Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1586: Encounter (10)

However, this fan's actions gave the people next to him a reminder that more and more fans came over, trying to pull Xia Siyu and pull the "initiator" away.

Bo Yan looked coldly and pulled Xia Siyu into his arms, with one palm protecting her face, so that she would not be torn off the mask by the person next to her, and the other hand calmly blocking the incoming people.

Even now, they both wear masks, and the two of them are wearing peaked caps. Xia Siyu and Bo Yan are afraid that people will recognize them, and they also wear rimless glasses. She is a heart-shaped metal frame, the same style as her. After being disguised, he was not recognized for the first time.

However, as there are more and more people here, there are already airport policemen coming here to maintain order. The sister station next to her also followed, and there seemed to be a wave of people coming from the parking lot, seeing the situation here, and trying to get closer and hesitating again. Suddenly, the domestic outbound area was overcrowded.

Especially the group of people coming to the parking lot, after seeing the situation here, the head of the group lowered their hair. Soon, the male star here also received a text message. He turned his head and said something to his assistant. The assistant could only stand up: "IE (Xiaoyi's fan name), please keep order. Yi will sign and take photos for everyone. Please don’t block the door. Let’s go out gradually. Shall we go outside?"

However, at this time, the airport exit was in a crowd, and her assistant's voice was drowned in a crowd of noisy people, to no avail.

Fans are creatures that are easy to gather, but it is not that simple to dismiss. Even if the celebrity's own team is in charge, it may not receive immediate results.

Especially the fan circle of idol. If the fan of this idol passes through the support club several times, the fans will be especially combative. Even if the star himself jumps out, he may not be able to command a huge fan base. Even being kidnapped by fans. For example, Bo Yan, the fans of his support club, it is impossible to completely listen to him. If he wants to open up with Xia Siyu, the first time most of them will be the girlfriends who have turned their fans back.

Fans will in turn interfere in getting resources, falling in love, and making friends with the bosses. Even if the two bosses have a good relationship, the jump of the support club will trigger riots in the two fan groups.

The male star had no choice but to move out by himself first. When he moved, the fans gradually followed him towards the exit. Seeing the male celebrities gradually lead people out, the people in the parking lot were also relieved, and were planning to wait for someone to come over to make plans. Unexpectedly, there were a few fans who were unwilling to show their weakness. Before they left, they came. Returning to the carbine, he lifted Xia Siyu's mask.

The original intention of these people was, damn, let me take a picture of who this person is, and then find her meager, and see if I don't turn her meager!

Unexpectedly, as soon as the mask was opened, Xia Siyu's face suddenly appeared in front of the person. The fans were still stunned for a while, but did not react.

Then, a passerby next to him saw her and called her name: "Are you Xia Siyu? That's Xia Siyu? Xia Siyu who is acting in the movie?"

"Xia Siyu? Is that Xia Siyu?" Many fans who originally followed the male celebrity, and other passers-by, seemed to have recollected it all at once and turned back to chase her!

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