."

When she said "later", Han Yifan turned his head and glanced at her. In fact, they are in a pure relationship now, and neither of them has made plans for the other's future, nor has they asked their family members. As a good friend of boyfriend and Bo Yan, he also knows about the 30-year-old appointment between Shang Feier and Xia Siyu. But after that, he didn't hear Shang Feier mention it, and vaguely revealed that he wanted to slow down. But now it sounds like she is going to start a career?

In fact, the family is not very supportive of him dating people in the entertainment industry, but it does not prevent him. As for himself, he really didn't play enough, he didn't think about the future, and he wouldn't restrict her. But after being asked, he did think about the future of the two for a moment.

Later, the drumming was so common that almost everyone was asked about it. In the end, only Xia Siyu, who kept his head down to dry his food, was left.

"What about you? What dreams do you have in the future?"

"Dream?" Xia Siyu looked dazed, wiped his mouth and said: "Eating a lot of delicious food, is that count?"

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