Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1540: Dream (1)

Wei Jing sat quietly not far from her. Although she knew that this guy was always like this, and the people who worked with her were used to it, she still wanted to complain: "Can you have a snack? You know how to eat."

Xia Siyu was still in a daze, she turned her head and asked: "What kind of snack? Is it delicious? Where is it?"

Wei Jingjing helped her forehead. After she took the Cannes female role, many domestic media wanted to interview her, and she declined all under the name of "filming." But she declined, and the media did not let her go. There are always people at the airport who can take pictures of her. Yesterday, she became a hot spot when she took pictures of the airport street where she was "fat as two people".

Although Xia Siyu exercises a lot, she really can't control what she eats, and she can always find ways to get food. Although she also exercises after eating, she changes from a mellow fat person to a sturdy fat person, or a fat person-although she is 1.68 meters tall and weighs nearly one hundred and one, she can’t really be said to be fat. In the entertainment circle, that's an incredible fat man. She also dared to eat unscrupulously because of her small face.

"I'm asking about your work."

"Work?" Xia Siyu was even more strange, "Isn't she always filming?" She didn't want to be a director, nor was she interested in selling live broadcasts. She is an actor, and filming is her job. Is this still a question?

She looked at Wei Jingjing cautiously: "Do you have any other way?"

Although artists earn most of their money from filming and acting as endorsements for variety shows, there are also many people who invest in them, and they are still doing well.

Wei Jingjing is speechless, you say Xia Siyu is stupid, absolutely impossible. She learns things super fast, and her acting skills have improved a lot, whether it is going to large-scale social occasions or gatherings with friends. Her reaction at this time was - she didn't think it was a matter at all. Ask her what dreams are? A dream is something that cannot be achieved.

Although she also wants to win the prize at the age of 30, her ideals are no match for reality. Even if her word-of-mouth is turned back now, she will not be able to return after a year of delay. I can only do my best and don't give up until the last minute.

But the award is not something she hopes to get. What if she never encounters a suitable script? What if she did a good job but the final movie did not show up well? What if the movie is also good, but it just hits the award winning year? You can only do yourself well, starting from the selection of the book, be serious, and the rest can only be handed over to God.

Bo Yan coughed, "Just to ask about your future plans? Work, life, and relationships."

In fact, he added the last two points, especially the last one. Their work and life are now in the same trench. Emotionally, although the two of them have determined their relationship very early, and Xia Siyu has gradually reversed her views on family and love, and will not be stubborn and avoid it in the future. talk.

He felt like a person holding a kite string, watching the kite flutter in the wind. Although there is still a thread connection between the two, there is always a sense of unreliability, as if the wind is strong, she will break the wire and fly farther and farther.

However, if there is such a day, she has other choices, as if he can't force her to do something, nor will he force her to stay. Getting along depends not only on fate, but also on the Three Views. If people's minds change in the future, it would be meaningless to reluctantly leave the other party behind.

He knew it, but he still wanted to ask.

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