Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1587: Superstar (1)

When exposed, most people will deny it with their heads down, or scurry around with their heads. At least they have to cover them up with something, and then "it's not me, I'm not so-and-so, you read it wrong" and deny the three consecutive.

But can Xia Siyu be an ordinary person? Her first reaction was to look at Bo Yan. Bo Yan's mask was still strong. Then she pushed him out with a calm expression. She also stroked the slightly messy hair that had just been pulled off the mask. He dropped his glasses and raised his chin: "Yes, that's right, I am Xia Siyu."

If it is said that the commotion of the male star just now is because he notified the fans in advance. So, Xia Siyu suddenly appeared at this time, and almost the entire airport became her fans.

Even if she didn't like her scolding her before, but seeing a live star appear in front of him, he still couldn't help but rush to watch. Moreover, Xia Siyu is not an unnamed female classmate. She has been a top performer since she debuted for eight years. In addition to her face, her natural personality is also very impressive.

It can be said that as long as the eighty-year-old mother and the eight-year-old child are from China, no one does not know her.

When I heard that she was at the airport, especially not coming and going to catch the plane in a hurry, the pick-up time was not so tight, and many people came to see it.

Wei Jingjing and Xiao Tang had just contacted the media and the airport security, but Xia Siyu had a situation, they immediately got together, plus a few other assistants, but they could protect Xia Siyu in the middle.

Xia Siyu confirmed that Bo Yan had not been involved, and he was completely relieved and began to tune in. She clapped her hands first: "Sisters, don't block at the exit, okay, don't disturb the airport order, don't block the pedestrians. Please be careful when you come and go, don't fall into a jam."

Unlike the male artist who just asked the assistant to talk, he was just dull and silent, Xia Siyu took the initiative to guide him. She didn't recognize her health and shouted: "Which kind traveler has so many masks? My mask was just torn apart."

"Yes, yes!" There was a young man next to him waving a mask and handing it over. Xia Siyu thanked him and took it: "Thank you." She also joked, "Isn't this the one you used?"

The man blushed and shook his head again and again.

Xia Siyu really didn't mind taking it. The team walked all the way out of the exit hall, and those people followed her out, just not too far away from the male star.

Xia Siyu is a mess of passers-by, and on the male star side, many fans wear the support uniforms of the support club, and some have small light cards, but Xia Siyu has a mixed number of people, but it is very regular. Wei Jingjing guided them: "Don't squeeze, sign, take photos one by one."

Xia Siyu didn't have a pen, but some did bring a pen, but there was no paper. Some people took the boarding pass, and some people simply unfolded their T-shirts and asked Xia Siyu to sign. The artist’s signature must have been practiced in advance, and the handwriting is still very beautiful.

Taking a group photo is even more convenient. A group of people leaned in front of her and raised the phone. She just had to stand in the middle and put a smile on it.

But no matter how orderly, there will always be some accidents. When she was walking outside, a girl fell over in order to chase her to make a video. A piece of coffee in her hand was spilled and it was also spilled on Xia Siyu.

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