Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1576: New works (8)

A few sisters in the periphery saw them and were taken aback, but fortunately they did not chase them out.

Wei Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't felt this way before, but since she was recognized last time, the sense of crisis suddenly rose. Although most of the stars have been glamorous, they are sought after by fans and chased by spotlights. However, it is also very difficult to hide yourself. Of course, if the celebrity enjoys good treatment and gets a high salary, it will indeed sacrifice his personal space. But now, they are all expanded to those who work on the side, and they have to be careful not to be recognized. Otherwise, go on a hot search every minute.

When walking outside, Xia Siyu still sighed: "It was early in the morning, really."

Wei Jingjing glanced at her sympathetically, who knew she would immediately answer: "I haven't finished my bowl of noodles just now. It's shameful to waste food!"

Adding fritters to noodles, carbs and carbs, Wei Jingjing didn't agree with her in the past. She finally had a meal, but she hadn't finished it yet, of course she felt resentful.

Wei Jingjing was speechless.

It would be fine if she was the only one, and it would be okay to be photographed. In the past, when she didn't give money, Sister Zhan would also take ugly photos of her, and sometimes even cut out one or two of the ugliest headlines. However, Bo Yan is next to her, even if she admits to the relationship, she doesn't like the feeling of being photographed on a date.

Xia Siyu asked again: "Do you know who the man was just now?"

She looked at Bo Yan, who shook her head. She looked at Wei Jingjing again. Wei Jingjing was an agent who wanted to help Xia Siyu repair various relationships. But she is not a superman, and it is impossible for everyone to know her.

"It shouldn't be very famous, you don't think Sister Zhan is here much."

If it is Bo Yan or Xia Siyu telling the station sister to pose for a photo, it is estimated that a large number of people will come, and the number will be several times more than this, and it will even affect the operation of the airport.

It was obvious that the little star just asked someone to pose for a photo shoot, but there were only a dozen of them.

"Otherwise, go to the lounge." It's easy to meet Sister Zhan when you walk around outside.

The two nodded, took a break and walked to the lounge. Halfway through the walk, they saw that the group of people came out of the noodle restaurant and went straight to the entrance of the lounge. And before entering the door, just pose at the door.

There is no way, the door is blocked by the group of people, but the past will attract attention.

Bo Yan turned his head and said, "Let's find a cafe first." There is still an hour before boarding. It would be nice to sit and rest for a while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell, Xia Siyu walked directly to the group of people. Bo Yan was startled and thought she was going to rest directly. Who knew she would stand on the periphery and look inside, watching the male artist posing for a while, and then came back angrily: "Too confused, I don't even know who he is."

It turns out that this guy is curious and wants to recognize that male artist's identity!

And Xia Siyu's just probe into the brain actually attracted the attention of several assistants around the male artist. When the group of photos was taken, the assistants saw Xia Siyu and glanced here again, their eyes were very wary: Isn't it an illegitimate meal? Tracking came to the airport?

The two sides guessed each other's identities until they were about to board the plane and the station sisters left. However, when Xia Siyu and Bo Yan were waiting for the flight, they saw the male artist and several of his assistants, who were also standing in front of them!

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