Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1575: New works (7)

At this time, I didn't need to do anything to clean up when I woke up. After washing, I joined Wei Jingjing.

Last night, after Xia Siyu fell asleep, Bo Yan and Wei Jingjing had already determined the return time. When buying the tickets, Wei Jingjing was still fortunate: "The first class has been sold out, and only these few business classes are left. Fortunately, I got it. fast."

At this time, there should not be many people going to Yancheng from the airport here. Wang She seldom chooses Yokota Studios in filming. The great director may have this temperament and like to choose different scenery. The planes from here to Yancheng are not very busy, and the first-class business class in the morning is almost full, which is quite unexpected.

Maybe it was a meeting. Without thinking about it, a group of people rushed to the airport.

When I got to the airport, got my boarding pass, and passed the security check, Bo Yan probably knew why the first class and business class were sold out early in the morning.

Because, many sisters on the scene, one by one with long guns and short cannons, seemed to be wandering around and shooting people.

Bo Yan's first reaction was, who leaked his itinerary, or Xia Siyu's itinerary was found? Turning his head and glanced at Xia Siyu, who was still eating noodles and fried dough sticks, it was a bit different. He looked at Wei Jingjing again, and Wei Jingjing also shook his head.

It turned out that Xia Siyu often took on this kind of airport proxy shooting business when he was in Huixing, and contacted the station sister and the media in advance, and asked them to take pictures and send marketing accounts. But since Xia Siyu established her studio, her marketing for herself is not as viral as she was at the beginning. Every day she eats a meal and changes her hairstyle to occupy the hot search list. Instead, she will be listed during the promotion period and out of the promotion period. Don't squeeze public resources, this kind of thing is rarely done.

Besides, she originally ordered to go back to Yancheng a few days ago, but was called back by Wang Zheng to make up the shoot. Even if you want to contact Sister Zhan, I was going back yesterday, and I won't change the time and keep it until this morning.

What's going on, can someone leak the secret?

Strangely enough, a group of standing sisters entered the restaurant hurriedly. When Xia Siyu saw it, he coughed twice in fright, and quickly turned his back to the standing sisters, still holding half a deep-fried dough stick in his mouth.

Damn, breakfast is not peaceful. She had heard that the breakfast at the airport restaurant was delicious, and she didn't go to the first-class lounge for breakfast. Who knew she met a group of station sisters.

In particular, Xia Siyu suddenly discovered that a young man wearing a black T-shirt, yellow pants, a yellow hat and a black mask was posing at the table not far from them.

After doing it for a long time, it turned out that it wasn't for her to be photographed, nor was it for blunt words, but for other people.

Moreover, in order to make a better shot, one of the sisters rubbed against their table and hit her stool. The man turned around and apologized: "I'm sorry."

Xia Siyu didn't answer. The Bo Yan who sat opposite her also lowered his head. Wei Jingjing and Xiao Tang also hurriedly put on masks. Last time they were recognized by fans as she and Song Fengzhi. They are now considered hot searchers. Up. This group of station sisters are all human beings, who knows if they will recognize them?

Fortunately, all meals at the airport were paid first, and a group of people hurriedly got up and left without finishing the meal. It's okay to not be able to stand up. When I got up, I saw that although Xia Siyu and Bo Yan wore low-key clothes and the clothes were not luxurious, they were still standing tall and stature.

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