Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1543: Dream (4)

"When I was a child, I grew up abroad. Although I was in the Chinese area, I always felt that I couldn't get along with them. Even though they are friendly in most situations, the occasional feelings will still make you feel unhappy. After all, they are not. A person with a complexion, even if they get along well, always feels separated by a layer."

However, in recent years, many children in the entertainment industry have grown up abroad. Many have gone to North America, and there are also some in Europe. This kind of children who can go abroad don't speak literacy, their English is pretty good, and the family conditions are relatively good. They have both a cheerful side and a sensitive and fragile side.

However, with the exception of those of Chinese descent who are determined to survive abroad, most of these children return to China and rarely work abroad. The first is a sense of belonging, and the second is that the development in China is really good now, and there are many opportunities. It is difficult to reach the top level abroad.

Hearing Xia Siyu's words, the thin words were indeed-a feeling of relief. Since returning from Cannes, he is really worried, afraid that she will go abroad to work and settle for a long time. She was very ambitious, and wandering was the most common thing for her. It’s okay at home, he can accompany her in chaos, but when he goes abroad, he can’t tell if he will follow. Maybe, like her parents, he can only meet a few times a year when there is time. . After all, distance only produces distance, not beauty.

If he only took over the job occasionally, it would be fine. He also took on a film that was filmed abroad before, which was between the second and third generations of overseas students and the local Chinese. Just because of the epidemic, the start-up time is far away.

They are also like this in China anyway. After all, they are all actors and all have jobs. Even if one party retreats and returns to the family and wants to stay with the other party, they have to team up every day and fly everywhere at home and abroad.

As long as it's not too far away, it's not a problem.

But after Bo Yan breathed a sigh of relief, he laughed to himself again. Xia Siyu's answer just now can be decisive, but if this opportunity is placed in front of him, he will not be shaken.

Sometimes a man is a very strange creature. He usually chooses a career in front of career and love, but he hopes that the woman chooses love between career and love. Of course, Xia Siyu did not make this choice for love, and she may not have thought about it, but just a cognition of foreign instincts. But this instinct, amazing precision, and the temptation to other people, maybe few people can resist it.

Although Xia Siyu was justified when she answered "eat", her remarks strengthened Wang Zheng's determination to sign her.

He said: "Siyu, I have a project at hand, and I will be auditioning soon. I don't know if you have time to go by and take a look."

When it came to the project, Shang Feier and Li Yiru also brightened their eyes: "Director, you can't favor one another. If you have a chance, everyone will fight for it together."

Shang Feier has cooperated with Wang Ying several times, but of course the more the better when cooperating with famous directors, no one thinks too much.

Li Yiru also said: "Director, my pay is cheaper. I didn't want to grab the position of the heroine, to see if there is anything suitable for me, such as three females and four females. You can let me know." Wang Zheng responded with a smile. Two sentences, the director chooses the actors, not whoever is famous, but also depends on the role fit. If you choose a pure and enchanting one, it will be difficult for the audience to substitute.

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