Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1542: Dream (3)

Bo Yan still didn't give up: "What about in the future, if there is a suitable script?"

"If there is a suitable one, of course I will go." She nodded naturally. If the suitable one is not gone, she is not stupid. "If you don't believe me, ask her, will she go abroad if she has a chance?"

She pointed to Shang Feier and was named by accident. Shang Feier didn't panic, smiled and nodded: "Of course she will."

After she said this, Han Yifan also looked at her, a little nervous.

Li Yiru immediately followed: "Don't talk about foreign countries, I will go there if I have the opportunity. When I am young, I will not make a breakthrough, and I will have no chance when I am older." She also laughed: "Don't talk about us actors, just ask Wang Guide, if you had a chance in Hollywood, would you go?"

Wang Zheng smiled: "If I cooperate, I will take a look, but my main battlefield should still be in China."

To be an actor and a director, who does not have a Hollywood dream. He did it when he was young, but after getting in touch with the people over there, the concepts, working styles, and team models of the two sides were too far apart, and it was difficult to move up, and the mainstream rejection was tight. Even if you are of Chinese descent, you won't get much benefit. It’s also difficult to find a position when you come back after hitting a wall everywhere.

Moreover, even if you pass by, sacrifice your own ideas to cater to their ideas and successfully blend into their interpretation circles, are you still the past you? If a director can't get his ideas out, anyone can do it. The same is true for actors, even if you are of Chinese descent, because of your skin color, the chances of you being the protagonist in this life are very rare. Even if you are the protagonist, the chances of you getting a good set of the play itself are very rare. less. But after all, he doesn't restrict the rights of others. If others are willing to rush, then go. After all, no one can be responsible for your life, only you.

Xia Siyu nodded calmly as expected: "If there is a good script and a good person, of course I will go. If it's just a vase character, or if there is no connotation, then why should I go? Let me stand there beautifully like A fool? I don't want to be like this. These days, although Hollywood and Cannes are still sacred places, they are no longer the kind of time when you can go abroad for gilding and you can come back and brag."

She grew up abroad, and was not accepted by her father's family, and her identity was partly confused. But because of this, she knows the mentality of the overseas Chinese best. Some people desperately separated from the original circle in order to work hard to integrate into the circle, and even became the second devil, and in turn harmed their home country, as if this way, others would be able to accept you. In fact, it's impossible. You don't even respect yourself, so how could others respect you.

But if they are allowed to return to their country, they will have a sense of resentment of returning to the poor country. Even if he knew that China was already strong, he still didn't want to admit it. Otherwise, my ancestors and my belief in working hard to live in a foreign country would be gone.

Of course, "Fortunately for poets in the country, it is easy to make a sentence of vicissitudes of life." Sometimes these dissociation and separation are the source of creation of literary and film works. But if you become the person in the play, it is not a wonderful thing.

Xia Siyu usually seems to have an empty head, only knowing to eat. But when it comes to these things, my mind is very bright.

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