Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1541: Dream (2)

The human mind may have such a deficiency, but under normal circumstances, it is the woman who is not confident in front of her spouse. They will ask for a promise, and they will swear by each other, and their love will remain unswerving. Maybe it was true when I swore it at that time, but within a few years, all my illusions will be wiped out by the trivialities in the marriage and the unsuccessful career and work. Also, because of the children, they are tied together for financial reasons, and then look at each other. , There is no feeling of love, some just "make do".

Even if it is improvised, it can be regarded as a kind of "good death" in marriage. The most terrifying thing is the domestic violence, derailment, etc. after the retreat of the passionate emotion, which ended in a dismal situation.

Because of the physical and psychological factors of the woman, it goes without saying that she is born weaker than a man, she has periods, and she needs to be pregnant and have children. The gap is natural. Psychological factors and the influence of patriarchal society for thousands of years have made women accustomed to being in a subordinate position. Even if they are now economically independent, most of them can't get out of the way psychologically. At most, they have turned from the oppressed to the oppressor.

Bo Yan never thought that whether he was at work or in life, he was actually at a disadvantage.

In other words, no one else, including Xia Siyu, still used to rely on him and listen to him. However, her acting talent can't be concealed, and she will soar into the sky in the future. In life, although she has always been arrogant and needs him to spoil her, in fact she is very independent in her heart.

Moreover, she is not as unambiguous as she just said. She treats her professionalism as a part of her life at all, so she is so casual. Now that the epidemic is still there, I can't see it, but if one day in the future, she has a chance to fight in Hollywood, she will definitely go away without looking back.

In this relationship, he is the one who is insecure, and he is the one who will follow in the future.

"What's the plan, filming? Try a variety of different roles." She is indeed a type of person who needs freshness, a toy for her, may be thrown aside after playing for a while. Fortunately, acting made her satisfy the freshness. She can change her life and go to many different places. In the past, she was tied to the top-notch, youth film, campus film, and the urban film. But after "The Tempest", her acting skills were gradually polished and gradually began to transform. She still doesn't have enough roles to try now. In the future, she wants to play a complete villain. She is confident that even if it is a villain, she can be a very attractive villain.

As for life, is there anything to ask? Xia Siyu looked at Bo Yan directly with a look of confusion.

Fortunately, everyone at this table knows the relationship between the two of them, but apart from Han Yifan, no one else knows that the two of them are married and they are legal couples. Thinking about how to have a romantic life, get married and have children? It is impossible for Xia Siyu to retreat, and it is impossible to retreat in the next life.

"Do you want to go to overseas filming?" This time he simply asked her directly. After Cannes, Xia Siyu received many invitations from abroad. Although the mainstream voice is still in Western society, they do not want to let go of the big cake of China. It is common to cooperate with domestic actresses. Xia Siyu speaks a lot of foreign languages ​​and grew up in Italy, which is indeed very suitable.

"Fuck now, the epidemic is so serious." Xia Siyu had an expression of "Are you trying to murder me".

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